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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导三十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. In an age without radio or recordings, an age ________ by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy.
: l+ h# G  S  j. h   (A) decimated
) l6 N7 L! F/ P( J" v   (B) denigrated * z, j) b  ^" A2 U9 z, z
   (C) dominated " Z% e6 l" \" ^
   (D) emphasized 5 F" [: L! a, L2 |4 e+ F1 {, C: Z
   (E) resurrected
# T: q+ e3 i4 b2 _  
3 M# y) c, N3 D' _! b; y7 w4 D2. New research on technology and public policy focuses on how seemingly ________ design features, generally overlooked in most analyses of public works projects or industrial machinery, actually ________ social choices of profound significance.
# R+ p" Y* Z4 d; L6 U   (A) insignificant ... mask # G# Z$ F1 Q$ C, R
   (B) inexpensive ... produce
. Z3 D9 Q: E: ~9 B& D   (C) innovative ... represent $ c) c0 z* s$ n* l
   (D) ingenious ... permit   \" r0 r; h; v. }. C: Y
   (E) inopportune ... hasten
5 c6 i! G. i) e+ T  
5 g) H; w6 X, O- l3. Cezanne’s delicate watercolor sketches often served as ________ of a subject, a way of gathering fuller knowledge before the artist’s final engagement of the subject in an oil painting. ( p' `9 c  k/ \& c, y
   (A) an abstraction + o: N* W3 a1 N: y5 ~/ n9 s$ ]
   (B) an enhancement , A+ x: T) z0 H/ H. a
   (C) a synthesis
: [+ p; B! v# w; U& h4 j+ v   (D) a reconnaissance ( J7 }1 J3 I, e& y3 h
   (E) a transcription
) q- k$ M6 j  v  - i, l  `. R* P  i$ D
4. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in effect, ________ evidence when it does not support his argument, tailoring it to his needs.
" L! F& K3 j. W   (A) addresses   S' v/ A+ G3 A& Y. P3 Q
   (B) creates
, l0 A9 `0 q4 `, d/ G) \   (C) alters " ?- s, R& X0 v8 R( S' k
   (D) suppresses
& b2 z7 R- p* q   (E) substitutes + k2 O6 n1 ~6 i
  ( h  L- |  ^! @8 g0 p. X" }9 }+ Y
5. Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly removed from the ________ of society, the conventionality of academe.
2 A- @2 ?9 b1 o% z6 Q   (A) ethos + t: r4 [- c- j' `$ N7 q
   (B) idealism
: U" {* k' d, z) I" `: f: |   (C) romance 8 |" S: `. d) r) Y, ^  d* [$ C
   (D) paradoxes ' _$ |3 }- w; L) A2 j
   (E) commonplaces

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


6. The breathing spell provided by the ________ arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions. 2 |, T% U0 |" i' t3 `
   (A) plethora of
2 z, p+ r% P: `1 E. g" [$ ?   (B) moratorium on
( c9 p- N+ {/ W  @* I& S   (C) reciprocation of " A  u" d5 M2 e  [
   (D) concentration on
4 T# y8 {* l5 O4 q( A   (E) development of
. `" ]9 B" l2 B  x2 Q! t  
3 \1 I" T; b2 N8 S6 w7. Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to ________ blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that ________ the relationship. 5 ?; P7 W1 r+ r; L
   (A) sharpen ... conflate 9 q8 O9 `* b6 N; I
   (B) increase ... diminish
5 N/ J$ W. f0 C% ?( c& g   (C) aggravate ... buttress ) C! z& R, o! Z) y6 u0 k9 m( X
   (D) disrupt ... neutralize
9 ]0 A0 i* |$ c: m- r   (E) impair ... obscure 6 ^3 I% H& A% x9 K( f5 H
重点:短语结构在GRE解题时的价值。 5 N0 R9 H+ [. t  I
/ ~2 N& D  k. `( h+ A9 F$ D    1.有标点:①放在句尾的,附属结构是作主句的补充;
* I1 m, S9 i3 i1 c! \; S              ②在句中出现,它可以提供解题线索。
$ j, l3 p$ O+ x% l    2.没有标点; $ ~6 Z7 Z$ Q7 f4 e
) ?, y5 C4 j5 z0 h7 U' z5 k2 p; H1. 同位语结构。
0 a" j0 H- W2 Z  o3 M   答案:C  dominated  统治 + _$ J/ W. U1 J+ _
   ascendancy  统治权,优势地位 : k! A6 [6 ]$ r) R& I
2. design features作为主语。谓语是第二个空格里的动词。主语和谓语之间的
, K- w, J1 {. @3 m6 G0 f9 m  部分作为插入性短语 ,作为主语的补充。 + i! k  t2 V+ i
  insignificant  无关紧要的,不重要的,无意义的
1 j2 O8 I5 S+ P  S# h# o, m' S  答案:A & P* N+ m3 r) \+ Z4 ^/ m
  inexpensive  不贵的  mask  掩盖
# a: N/ k8 @' P) e6 a  innovative  革新的,创新的 5 T, {( {( Z. G, M& f3 l$ Q
  ingenious  天才的
6 Q! W# H3 e) ~- N  inopportune  不合适的  hasten  催促,促进
1 ~. _9 A+ s/ X- a! H; \4 K  主宾相反谓语动词采用反性逻辑动作。
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