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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题13

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 Current data suggest that, although----states
' s8 C2 Z2 `, V. k5 _between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression 5 ^" j# [! g- {, ^3 }) l
are as distinct physiologically as they are
; Q2 x: N6 w; B2 Cpsychologically.
( N8 `6 O" ?4 G9 L3 X7 Z4 q& Q(A) simultaneous (B) serious 1 p% F8 E- N. d4 `' |! j6 m
(C) exceptional (D) partial
5 Y2 j* @( @6 r1 }* _$ j(E) transitional
3 C( P. e: ^6 L3 q3 \2 It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity
& M! y; Y$ k3 ?7 j9 p% Y9 d3 H6 o8 Z8 Dnow suffers from a measure of the oblivion to
( y3 H* o* @2 ?8 L& l4 b4 Z. P& y) ?which he was forever----others, in the end, all ) C' Z4 R6 g6 t; s) t
his----has only worked against him 中华考试网
% U8 o) P7 a. x9 j(A) dedicating.. self-procession 4 o, F' N& U4 V: ^1 u3 r7 {
(B) leading.. self-righteousness 2 Z, u! A  j% p) A
(C) consigning.. self-adulation
/ e4 x! x  w4 c0 @7 x) f! Z(D) relegating.. self-sacrifice : r7 K; [# G3 w( Y, B
(E) condemning.. self-analysis
1 p' ^2 E# ?! H) |0 m6 M% h1 k3 Famous among job seekers for its----, the company,
4 G# _! _. @, Oquite apart from generous salaries, bestowed
+ [/ l: W5 }, N. I) `on its executives annual bonuses and such----as
+ o" u3 w5 b1 r+ w! F9 tlow-interest home mortgages and company cars.   H4 {2 E% H9 }3 r4 w8 F. G
(A) magnanimity.. reparations & J8 F5 w- m! m4 }! j& ~7 O
(B) inventiveness.. benefits
+ x/ o. A5 Z1 ]! J+ s9 ](C) largesse.. perquisites # A6 r* g  N0 ~
(D) discernment.. prerogatives 5 D; s9 J6 u1 d( k( D1 p+ J
(E) altruism.. credits 6 o: v' o$ u' S, g) A$ I  c
4 There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every
2 _/ g. ]7 |1 N  }$ k" Yform of life is----other forms.
% P1 e5 w+ Z7 k  B(A) segregated from (B) parallel to ' N  p7 S% J" g
(C) dependent on (D) overshadowed by 9 e9 [1 S, Y# @
(E) mimicked by
2 N( f8 S/ Y8 F3 G' N& [4 j. i. o5 The sale of Alaska was not so much an American 2 b5 O! p2 J/ a4 x
coup as a matter of----for an imperial Russia
0 D6 d- I7 |9 athat was short of cash and unable to----its own ; C: h# g" \5 R$ n8 m& C9 g; p
continental coastline. / N. G4 G" z, i( {% i
(A) negligence.. fortify
. [! i8 z6 S# E2 U! h(B) custom.. maintain
6 p- {1 Z5 X# r( I; x(C) convenience.. stabalize
& R4 w% S' @1 A# L(D) expediency.. defend 6 h0 D  S) C* f+ o
(E) exigency.. reinforce

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