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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导三十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. When people are happy, they tend to give ________ interpretations of events they witness: the eye of the beholder is ________ by the emotions of the beholder. / X; d7 X$ }0 ]5 a" c3 u  P
   (A) charitable ... colored
3 X3 `( P5 S( m, f- a7 H   (B) elaborate ... disquieted
& T' H8 g( ]! a# Y   (C) conscientious ... deceived 6 m' \, E3 e3 m& `/ |5 I4 N
   (D) vague ... sharpened " M! p0 r: E) ~7 h* v" w
   (E) coherent ... confused : M9 X5 F  ~# Z. a
  5 D: d( X/ w5 R8 f# Z
2. Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites with collectors in the eighteenth century, when ________ was valued much more highly than it is today. 5 q* \! R) `) j. w, k# Q1 N
   (A) scent $ g; z8 C* a) {: \
   (B) beauty
$ [: V; \! ?( h6 `! \9 s   (C) elegance
) c! u& X4 `$ P   (D) color
' d' ], S! P  E" J4 |   (E) variety ' E7 h& @2 M; q, \
0 d  B, r% a, W& ?. }6 e$ f3. In eighth-century Japan, people who ________ wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of ________ fields. % j$ U# v' Q. I/ i6 ^
   (A) conserved ... forested
- v1 `7 M# K* ^4 I) _   (B) reclaimed ... arable
5 ?  q8 M. V- a2 @8 w  O   (C) cultivated ... domestic
" ?8 t; ?+ N0 \* r6 f5 M1 z3 {5 S   (D) irrigated ... accessible
, m6 F, U; r- x6 [6 U   (E) located ... desirable ) d" J7 z: B5 X; }8 M
. y- \- `3 Y7 g! o8 ^, H- E4. Walpole’s art collection was huge and fascinating, and his novel The Castle of Otranto was never out of print; none of this mattered to the Victorians, who ________ him as, at best, ________.
# r' v8 ~. [0 s   (A) dismissed ... insignificant # K6 m- h5 y4 E# B# i0 q+ n; i8 V
   (B) judged ... worthwhile ' U; w& v7 p# p# Q
   (C) revered ... talented
: o0 i& F( S! u8 q; K: n; S" z& g$ n5 \( _   (D) reviled ... meager
! J, o1 H- H8 u' S& \8 j   (E) taunted ... dangerous
: t0 t: z' @$ X: ?" B2 ~/ g9 B# m: P  % i# @  y* @! R, S" C0 W% J
5. Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy, her first reaction was curiously ________.
. t% n. g0 y) Z# Y6 ]- n& |   (A) meditative
8 K9 P+ B+ e4 z- y  C   (B) tepid
( H! l5 k( |& k4 {: m( [3 k" _   (C) categorical 8 W( R1 f. Q2 z; d0 f7 V' }0 `% @- o
   (D) unoriginal * s3 {  F+ b1 F8 Q5 ^
   (E) insightful
* \  m9 s. f& |  
- K* ]0 e$ R1 a% T6. Noting the murder victim’s flaccid musculature and pearlike figure, she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some ________ occupation. 6 s7 ?0 j1 V2 [
   (A) treacherous 1 ?4 V$ j* u3 D6 M  N; `, L
   (B) prestigious
; U  j* y1 ?& \' R! E; d% h& |   (C) ill-paying " `7 y: Q( `. l% P0 M2 r5 t
   (D) illegitimate 7 x6 R! f, H  M8 E% y  ?
   (E) sedentary

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


7. Noting that few employees showed any ________ for complying with the corporation’s new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be ________, at best.
- E; Z1 F& @- Q  P7 {   (A) aptitude ... unavoidable % Y% M) H+ ?2 b6 N, z
   (B) regard ... indeterminate   P$ f& _: e9 v. q7 c
   (C) respect ... negotiable $ j( ?7 e, T' \
   (D) patience ... imminent : O$ V( y& i9 ^2 \6 I& c( G4 n
   (E) enthusiasm ... grudging ) A; J5 v- x; E+ ~
dismiss + v( V8 f0 S# U# G* }- t( l
' Q6 \- I* t1 m! y4 `- p) \   2.打发走 2 |9 g7 |' i6 L2 d, U* @
   3.驳回上诉 $ y) m7 l* w! P: N& Z
* E, l( n3 V0 b9 \4 |  dismiss sb./sth. from sth.   使某人某事不受后面事物的干扰 3 L. @/ J) H% s, I# I, R) k6 s' m2 Q+ C
  dismiss sb./sth. as sth.   认为某人某事像后者一样不值一提,不屑一顾 ' X  c  `+ Q/ L* F7 R5 P
insignificant  无意义的人
" r2 D" `* ?. J3 j5 u答案:A
1 n4 {3 J( `' {# ~9 \- d! X0 eat best  最多就是  比这点还不如,还差    9 V# i& a, o$ u# y- E
         轻微贬义色彩 ! ]) B# ]8 M0 y' {
anything more than   不仅仅是
" a# V  c7 N* R; w+ }nothing more than  只不过是
2 o, Z6 J8 W  e" {2 y4 G5. 分词表示原因
" W  U) E& P* K2 N% e   curiously = surprisingly , @  u: f' M/ ^( W8 A! F2 [
   tepid  微温的 不热烈的
  N2 |# _& s2 M8 v: v/ O4 {   答案:B 0 O% d+ x4 }5 m# I! m, _
6.  treacherous  阴险的  奸诈的 6 T, Y- G/ N% u
   prestigious  有名望的 有声望的
& M: {- b* f/ i1 X4 }   ill-paying  低工资的 ; I+ p7 `7 |0 n2 U# `2 p
   illegitimate  非法的
& g& h  f/ _% w) o- M. H   sedentary  久坐的 2 V/ m) a0 M2 w& b
   答案:E / x& L: T2 Z3 V$ ~3 y
7.  few  否定词
/ b: g8 h/ |6 f) D% V1 l) M3 P   否定状态 8 ^8 C: M8 J( X
unavoidable  不可避免的
% L: Y* P$ {  R   indeterminable  未加决定的 1 l: o( O0 c1 r6 R* A
   negotiable  可商量的 0 H1 w* L8 W" a- O
   imminent  急迫,迫切的
9 W, t! o" ^" X' L9 l  B   grudging  勉强的 不情愿的
" W3 C$ {8 ^4 ]8 D5 w8 P   答案:E 8 t1 C) d6 X1 Z$ K# a8 X+ S
   enthusiasm  热心
! S8 e' M+ R; A2 U* a  ~7 o物主结构
7 F8 m4 G4 s3 E% o5 V; Q( F, ]7 ]物主代词出现的特征 + @# N: ^! \" n$ L' e1 v
  F) n4 n+ j5 ]' ?' _3 y9 A( a/ J  his; her; its    表示属性特点 ( h3 i; t# \, E9 A! f* |" W: X  H
  谁 动作 已知特点
" N, Y1 K- x) J" N- _  根据并列,转折关系填词
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