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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析27

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 }- |& b! v# O& n% v, b  例7. (OG Authentic GRE Practice Test Section 4, Q11)(BDG) 8 G1 _* q! Z& e1 x0 s' h1 N
  What readers most commonly remember about John Stuart Mill’s classic exploration of the liberty of thought and discussion concerns the danger of (i) ______: in the absence of challenge, one’s opinions, even when they are correct, grow weak and flabby. Yet Mill had another reason for encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one’s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii) ______, and because opinions opposed to one’s own rarely turn out to be completely (iii) ______, it is crucial to supplement one’s opinions with alternative points of view. + p- H7 `3 W' B1 T; W1 `
  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii) : {  J3 ^# a' f3 Q$ u
  (A) tendentiousness (D) embrace only a portion of the truth (G) erroneous 来自www.Examw.com. H' Y) W0 f' i% E0 F$ f
  (B) complacency (E) change over time (H) antithetical
8 u9 P  ?, v+ \$ P0 P  (C) fractiousness (F) focus on matters close at hand (I) immutable
% T1 R% M- P9 m5 U  (一) 选取第一个空格所在部分: 2 u( q2 W7 r: w% \6 ^9 M: N" P7 d
  … classic exploration of the liberty of thought and discussion concerns the danger of (i) ______: in the absence of challenge, one’s opinions, even when they are correct, grow weak and flabby.
- h2 _2 U& a+ V, g  分句之间没有表示反义的关联元素,相反的是,只有冒号表示解释说明作用,因而前后分句之间是同义关系;而没有表示否定的词语出现,故相关对应词语之间也是同义关系。 ( }( N4 E8 D, X
  Blank1中应该填入一个名词,表示一种……的危险,而这种危险来自于观点因为缺失挑战而变得不如以前,故来自于一个人的“自满、自大”。 ' E# I* e' t1 y& c" U2 I
  F6 |  V+ p+ S' ^, }5 u  [1]. tendentiousness:(倾向性)marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view : BIASED 2 f+ ~2 J0 V, I. C: n
  [2]. complacency:(自鸣得意)COMPLACENCE; especially: self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies : x# y' h$ e. i8 y/ G. X
  [3]. fractiousness:(争斗)tending to be troublesome : UNRULY ' |8 {7 W, ]  D2 v/ h4 y
  (二) 选取第二空所在部分: 8 p6 g: G% i! v* W! ~
  …Yet Mill had another reason for encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one’s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii) ______ …
2 q4 _( i! T4 P; B' r  这里有个特殊情况:“yet”在与“another blabla”连接的情况下,不是作为转折使用,而是作为递进关系的标志使用。大韦氏上对此的解释是:“in addition : BESIDES < gives yet another reason>”。
2 Q5 q1 t! J1 w+ Q; A  调整语序以后有: ( R4 ~& {2 H$ [6 M9 F4 w
  … Yet Mill had another reason for encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one’s opinions tend to (ii) ______, even under the best circumstances,… 来自www.Examw.com$ k% x& V. e9 Q0 l- {: p
  调整语序后发现,前后两句话由since连接,表示因果关系,故前后两句话是同义关系。 & Z2 o7 k' s9 V( ^' R4 h
  前半句中冒号起解释说明作用,也没有否定词,故前半句表达同一种意思,即一个人的思想存在着partiality and incompleteness的问题;而后面的句子中,是对前文的继续,因而前后两句话中所说的人们思想的问题一样。
6 L+ o3 m2 }4 Z" V, W  而后面一句话中,even表示“即便是”的意思,与前文相反,说明在最好的情况下,思想也存在问题,而这一问题就是之前一句话中说到的关于不完整的问题。
  S8 o0 e# _$ |# @5 N7 |  选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: 0 d1 o+ \( ~5 h, x
  [1]. embrace only a portion of the truth:仅仅掌握了部分真相
) ]* }8 w" K1 W* P& V; B  [2]. change over time:随时间改变而变 0 \- }  Z' P4 B
  [3]. focus on matters close at hand:仅仅关注眼前的事情
% e+ |" {4 K8 [; o6 S  (三) 选取第三空所在部分:
$ w2 }' I) _( r* r' y# V1 ]5 w; p  Since one’s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii) embrace only a portion of the truth, and because opinions opposed to one’s own rarely turn out to be completely (iii) ______, it is crucial to supplement one’s opinionswith alternative points of view. 0 I3 H; v; d, ~* _2 P7 g
7 N4 Y& o+ s% }# [, ?" ]  而后半句通过”, and”连接,视为分号,即前后两句话是并列复指的同义关系,即一个人的思想不是完善的。 5 g% X* R6 N, C0 X( m  I* K
  在后半句中,只有because连接两个分句,故两句话之间是同义关系;而后半句话中存在rarely表示否定,则前后两句话中的对应单词是反义关系。 1 a: @2 i3 q% J0 i
  后半句中说要依据其他观点来补充一个人的想法,那么原因即与一个人的思想不同的观点不可能完善所致;对应单词是supplement的反义词,即“不能使用、有错误”等。 4 l: b. y  x. Z6 j7 o
: X5 u  J" B/ Z  [1]. erroneous:(错误的)containing or characterized by error : MISTAKEN
3 A& d: }5 M2 @5 @: k) h  [2]. antithetical:(对立的)constituting or marked by antithesis + S2 U1 Q1 n, Z
  [3]. immutable:(一成不变的)not capable of or susceptible to change
8 q4 \& Y5 J8 E1 i) ~  x  (四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:   y; v! T6 y/ M- s; m
  读者们通常对于John Stuart Mill对思想自由与言论自由的经典探索往往会涉及到自满的危险性,即:在缺乏挑战的情况下,一个人的观点,甚至是在它们是正确的时候,也是虚弱无力的。然而,Mill对于鼓励思想自由与言论自由还有另外一个理由,他认为只有思想与言论的自由才能克服人们因对于某件事物的偏爱与不完整的认识而产生的偏差。因为一个人的观点,即便是在最有利的情境下,也会偏向于仅仅反映部分现实,同时因为与一个人自身观点相对的那些观点往往并非是完全错误的,所以通过其他观点补充一个人的认识也很重要。

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