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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导二十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Agronomists are increasingly worried about "desertification," the phenomenon that is turning many of the world’s ________ fields and pastures into ________ wastelands, unable to support the people living on them.   _- w# T, j" Q9 f" n3 }
   (A) fertile ... barren , Z& }& h' s+ k+ F
   (B) productive ... blooming
! x6 l" E2 f" ?1 Q' |. L   (C) arid ... thriving ! F" Z) [0 o; e/ y9 B
   (D) poorest ... marginal 3 w7 k6 F# Z- t
   (E) largest ... saturated
+ E$ O2 q7 [$ f% `; r  9 V/ w6 W6 c3 {% F5 _
2. Prudery actually draws attention to the vice it is supposed to ________; the very act that forbids speech or prohibits sight ________ what is hidden.
: w, \( H& `9 p9 \2 D( l: S   (A) condemn ... distorts ) O, D" E3 c4 i
   (B) monitor ... signals
& M& L- y3 S4 w, G1 \/ i   (C) repress ... dramatizes 9 H+ ?# }) k7 `: y# e8 Y
   (D) obviate ... fosters
4 G5 o. E" W0 [, d9 n$ l4 X2 v8 C   (E) divulge ... conceals * _# i( x4 Z  `  H3 a9 {
  9 J7 F0 p" ?0 P: Y" ~
3. Because they had various meanings in nineteenth century biological thought, "mechanism" and "vitalism" ought not to be considered ________ terms; thus, I find the recent insistence that the terms had single definitions to be entirely ________.
  x. {' B! e! B' _   (A) univocal ... erroneous * r8 J, R: B. H6 S0 \
   (B) problematic ... anachronistic
% X* h% y! i8 @3 t# t! o  N   (C) intractable ... obtuse . l/ n* A7 w; t4 H% [
   (D) congruent ... suspect 3 i: @2 b, C/ c2 ~
   (E) multifaceted ... vapid
, q- I- m6 a* ?" R$ F3 y6 y8 B  / {4 }* [! }$ T& j
4. Nurturing the Royal Ballet’s artistic growth while preserving its institutional stability has been difficult, because the claims of the latter seem inescapably to ________ development; apparently, attaining artistic success is simpler than ________ it.
* n: y3 D& v7 O1 Y/ c* R  S) }   (A) ensure ... promoting ! `# B# `* e3 r0 I1 A
   (B) inhibit ... perpetuating
1 a, v& L' t, n& n' w( d( k   (C) undermine ... resurrecting
  T  y0 N' g9 B' S: |   (D) modify ... appreciating
+ X$ T  d# A5 K) e# y   (E) supplement ... confining # l! ^$ w" D, P3 K6 o! g
  ! R% U, l2 l2 W/ A: ?9 `' \8 `
5. As Juanita argued, this new code of conduct is laughable; its principles are either ________, offering no wisdom but the obvious, or are so devoid of specific advice as to make almost any action ________.
$ N- `- l$ \* F0 ]+ r3 [$ H# o+ B   (A) irresolute ... unlikely 9 S4 a, @8 A, ^4 n  O' c
   (B) corroborative ... redundant * _0 ~1 o" D% Q! U; x/ e
   (C) platitudinous ... justifiable
' R0 X& X* ?3 m4 O: B& u5 W- G* B   (D) homogeneous ... impartial # Y* V( t2 M( y7 e/ L+ Q$ C5 z- M
   (E) labyrinthine ... unacceptable
% l# n' L0 D- A7 z  8 {/ w2 ]9 ~* |1 k
6. Histocompatibility antigens that attack foreign tissue in the body cannot have been ________ through evolution expressly to ________ organ transplantation; on the contrary, they have been found to facilitate many essential biological functions. / l- @0 j( y3 {1 A( S# y$ X: v
   (A) designed ... retain
. {, o3 r* x7 |# |1 r5 l   (B) produced ... aid + e0 z$ R- C' b* j
   (C) developed ... enhance
' ?- L" U+ N4 y4 o( v   (D) selected ... promote
' ]. t3 [) d' Z$ _* Y   (E) conserved ... foil " H. F! e, ^/ \* b% K
    W* l4 t; Z, g, J# {* S: M
7. It is almost always desirable to increase the yield of a crop if ________ increases are not also necessary in energy, labor, and other inputs of crop production.
. ^. Y) u6 S! a$ o   (A) predetermined 2 F) k: }7 ~4 L3 X$ O
   (B) commensurate ' v& O7 h4 v! A$ y1 L" J4 D9 v; O* U
   (C) compatible
- x6 S$ t% T, e: j$ b   (D) measured
% \- g7 d1 I+ N9 P6 Q   (E) equivocal + m1 x1 a! F/ y5 Z
2.  prudery 假正经,过分守礼;  + u- \( t" z8 k- a- O0 L+ z
3 D* o+ y- n  f     distorts 扭曲,歪曲;signals 发信号;  
5 W. N  x. a- v1 _# V* z  
0 D' ]( i' w# ~0 T2 l! R' |; K* I     gemotyze 使戏剧化,使惹人注目;fosters 抚育,促进;  
$ q: j9 u6 ?: A# |5 |  
9 C7 @9 H: q9 Q- Y. D7 M5 ]4 W     答案 C       repress 压制;  
3 W6 v+ a5 E" A  o( J; u. K. I  9 X6 `1 ^  x: X, l. N
     两句话的并列,即双句并列,这里指特殊并列句。它的特点:两句话有相同或者相似的先行词来引导,                                                                                    或者两句话起到相同的语法作用。  
# B3 }$ A5 V( I  \- ^- t4 B  
% ]# D3 L+ d6 n2 D2 x0 Z    特殊并列句解题的基本思路是:当两句话先行词基本一致,语法作用也基本相同,那么就意味着两句话内容一致。如果上句有空格,那它的线索必然来自下面一个分句。如果下句也有空格,它的线索必然来自上面一个分句。两句话内部是进行相互的推导的。

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