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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题22

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The spellings of many Old English words have # P9 x4 l! H/ L; H3 F) k
been----in the living language, although their
) F+ V  L% O$ j3 qpronunciations have changed.
7 l6 j! M7 y) y6 v* ~# G+ s(A) preserved (B) shortened (C) preempted 7 r9 \1 v7 H+ `/ Q8 }
(D) revised (E) improved ' s2 F9 ?0 o' W9 V2 N
2. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents   Q8 R! x* L" P& w, ~
a seemingly----source of raw materials, of
/ i& a2 A2 u1 R2 F6 B5 xwhich only a few have been utilized.
7 U4 T6 b7 }7 ^$ x5 n, g, k+ m(A) exploited (B) quantifiable 7 D# m9 H9 h0 F* P, U* L
(C) controversial (D) inexhaustible
) f$ @. s8 {; ]% _$ x(E) remarkable 外语学习网
5 D& S& x) m5 Z% Q3. For centuries animals have been used as---- ( H5 v7 L6 b7 k: y9 S6 Q/ w6 B/ X/ z
for people in experiments to assess the effects of 6 I  ?8 ~% m! M( @! V$ r  U4 Z
therapeutic and other agents that might later be 6 ^- d, _0 \2 O# _& {3 n+ J
used in humans. / g# F* Y4 t0 N0 n$ {5 x0 t
(A) benefactors (B) companions & `4 s2 H! R( j% k% ]6 }, ]; @& S2 @& a
(C) examples (D) precedents (E) surrogates
. i& s3 x, @8 O8 N  A8 P/ D# \4. Social tensions among adult factions can be $ O( d2 p: T- _* M5 E2 Y
----by politics, but adolescents and children
$ q5 P3 _5 d3 l4 Vhave no such----for resolving their conflict ( o( k) x* t6 S; m' Q# {9 q- ^) t
with the exclusive world of adults.
2 w# p$ K4 Z2 S- C, ]& H  M(A) intensified.. attitude
  Z6 N% S8 O1 p* C5 U(B) complicated.. relief
! z; ]; P5 A: |& C& S(C) frustrated.. justification 5 m* v2 e+ V3 o; m% a' I0 b4 m# B
(D) adjusted.. mechanism 0 L" Y6 X4 C: Z; }* g
(E) revealed.. opportunity
9 ?% }% T. B8 F6 v$ \7 W5. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and
6 J) a5 }0 f: ]& p2 mbeliefs, ----between rulers and citizens based
. l, K# G: a+ f+ ~# Ron those laws and procedures that are----to 3 O, o4 P- S" v( u4 E
the maintenance of community.
4 x- q9 H0 f' Q/ E" N(A) a compromise.. inimical ) W3 T6 @/ Y7 J/ ?
(B) an interdependence.. subsidiary # K4 p7 o! z# v0 j, X" s3 V1 z# r
(C) a counterpoint.. incidental + r$ V- [' j1 }
(D) an equivalence.. prerequisite ! R5 v7 S  M3 i' u$ m8 e
(E) a reciprocity.. conducive

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