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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题28

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Although the minuet appeared simple, its----
* y$ J' l7 E4 Fsteps had to be studied very carefully before
, v8 |  D* q1 @3 L% N: Xthey could be gracefully----in public.
1 Z! q# }. d5 m  Z(A) progressive.. revealed
% }6 p% g' J, W) w4 w2 T6 c/ [4 J6 W9 V(B) intricate.. executed
' z  B! K% b" v3 I9 T7 v" o(C) rudimentary.. allowed
8 R7 ~) b6 r& m; b0 v# A(D) minute.. discussed5 j) ]' e" l, }7 s
(E) entertaining.. stylized
& V. B1 K5 E$ y- m% X$ i2. The results of the experiments performed by
% t/ Z* c1 B9 @# |- u4 k+ p$ ?7 gElizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were----not7 x) m1 m* T8 P0 M& l
only because these results challenged old+ z  {9 C8 d, O+ e; [; z% w
assumptions but also because they called the----
' C; O2 a3 J! c/ Z1 |7 i7 qmethodology into question.# U: d) q" V3 D
(A) provocative.. prevailing$ u9 v9 K  |9 j0 K, P$ d! @
(B) predictable.. contemporary来自www.Examw.com
& T( ?4 C: |! A* P* q; @(C) inconclusive.. traditional
4 M( J& A3 \- L% M" C' n1 }/ `(D) intriguing.. projected
0 T$ u4 E- R3 Y3 i$ K(E) specious.. original
# Q% a5 o! n/ }( \8 W! x# K3. Despite the----of many of their colleagues,( i! j- U& O3 H' U* _# m2 M6 o
some scholars have begun to emphasize “pop
6 ^( O2 O( ~* z& {6 Jculture” as a key for----the myths, hopes,* g( P* X( f1 C% @8 a
and fears of contemporary society.% X4 a& S9 X5 V5 h
(A) antipathy.. entangling! R( }+ d  H# O
(B) discernment.. evaluating$ R) W/ i3 a/ T4 R: y
(C) pedantry.. reinstating
$ E, T6 e/ n$ ]6 h! z& B. k(D) skepticism.. deciphering
. _; h; O) R5 ^(E) enthusiasm.. symbolizing
+ S/ Q) W) ?/ D6 g. n- y& f% }' T4. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of, [6 h. B' h& U9 H' @3 D$ A
a generally accepted system of values was
+ k1 b4 `+ ^% i6 A6 Y/ S" F9 \% z! G0 Cregarded as----, even as a sign of madness.& S6 @! z( q6 k& k4 P; N
(A) adventurous (B) frivolous- ^$ }9 U  y! a. p; {, L- R6 H
(C) willful (D) impermissible (E) irrational; y9 A0 @1 _. g" I
5. Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been
5 w6 `: l$ F' U" u% zcalled a ----of the arts, because many young5 b+ E6 N" h$ f. w( E* q
artists received her patronage.+ Y4 B9 S1 d# o9 g, H  M" U
(A) connoisseur (B) critic (C) friend7 p% K( ]! O; O* T+ m, q8 ^
(D) scourge (E) judge

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