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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题02

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The natural balance between prey and predator
3 C  v  Q; N  f( j- bhas been increasingly----, most frequently by
2 W) g3 z( P  }( h8 u) O2 Xhuman intervention.7 v: b0 z7 q" U' o
(A) celebrated (B) predicted (C) observed  s9 d6 i( {5 H5 j: L# m8 D* Q
(D) disturbed (E) questioned
9 D( j0 C+ D4 d1 j$ a, N6 n) `" [  G2. There is some----the fact that the author of a* g* X  t6 m; D6 w; [* e$ ?4 V' y: n
book as sensitive and informed as Indian
" k  f, _& z6 p4 \Artisans did not develop her interest in Native
& x+ p  W0 w7 o& o& GAmerican art until adulthood, for she grew up in6 C, x7 \; r. I$ a2 h
a region rich in American Indian culture.
. U, l, \' v1 ?(A) irony in (B) satisfaction in$ b$ v! d1 @" y- m/ i
(C) doubt about (D) concern about4 A  n+ e2 p( f+ q
(E) presumptuousness in考试用书( ]$ T: G: [4 P; p
3. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the1 e' e8 w  l6 T
movement of valuable----through a complex
. L! @- ]0 e4 H5 z; l: H0 u1 j; xnetwork of producers and consumers.
) W$ Y5 y1 Q9 w(A) commodities (B) dividends
  q* g' y* c" X! ^$ g* o(C) communications (D) nutrients
) N7 T0 {/ b6 F/ Y. K2 r$ F(E) artifacts: l% F: q# j) ^1 X
4. Observable as a tendency of our culture is a7 H) M- ]8 D  e8 ?9 A4 h3 u
-----of ------psychoanalysis: we no longer feel0 x& i8 M( s- ~5 K$ B
that it can solve our emotional problems.4 }: R; d( ?5 J- d/ p- c
(A) divergence.. certainly about
. B- y" I- f5 |7 [(B) confrontation.. enigmas in* A1 `5 X! V* K3 [. Z1 b+ ]
(C) withdrawal.. belief in
+ p$ A: k+ p+ n(D) defense.. weaknesses in7 m8 h4 a" U, s2 E
(E) failure.. rigor in
0 h* W( G# e5 T! ?5. The struggle of the generations is one of the
: }- S; t2 J* [9 z/ d. ]9 c4 nobvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it' j. t( r8 @, G* E. h
may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry! p( O3 u4 Q8 @: w
between young and old in Western society
* Z* v. q" s$ L' U4 x  _1 o) w- ?, {during the current decade is ----critical.
$ g; c$ U$ B, x(A) perennially (B) disturbingly* L  S" I' W+ L) O- T4 j6 J
(C) uniquely (D) archetypally
( i8 g. p7 f' W' f1 K(E) captiously

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