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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析06

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" B& \( h  y5 l) e) r) D' m  例12. (Revised GRE Practice Book Section 3 Q7)(BEG) / w, h$ W! m# a: W
  Room acoustics design criteria are determined according to the room’s intended use. Music, for example, is best (i) ______ in spaces that are reverberant, a condition that generally makes speech less (ii) ______. Acoustics suitable for both speech and music can sometimes be created in the same space, although the result is never perfect, each having to be (iii) ______ to some extent. ) `) B+ @4 W6 D
  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii) ( l3 V) p+ F: k; b
  (A) controlled (D) abrasive (G) compromised % t! B8 H5 J, j
  (B) appreciated (E) intelligible (H) eliminated 中 华 考 试 网
8 j  V: e5 T. [  (C) employed (F) ubiquitous (I) considered
- @; X; c5 ~/ [7 p4 p  (一) 选取第一个空格所在部分: & q8 a9 ?  b" \3 s0 n- H
  Room acoustics design criteria are determined according to the room’s intended use. Music, for example,is best (i)______ in spaces … ' t- S5 ~8 F1 n3 p; Q, T
  第一句话说室内音响设计是依据房间的不同用途而定的,而后面的话通过for example表明是前一句话的解释说明,因而在这句话里面还应该有关于房间用途的说法,因而,对于music而言,其用法应该是“被听”
- P) p$ U& E6 M: x+ K+ ~) T3 o  选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空:   v; c. w# _. J! R. X. J
  [1]. controlled:(控制) 来自www.Examw.com
2 Q5 E; ~5 Q6 K$ T- h  [2]. appreciated:(欣赏)to recognize with gratitude
9 R: Z& X& y1 L7 y  [3]. employed:(使用)to make use of " a; O6 N! a! s: r( z7 S
  (二) 选取第二个空格所在部分:
$ `4 e) K1 P; m5 S. f* f6 b  Room acoustics design criteria are determined according to the room’s intended use. Music, for example, is best (i)______ in spaces that are reverberant, a condition that generally makes speech less (ii) ______. / y1 W  {7 q: U
  Blank(ii)承接blank(i)的意思,在整个for example这句话中,分句之间没有任何反义关联元素,因而分句之间是同义关系,即:音响设计与其房间需求有着直接的关系,对于不同的目的应该有不同的音响设置。而对于music与speech而言,两者不是同一种东西,因而适用于music的环境就不适用于speech,因而后半句应该是表示“不适用于speech”的意思。
2 l& m0 a7 A5 y' D: [% F8 `  然而,由于有less的存在,在一定程度上可以充当否定词,因而对于这里的词语,应该与blank(i)是同义关系,即“听”。
, i: D: |, A: p% s  选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: ' Q4 }+ v. q2 ]4 I" z6 |
  [1]. abrasive:(粗糙的)causing irritation 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)$ [# G8 N2 n" K8 N8 D$ O( e+ b
  [2]. intelligible:(可以理解的)capable of being understood or comprehended
8 H$ f* q4 J& d" ]; @" i( S  [3]. ubiquitous:(遍布的)existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : WIDESPREAD

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