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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导三十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Although ________, almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong ________ publicity and controversy. 2 q1 N% ?1 o- G7 G2 M1 V; T4 \
   (A) conventional ... interest in
" s% }" @* {& W* h  P3 Y8 x. h: v8 D   (B) monotonous ... reliance on ( q9 p% |7 s- c5 X
   (C) shy ... aversion toward ; s% A2 B& n  i& c+ l1 u- f1 |/ o
   (D) retiring ... penchant for ! G0 I7 S7 ~; ]$ Z# O: E: E' Y
   (E) evasive ... impatience with
4 B2 ]; d6 A# ]# u' V, b: I2 X  / z" a4 m5 y0 u$ o8 b4 q9 o) L9 T
2. Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful though they may be, lead to ________ theories, especially, and predictably, in economics and political science, where productive approaches have long been highly ________. 7 H& V4 W7 V. D( ?/ q4 `7 T$ N
   (A) pragmatic ... speculative " C, U6 l6 g3 D' f/ O
   (B) inelegant ... efficacious 5 E, V6 I. p# v. Z4 z; F
   (C) explanatory ... intuitional
, [- j2 b4 H5 W' _   (D) wrongheaded ... convergent
) V0 I# t" @+ {& b   (E) simplistic ... elusive
- _5 t/ l7 M: `: Q! ?  
. r4 h$ r- b$ M/ }* V3. Although his attempts to appear psychotic were so ________ as to be almost ________, there is evidence that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial for treason merely by faking symptoms of mental illness.
" }! C8 {% l0 Y0 t8 k  H   (A) spontaneous ... amusing " U$ p9 C& E( O# c3 w9 q, a6 z; Q9 e
   (B) contrived ... believable ) c% l, p* x6 I. J
   (C) clumsy ... ludicrous 6 R3 \- M- K' M: [
   (D) stylized ... distressing - r, a9 f* a" N! q  x
   (E) sporadic ... premeditated + ~2 f$ g! w3 x# U& v- ?
2 i  y7 X  |( {# y" J, Y4. Changes of fashion and public taste are often ________ and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the most ________ gauges of the state of the public’s collective consciousness.
  Z- J2 ?& N, T# B7 u2 o* T3 H! U   (A) transparent ... useful
/ W' a# z) L6 F, F% i   (B) ephemeral ... sensitive
+ z+ V: W2 a# W! p, b; D" _. A& X   (C) faddish ... underutilized
, B/ B9 Y! p' }2 Q6 |4 H) g5 r" g1 s   (D) arbitrary ... problematic
- K/ Y4 `3 P6 Y8 b   (E) permanent ... reliable ; M, P9 ?; A, z6 n
) a2 ]# k. [1 D4 V5. In spite of the ________ nature of Scotland’s terrain, its main roads are surprisingly free from severe ________.
0 k9 r7 F9 g% b# N( s$ L" }0 T: @   (A) rocky ... weather 0 }8 ~  V. I  j( w( l0 p
   (B) mountainous ... grades
. N- U) h; E' U. `' H$ _, o: E   (C) uncharted ... flooding
5 {9 a6 T0 F1 n( u7 S9 W+ o" t   (D) unpredictable ... damage - v7 B$ J5 `' Q! h2 D
   (E) landlocked ... slipperiness : d- O9 I7 A5 i7 Z; I/ n
4 k: L0 l6 g( P" O$ z2 {! J6. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of ________ can boost sales of video clips very nicely. ) u  q1 S$ f/ Y/ z) }# C
   (A) self-deprecation " z! ?# r2 B+ o# ^/ ?; y
   (B) congeniality # q0 ~# {, o2 S
   (C) cynicism
3 _) w6 q: K/ v   (D) embarrassment ) l7 H5 Y! H  ^2 i
   (E) self-doubt - W8 U% Y2 D# }, R0 v( H
    P" Q. P( k8 M, G0 m- X8 D
7. While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ________ by their lively criticism.
3 d9 G4 M; w8 `: N2 i# K# u   (A) humiliated 8 S0 d5 m2 {4 ?) s$ I
   (B) discomfited / E& P3 {( n5 N) M5 e+ P+ p
   (C) deluded
* q9 k% |1 k% m! j  @( R8 R; |   (D) disgraced
4 A' c! n: x6 r   (E) tantalized

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


转折之中有并列 ' [9 [$ \0 z; `+ \$ _4 b
1.conventional  传统的 % r% u( ?. e8 h! F3 s0 `7 _
  monotonous  单调的 , \, A7 S- C6 a. G
  shy  害羞的 1 F0 P% f! T4 L5 z
  retiring  害羞的 沉默寡言的
; f9 o# l9 [$ h9 J  evasive  逃避的
' y; J+ ]" ~0 I* |  名词+介词
- [/ @# }( e3 ~  G& N  aversion toward  反感公开 反感争论 . V- }! d. T+ k" m7 V* {
  penchat for  倾向  6 p, k- {& r- B# [  H; t6 _
  impatience with  不耐心
9 ~% @5 C  Q0 v" j0 R  答案:D  ) N/ n, x, T9 y' o2 E( _2 o. O
1.       转折
6 V2 U8 h+ i4 P! M* Z' T& T4 C6 V1.  pragmatic  
9 ]" x7 b) V5 S. \; F1.  inelegant 2 h2 m, W- j& l1 y$ Q8 C
1.  explanatory  解释性的
5 p" y' U9 E5 z7 E. L1.  wrongheaded  固执的
/ r& h( r6 V6 \1.  simplistic  过分简单化的  
1 \- I& }' [0 Y# ^+ p' N. T- o5 s  especially, and predictably 6 [. \# g. O; ~6 A% r# R
  特别是,并且可以预期是 * L, u5 @$ h6 Q
4 _3 _4 `$ j0 ?* I5 g  where   0 j9 a# z1 [- _' n. `
, C+ k+ d1 o  d6 u, _3 J  efficacious  有效的
2 E8 W5 J1 A) b: {. E' i5 ^0 @  convergent  集中的 大量的
0 ~3 y! ?6 W$ d% z3 q! q: i  elusive  难以捉摸的 难懂的
: ^/ l/ a: F- W' ?# \8 d  答案:E
) m, ]; D. _( l! z4 v9 |1 Q3.句首although引导的主从转折
6 w/ c9 O) l. e& L  so as to be almost引导的因果递进
8 {* t) y5 h8 M+ B4 F* ].spontaneous  自发的 自然   amusing  好笑的  1 K  x& e5 Q5 V/ S) M' V
contrived  矫揉造作的   believable  令人相信的 2 X+ u+ V8 s% K0 Z' D4 X. g
clumsy  笨拙的   ludicrous  荒谬可笑的
* m' S/ a8 o; q2 X& i1 q' c0 `3 _ 答案:C
8 @, f4 G( y) l! L0 h% y4 K$ \& e; ]4. and yet  转折关系
7 T! |6 @( C% E- u0 }  sensitive  敏感的 9 |0 e  ~' V* D% G
  underultilized  没有被充分利用 0 c0 D( W- I# Q2 Q" v1 o( Z. X
  答案:B 8 t' e/ U0 D+ J  H7 {6 e5 {" O
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:35 | 显示全部楼层


5. rocky  多礁石的  weather  天气 0 Z# R: i& f6 a4 ~6 e1 F$ h
  mountainous  多山的  grades  斜坡 坡度 " n: r( Z7 e1 d( p
1 f6 O: }3 Q% D4 K3 t2 _6. few * v) O, }+ F/ \  L: `- |
  although / k( M( Z2 I# j( I% I- L" M) n3 [# A
  video clips
6 T( C& v4 V0 K  同义词  1 S, s# C* N( d* W/ c4 H# K
self-deprecation  自我贬低
- @7 e8 S9 c  \& |! k& V. q  congeniality   情投意合 * W" d8 U2 |; N9 }8 @+ J
  cynicism  犬儒主义
; t  v, @" G7 y  embarrassment  窘迫 + l4 q& [1 ~0 P! Q- T2 o
  self-doubt  自我怀疑
3 a1 p/ L3 k/ |# c1 w+ S6 s 答案:A
1 _- U2 i1 z3 j) v7 W+ b/ I7 I7. 转折关系 9 |) X2 o1 j+ f
  同义词 % `- R) E' s$ R( v1 I2 h
visibly   显而易见 = completely  完全地 8 N) j* s; U) S
  by  手段 : a" ]/ {  J7 H& ~# p: G
  nonplussed的同义词 ' H1 Z1 W0 ]- d6 R  _, H2 U5 m
humiliated  使羞辱  4 e& ^5 G9 y- @- ~: S; i
9 Z# f" `. f0 i# u  discomfited  狼狈不堪  2 \' _3 |" v0 e, K8 u
  1 i% h) ]- [2 F. B- H( C- q0 g
  deluded  欺骗  . d$ B4 r$ D7 ]# k6 Q
" ~+ I  C* b+ L9 A  disgraced  使丢脸 使羞辱  0 o# [" q7 o+ L( |$ M, W3 L# V
" w9 J7 L% y0 T7 q/ e  nonetheless  虽然如此, 但是    肯定词
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