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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题30

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Our young people, whose ---- sensitivities have
2 I# X% N: Z2 o9 b8 hnot yet become ----, have a purer and
- _8 E" g; W$ w$ cmore immediate response than we do to our + I) p9 B4 s; Q* `5 F
; C6 R; T: ?5 y- H# E. F0 J5 T(A) native.. excited
1 K3 A, L  d$ O" [# I9 |(B) keen.. calloused 9 q- \! ~) ^& i+ a
(C) dull.. numbed 来自www.Examw.com
$ f2 H" }: h2 D% }(D) impartial.. objective - y- K4 M! p! `8 F) K! k
(E) sophisticated.. perceptive 4 N# i- v. Z0 N9 P0 D1 D) S
2. The repudiation of Puritanism in seventeenth century England expressed itself not only in
( _2 b! _3 I6 a4 yretaliatory laws to ---- Puritans, but also
+ \, i( q* M! jin a general attitude of ---- for Puritans.
, m( d" n5 h7 J( X) k) }' k) u- V(A) restrict.. contempt
7 Z1 @9 _, w# G, _8 P/ i, ?+ W(B) regulate.. regard
7 m4 \0 \/ P2 m# B' G0 A2 T+ y0 c(C) benefit.. affection
- u2 U& _' y. o. k9 [2 c9 ~(D) repress.. respect 4 M7 `. b, S  v2 F* n- A& L+ ^
(E) evade.. hatred 6 C& O" G$ H) K1 C  @
3. It is a great ---- to be able to transfer useful
9 ^) z9 s4 }; s) ggenes with as little extra gene material as   P6 y% ]0 f, ^$ [8 Z7 V+ I
possible, because the donor’s genome may
3 g9 q5 @+ N0 T) K2 a6 Ncontain, in addition to desirable genes, many   w% b. v2 D# c2 C
genes with ---- effects.
$ o& J  _' r* B: F9 H. S(A) misfortune.. unpredictable
6 y7 R8 G  A) w9 ^; x(B) disappointment .. superfluous
0 b' s  H: @8 n(C) convenience.. exquisite - ?" o# z& G! H9 P" V; d, g
(D) accomplishment.. profound
! a. z3 }* ]) a/ C# O2 p(E) advantage.. deleterious
7 X! u1 R% p0 j0 }: ^& z4. Because it has no distinct and recognizable typographical
: H6 F7 u7 Y! J% o4 S$ s: Uform and few recurring narrative conventions,
) W% q* z: z& Fthe novel is, of all literary genres, the
# m" o4 S9 R/ M  o  k" mleast susceptible to ----. ( c% N: F$ w5 O$ K( N; A( ?% Y
(A) misuse 0 I6 [# T6 r) i; v. t! x
(B) imprecision $ Q! b8 G: d+ `7 |, X6 v, h: A" m
(C) inquiry $ Y6 y3 S: w+ W
(D) definition " h5 J6 V" F& w& w9 ^; O! V( g
(E) innovation
0 L2 l& n9 I+ A3 ]; L) j- T0 q  d5 p5. The brittle fronds of the Boston fern break
) j, ^' @+ p( r8 M/ measily and become brown, so that the overall
1 }( R3 n9 W% M2 z5 `appearance of the plant is ---- unless the www.ExamW.CoM
6 [  ~# ^8 I. j6 ^* k6 S* abroken fronds are cut off. 0 g9 ^# W6 P6 p
(A) admired ; T0 @$ T. \1 o- T4 r
(B) overrated + [$ I/ z' F( }4 Y) c! R
(C) disparaged % D0 d+ ?: |; c9 |
(D) blunted ; N3 Y( T' c  j$ O1 N
(E) ruined

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