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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导四十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true appreciation of the music is an ________ process closed to the uninitiated listener, however enthusiastic.
* x# U: {5 }3 ^   (A) unreliable
6 H  i4 q/ L& O% C0 g   (B) arcane / J3 Q* T8 ?& Q  @2 {1 k4 K
   (C) arrogant
# Y; _# r# w+ }   (D) elementary ( D# R" Y$ J* Q& o5 K& w
   (E) intuitive
9 j( F# M1 u" O, _; D8 m  
8 D+ ^# C6 U4 g$ L: I5 J2. Psychology has slowly evolved into an ________ scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences. 5 O# y$ G# A- t) f
   (A) independent
; X+ @2 m" }1 Z   (B) unusual
) G' b6 M$ q, f3 M   (C) outmoded
% ~6 O; G5 A  n, C1 r* K   (D) uncontrolled
. X& T3 J6 ^3 h6 M. s   (E) inactive
% \: Y9 F/ S) ~9 ~2 _8 u* Z  . n6 s5 L( _9 o% D9 T
3. Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical ________ or a brilliant ________ blending Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
6 W+ T9 x# U' y/ f; g) @7 x; Q- i   (A) stratagem ... appropriation * g/ h  G* B8 ^) h( H. L# j
   (B) exemplar ... synthesis ) F9 X' N$ M2 j, u+ A" Q* C+ X
   (C) conversion ... annexation ! p, M" P0 X% T) a9 t+ M; h) C
   (D) paradigm ... construct
6 o. S+ v' ~, d   (E) apparition ... amalgam 3 k8 V- o7 @+ G. ~& Q" t
  8 E; w* J, M8 `8 k# I
4. Dependence on foreign sources of heavy metals, though ________, remains ________ for United States foreign policy. $ X: A* ]) m  S2 v
   (A) deepening ... a challenge + S" @5 f! \* f# {3 h; ]. L
   (B) diminishing ... a problem ' L! K/ u! G, E/ Y
   (C) excessive ... a dilemma 0 m" b8 M3 p8 q. v# {: _. G
   (D) debilitating ... an embarrassment
9 q' \$ a. H5 \0 d* d2 }   (E) unavoidable ... a precedent $ c8 q3 N0 m, q! M* r: X- f
  4 J' F3 ~& |- [
5. Opponents of the expansion of the market economy, although in ________, continued to constitute ________ political force throughout the century. $ ~5 `6 K' L' R: l& A
   (A) error ... an inconsequential
5 `' Y9 x+ \  ?4 k7 V   (B) retreat ... a powerful
: M, A2 q3 \9 \$ ?   (C) disarray ... a disciplined
  k" F: |+ |! s; M   (D) jeopardy ... an ineffective 3 z+ @& i, g: G5 b6 D
   (E) command ... a viable
2 W" Y+ _* F( N( Z6 F3 p) p9 M  & c2 X+ N) ^2 O
6. Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend left the judge open to charges of lack of ________, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply ________.
2 r- O# f. m3 Z' _+ D7 K6 T   (A) prudence ... tolerance
3 U$ E- y: D8 e/ h7 H7 S! d" \   (B) detachment ... foreknowledge
! X4 X; d1 y" T6 M  [& {   (C) exoneration ... impropriety ) i7 \/ e( ?; e. L# ]
   (D) prejudice ... preference & d" m8 q; [& c% Y+ S# g
   (E) disinterestedness ... partiality # p! y& E4 L$ S$ l% w
. h3 }% I: e2 p* T% T9 J1 S- H7. Although he attempted repeatedly to ________ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained ________ in her judgment.
1 t  |7 ^: _& r9 d& E   (A) remind ... forceful % o6 P# Y. d9 B
   (B) convince ... unfeigned , J6 j* v1 s. r; i  }0 }
   (C) exorcise ... indulgent
( }/ I5 a% z3 f* y" c* c( x  ]   (D) disabuse ... adamant 2 w! ^5 A! F/ \6 }. a8 p5 j
   (E) free ... unsure $ }9 |! o: D5 ?1 s! b$ T
3. 两个空格之间不是同义词。空格中填一个名词后面直接接分词,符合短 3 w8 p) n0 G3 Q, R( T1 ]0 d
   语结构中的第三种。 , O- b8 `" j! P( m& ?
   appropriation  拨款盗用 " t: q* {7 ?" U
   synthesis  合成
6 @' Y! E- U+ v3 e& U. h8 g1 J2 N   annexation  附加 - c  R; S) ~& H, i
   constract  构建 ! w% }) `: H3 ?1 C% J# V0 X
   amalgam  混合    apparition  幽灵,鬼怪,神奇出现,突然出现

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


/ L% Y, o* B- R) [2 d+ x1 i3 ]1. 单独使用表示“依然”;
8 T3 m6 I/ f2 L) p2. 前面有转折表示朝下(上)的改变。   u, h% c( e, o1 ?
4. 出现了第二种考法的情况。第一个空填一个表示走下坡的词。
% a+ Q% Y) y2 J# e   deepening  加深
  U) J% A: G8 k; l  s   diminishing  减少 $ D" U# h9 z9 P8 l/ j
   excessive  过度 # N9 Y: T+ }7 P, Q, f& X! Q
   debilitating  削弱 ( O" F* r1 C% X* g( N% P1 b1 Y5 [
   unavoidable  不可避免的
7 ~) D& d' M$ I) t" v4 |: N   答案:B
& i' m3 C4 i4 Q" w- s8 w5. continue to相当于remain。第一个空格是走下坡路。 2 ~5 D$ m1 o2 q: C/ g3 z
  error  错误
: Q, n4 y2 `- ~) f2 O5 y  retreat  后退,颓败    powerful  有力的
2 d' K/ J7 j, F4 i, s+ }  disarray  混乱
7 k: f4 L5 w$ u$ K6 P2 g4 e" O, |  jeopardy  危害,危及    ineffective  无效的
7 w8 C- \+ B' Y1 l! q  r/ l  command  命令,支配
+ T3 h9 N: T, }. g$ i  答案:B
3 m9 Z  j! x. i0 H5 p0 U" e/ z  寻找转折时不能出现矛盾。 ' @  S$ J( e; V2 D8 ?! i
6. 从内容进行判断。可供选择的只有两个词。
6 W7 G' D0 [7 W: F# n    detachment  客观,超然 # H) ?- m$ W. O/ ~8 c
    disinterestedness  公正,客观 8 K* r. S' A: z7 r  _
    答案:E  partiality  偏袒 disciplined  守纪律的,严于律己的,有自律精神的,一丝不苟的
* O& ^0 j* \  n( `0 B# n) m$ c7. although表示转折关系。
3 c( J2 Y& L2 x, j9 d* w  remind  提醒
3 p- I/ ^/ p: o6 h6 B. Y# g$ P9 L  convince  确信
7 \* L1 B) U2 V3 s; _  A. {  exorcise  驱魔,驱邪,驱除(有宗教色彩)
, i8 F( p- N% p) `' }- G  \; ?; M  答案:D    disabuse  打消某人的念头  adamant  坚持自己的观念
: B9 [1 a+ e/ B  remain表示对原有观点的延续。
3 m  N4 e6 N& b% |/ J' b6 o. N$ w2 ^  也可以利用分号进行分析。
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