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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导二十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Job failure means being fired from a job, being asked to resign, or leaving ________ to protect yourself because you had very strong evidence that one of the first two was ________.
; q! x+ j3 ?4 x% U. A   (A) voluntarily ... impending
' E+ Z8 n) X( L, `" ^, A' T   (B) abruptly ... significant 1 l0 R/ x4 c6 e# \, b( Y
   (C) knowingly ... operative   J* x1 p* J; C; ?& J; j) p0 l
   (D) understandably ... pertinent . Y  h' U6 x" R0 ]
   (E) eventually ... intentional
* ^& K4 ~1 s) B: I! v% B  
; v$ h* L4 E' P# N8 B6 Y# E2. An institution concerned about its reputation is at the mercy of the actions of its members; because the misdeeds of individuals are often used to ________ the institutions of which they are a part.
- b9 d- {/ ]4 y& n   (A) reform 7 [+ {- Y( R% K; @: X
   (B) coerce " f. o; r; o7 P0 I. u! `
   (C) honor
4 j5 g* o: ?% O* S/ K$ |! E3 [   (D) discredit
  g  V0 K0 v( I8 |   (E) intimidate 4 C% H& U, G( Y' R7 j4 B
3 Q/ O+ [2 ]% {7 x' R3. The president’s secretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote obsessively ________ personal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, ________ does not make for true intimacy. + u& l1 T2 i+ M) f: l
   (A) fatuous ... frankness
) N. C8 n% Z2 ~3 d: F2 R1 Z6 _   (B) devoted ... idolatry & b! H. B  o2 o6 A- E; v8 q9 u) x
   (C) garrulous ... confidentiality ( j4 [0 r7 G  y  y: i3 N, U  G
   (D) candid ... discretion * }7 a: c+ S4 \7 ^. K3 }
   (E) rancorous ... criticism 7 |* k# t, H" ^/ c: W, o
8 |7 c  T% {9 s5 B8 Z0 D0 L4. People frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morally ________ attempts to profit, from misfortune, but in my view our desire for such books, together with the venerable tradition to which they belong, ________ them.
! P6 T' e; F) h   (A) inopportune ... encourages 8 H/ n+ M; E# r: M3 c; R
   (B) fortuitous ... fosters ! ?' ~2 F. ^9 m% U
   (C) treacherous ... safeguards / _* H7 `) f3 Z; q
   (D) despicable ... legitimizes # ?$ E. n+ ~) d7 l
   (E) corrupt ... generates 9 v! W5 r* q/ [+ W
* |9 A( ~  a/ g0 ?1 O5. That many of the important laws of science were discovered during experiments designed to ________ other phenomena suggests that experimental results are the ________ of inevitable natural forces rather than of planning.
  u" v; q# \. b   (A) analyze ... foundations # w8 t. P/ B0 v! T0 E5 a: L/ l3 N
   (B) disprove ... predecessors # s, j! o. \" T- j
   (C) alter ... adjuncts
, J/ f) j$ \" }3 F0 t! U   (D) illuminate ... consequence
5 }6 M$ H/ {; z' j! X   (E) verify ... essence * |) f6 |' J, ~' W: Z
' |- E: y+ F# _% t. S/ b6. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for, hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was ________ by the perspective.
; ]* k' p7 h- ]% Q# P5 W* a% k   (A) improved
+ {" {/ N! R6 W1 D: ~/ {   (B) aggrandized
  S5 b# P; ^2 ~# d   (C) embellished
$ L& h- E4 N& x8 b5 H   (D) jeopardized + i0 M7 M% j) i- d. Q! l, M* Y
   (E) diminished
4 W0 Z/ d" N; u9 C4 q9 u7 |$ d  
1 |. g4 k$ t( M7. Ever prey to vagrant impulses that impelled him to ________ his talents on a host of unworthy projects, his very ________ nonetheless enhanced his reputation, for the sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers.
# h( T2 y4 U, c5 d; W6 J   (A) undermine ... enthusiasm 5 w4 P; h3 ]; `# r5 b% i
   (B) isolate ... selectiveness
6 ^& O! j* q# I! G8 C% f8 M9 \& F   (C) display ... affability . t- w# |0 R- Q/ G9 W, y0 P
   (D) squander ... dissipation

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


(E) implicate ... genius
! i: ], t" J5 O; ~! r/ n7.  ever 永远,总是; ) j5 g$ K6 F0 S1 g' C2 N
    prey to 被…捕获;
& F; A9 H$ Z5 l! h0 s    vagrant impulses 犹疑不定的冲动; 6 U  G- T4 f* ?- e0 u
    nonetheless 经常出现在转折句,但本身是个肯定词,是"仍然" 的意思。
, d1 l" D% T- e/ M, b3 e' j0 T    enthusiasm 热心;selectiveness 选择性;affability 友善;
+ E! T! {* Z* |    dissipation 浪费;(贬义词);
6 y$ J7 y9 W6 {& ?. }    在一道题里没有转折结构,两者应是同义词。
" ?" n! ^' W$ h. O5 T1 M    squander 挥霍,浪费;
& C7 q6 Z) G) I  m1 I/ E+ K2 q    答案 D
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