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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导二十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of ________. / q3 o# R! y! f8 ~/ Z
   (A) maturity
0 |) o1 N; E! u8 H1 b) u   (B) fiction
. H) s  ^9 G  e) n   (C) inventiveness 5 B4 v' _) P) c
   (D) art , l( H* y* g3 A
   (E) brilliance : ^- t- E4 i/ R! _/ ^1 o  K
% U7 S# \& u; R9 r6 p: r2. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a ________ between them.
9 M/ K4 M5 l# K4 W   (A) generality
  {0 q$ T2 {: _6 {. U9 x   (B) fusion
6 |. y+ x& V& x: f6 c$ O   (C) congruity
& q  r- h$ ~0 c0 O+ [   (D) dichotomy
' \5 R/ g$ U5 g  ?+ V; u   (E) reciprocity
1 B8 t  U  D" D/ q- I1 `  
# v0 n8 ~7 G8 V# g5 G- ~3. The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts ________ the ________ to abuse them.
6 \0 V" T4 V2 a/ X   (A) negates ... temptation
4 h  n" {& b9 |( Z" t7 v4 I7 \   (B) controls ... resolution
$ C( `6 S  Y* D4 q3 @$ t   (C) engenders ... propensity
* d4 W: U; K+ l   (D) tempers ... proclivity 9 o+ i: S8 G1 d9 ^+ E
   (E) obviates ... inclination
# B' ?, e3 J6 }6 K. G  
8 f* p/ ^0 Z: N) x5 G. y4. Regardless of what ________ theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent — nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory.
% K; P! m5 r$ x   (A) vague ! K# O& X+ R9 B" k6 ~- i
   (B) assertive 0 l5 u# a% r- b; i6 v
   (C) casual 4 P0 ]' e# l+ _( ^; q# D
   (D) vicious
( g/ L$ h8 j$ v) P   (E) tidy 3 L) X+ {: F2 K! w4 x" i
: o) {& f# z5 q7 U, x  m* R( J5. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ________ other forms.
3 E5 n; @6 A' ]4 ~) U( L" l; ~   (A) segregated from / [# _7 R- n5 a0 i# u
   (B) parallel to ; U4 V: `. G5 J5 m6 `+ o: \
   (C) dependent on 1 R8 A: q' l5 s8 u' F2 |
   (D) overshadowed by
7 ?$ H- K& o& u& g  f, E# \; e( N   (E) mimicked by + D! f5 C/ H, R# }
; K$ q( g! c6 x2 Q9 P6. For some time now, ________ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom.
9 L) f! w5 n7 G/ T$ y8 ^   (A) rationality
' V- y1 X7 r5 }; Z7 X   (B) flexibility # h& R" Q2 M) t! f: f, x2 i
   (C) diffidence
, p$ F8 D1 i" \+ C* ?, s   (D) disinterestedness % i: h3 P' G0 R$ u1 y& H. P, o3 O
   (E) insincerity
. N/ G: }& k; B' `/ T  
! t5 Q  l. x& Z7 j5 A7. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look ________; they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from asense of the ________ of natural beauty and human glory.
5 z& D  H% p) ]% }   (A) beautiful ... immutability / n! E* |4 d) M9 h* `0 @
   (B) cheerful ... transitoriness
) ]$ `! O0 R3 r( q8 T   (C) colorful ... abstractness / k! W/ n4 P8 A) X9 L
   (D) luxuriant ... simplicity ) i8 z# t  u; K
   (E) conventional ... wildness
  A& C$ ^6 ~+ N 1.  dubious 令人怀疑的;
8 s9 K2 y( y0 C$ u0 K- A    what是proved的宾语,而that也是proved的宾语,两句话在句子里起到了相同的语法作用,意味着两     句话的内容是完全重复的。 " X9 G. o* W% h- u
    maturity 成熟; 6 @+ S5 ~; s, I$ z( }% @. w% e3 }- [
答案 A
  ]- w0 C- P/ f& R4 `" X) Y    fiction 虚构;inventiveness 发明,创造;art 艺术; 7 b' g* L5 Y; M  K  C. @
    brilliance 才华横溢; 3 T  T, ?& l) e0 @
    distinction 不同点,区分点;荣誉,成就,贡献;  9 R% y8 I& L- e. {+ b  ?$ `! W! m
his 指代的是这道题没有出现的某一位评论家。 ; w0 O- G1 d: J! h9 @
2.  assorted = various 多种多样的,形形色色的;
0 I1 L6 @" c( l/ H    effusion 热情洋溢的情感或者支持性的情感; " M- U4 P- b# t: Z  e4 N
    题目结构:在句首用 despite 作转折,在之后有两个 there be 句型作了
  ~- `' b1 Z0 g  N$ L/ z& X              一个并列,即转折里有并列。 % t; e% Q8 ^1 {* K$ @7 ~6 ?/ ~
    generality 共性;fusion  融合;congruity 和谐,一致; 8 G9 y+ `( K1 d8 _& A
    dichotomy  两分,对立;
& R. b" j, b! ^5 s& l    答案 D
; V- ~; Y4 t( h  u' ~, S    reciprocity 互惠互利; 0 M& c5 ^  [( ?+ N
支持性的情感流向了对方。 / d: A5 s( p% o3 X+ `3 `$ ^
4 J& o# P" M  h6 g/ y2 x3. 在GRE中找指代是最容易的方法是用单复数找指代。 * k# D2 G, A, A
   negate 否认;control 控制;engender 产生; 7 S0 z# B9 ~3 {+ l! _$ ^* M1 y
   temper 减轻,缓和;obviate 排除; " ^- f: m& `, m# x: Z5 k( O/ [
   答案 C " C- f6 t/ w% |- {" z( S
   propensity 倾向;

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