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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析15

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  新gre填空增加了双空空题型,自去年新gre改革以来更加侧重基础能力的考察,新gre填空题型更多的考察单词的用法和精确含义,同时天空中加深了阅读理解能力的考察,因此考生在备考新gre填空时大量的阅读训练也必不可少。 . ^# L8 m9 y. J
  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q2, Easy)
: T) e# d' y0 V$ w# m! `# }  Kaganmaintains that an infant’s reactions to its first stressful experiences arepart of a naturalprocess of development, notharbingers ofchildhood unhappiness or______ signsofadolescent anxiety. + k9 I" n" a! ?7 C9 A3 K/ b7 K+ A1 I
  (A) prophetic 9 u$ V# y; @' Z9 x' C) ~6 V
  (B) normal
  Y/ r- ?, F" G, X  (C) monotonous
+ a! v3 _% F6 }, a. V. I" V. `* c' z  (D) virtual
' c! Q' D% b1 _6 O3 _; F5 D" j  (E) typical
* b& Z$ x/ Z) O  KEY:A
" ]4 `* E6 G4 [; P( |$ w  V  1.关键字:“A … not B or C”模式(“三空格”模式的变体)
. I; S( g/ }, c2 |+ s  2.“A … not B or C”模式,其中“B or C”是同一个事物,与A相反。 + i7 {: ]  ?6 Z( |" A) n+ a
  3.空中应该填入一个形容词,是对于sign的描述,其应该与harbinger是同义关系,与natural process是反义关系。
' f# T9 E; o9 p* `* s  4.词语解释
  ~" C/ d. k. s, \  [1].(A) prophetic:(预兆的)foretelling events : PREDICTIVE 0 O! d: K) Z5 L( g9 H4 i! A8 F) s4 E
  [2].(B) normal:(普通的)conforming to a type,standard, or regular pattern . G& @( h1 B1 C9 w. v2 ]
  [3].(C) monotonous:(单一音调的)uttered or sounded in oneunvarying tone
8 b7 i4 i5 x4 o7 I  k  [4].(D) virtual:(虚拟的)of, relating to, or being ahypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence   U& ]6 t* Z  `: j9 r# G
  [5].(E) typical:(典型的)constituting or having thenature of a type " U, g0 ~: Z( M/ n1 v$ n
  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q3, Easy)   R) ~, n. s. m
  An investigation that is _______ canoccasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is theresult of a search in a definite direction. " y& z( V5 @$ w2 z8 K
  (A) timely
! G+ P! ~+ U1 M7 t2 Y% S4 V  (B) unguided
- _5 C' I. v6 G) S+ b  (C) consistent ! }4 E6 u/ G& {- v8 |
  (D) uncomplicated www.Examw.com
2 N3 ~. r6 G4 c# y  (E) subjective / O6 W9 T5 ?% r' T. r
' L! M+ S8 N" C! y& w, K8 e  1.关键字:“but” 1 k  j2 U: U: B; D2 }7 d" J, l0 @
  2.空中应该填入一个形容词,是对于“an investigation”的一种形容; * T4 Y6 Z  K+ T' s( Z2 s) ^
  3.后半句中有but出现,应该是与前半句表达相反的意思,而后半句中的“a search”是前半句中的“an investigation”的同义替换,因此空中应该填入一个与在后半句中形容search相反的词语,即“not in a definite direction”。
8 s6 o5 k; ~9 U& F/ s  4.词语解释 , b5 r7 n7 N8 i+ f# j3 J' s
  [1].(A) timely:(及时的)appropriate or adapted tothe times or the occasion www.Examw.com& i5 O# I# ]+ c$ r; S
  [2].(B) unguided:(没有导向的)not to direct, supervise, or influence usually to aparticular end
/ l- o+ c( {! W6 F  [3].(C) consistent:(一致的)marked by harmony,regularity, or steady continuity 5 K# K* d+ ~  d
  [4].(D) uncomplicated:(不复杂的)not difficult to analyze,understand, or explain ( ^( ?9 M1 h9 C* J2 Y) \  ^: h
  [5].(E) subjective:(主要的)of or relating to theessential being of that which has substance, qualities, attributes, orrelations

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