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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题18

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend
, x$ x. I; z! Wto----them afterward on the basis of their 9 Y3 R! m4 e; u) m
most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.
: L2 x2 O/ k9 z0 z( a& t(A) recognize (B) hoard (C) trample
" W2 H, R% O. e5 q. P( l* A(D) retrieve (E) approach
: W; Z5 U" A6 b/ J# b& K4 g: J* U+ B2. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one 8 ^2 _; ]" x% s0 G: f' j( e: m
need only----government records to see----
' a: |. m  h" H2 mevidence of the failure of such opinions in many www.ExamW.CoM$ t: n& a/ A. Q1 `1 n
3 Y+ c" E. M; e+ [( d, _(A) inspect.. questionable
7 U( W! z0 b6 v- [2 r% F3 p(B) retain.. circumstantial
) C9 m5 @+ l' x* ], M0 [# v2 q(C) distribute.. possible 7 t+ @5 x4 k7 K
(D) consult.. strong ( v3 ~1 J3 a0 |* n( D. m( _0 u
(E) evaluate.. problematic 6 d0 B3 O6 U: N1 q4 m
3. In scientific inquiry it becomes a matter of duty ! L- ?) D& c, q
to expose a ----hypothesis to every possible % Z- u. e( Q. G2 ^( B
kind of----.
# v& C/ Z) Q5 B/ B* W6 c(A) tentative.. examination
3 D) j& e/ M1 M) d, C(B) debatable.. approximation
1 L- q' h! p) U. u* w( ~% ?7 T(C) well-established.. rationalization 8 i2 p; [% p8 U" J
(D) logical.. elaboration ! D2 u6 E. U+ `, }- M
(E) suspect.. correlation
' `0 w# u$ f2 C6 I, Q) e4. Charlotte Salomon’s biography is a reminder
6 f$ ]; ?$ ^: |1 b5 Q: Dthat the currents of private life, however
( m7 v8 U6 S) U; E0 U- d8 P7 Ddiverted, dislodged, or twisted by ----public
1 X0 V! e: Z1 @: Gevents, retain their hold on the----recording ; S( S+ Q0 K0 Q$ U; d1 [$ s7 M8 u0 {
them. 考试用书4 ^8 W- {; V7 P7 c5 A7 h* |* D
(A) transitory.. culture (B) dramatic.. majority ' k: ^- \8 u4 t0 r; r' |/ m
(C) overpowering.. individual ' `, `  e/ ^- L8 d5 g9 P
(D) conventional.. audience
7 ], u/ X0 w9 q(E) relentless.. institution
* M: f' o* d% m- p: c, G$ e9 p5. Philosophical problems arise when people ask
5 v2 o% y$ v  Jquestions that, though very----, have certain 2 t0 j. a7 O) d! S
characteristics in common.
5 M0 F) g4 r) _& w  v(A) relevant (B) elementary
0 O) b$ l  ]$ F, [: N: a(C) abstract (D) diverse 4 ?- K. U" ~" J$ N5 w( ~5 e8 @
(E) controversial

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