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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题03

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. In the current research program, new varieties
4 G2 j* R* `8 @5 q3 Vof apple trees are evaluated under different ; [. G4 e% R" A8 B5 R' L. R
agricultural----for tree size, bloom density, fruit
: l  h$ G" j2 M+ Z- Msize, ----to various soils, and resistance to
6 R& G' @, C1 O) U, N2 Vpests and disease. ( v% O2 R2 N  L, W8 n' z0 R# h
(A) circumstances.. proximity 3 H3 D& k5 P3 b8 J* t: d
(B) regulations.. conformity & H( ^( r  A1 @5 e6 ~+ {
(C) conditions.. adaptability & c, V3 d/ ^, K3 t: e
(D) auspices.. susceptibility
! h5 K! j) n' ~( R) R& r4 |' a(E) configurations.. propensity 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
) t9 u" T  S1 w6 j$ w# V8 ^1 C2. At first, I found her gravity rather intimidating;
3 E# h  d0 c; z) W* Nbut, as I saw more of her, I found that----was
! [. i6 Q) T+ Every near the surface.
, S& l( {' P0 W$ F- k- G( t(A) seriousness (B) confidence (C) laughter - M) d$ W2 N; a( ]" S" v
(D) poise (E) determination
) Z- ~& m. G/ ?8 e# h, W/ |3. Even though in today’s Soviet Union the---- / }4 R% i, C6 R4 X  _
the Muslim clergy have been accorded power
; ?6 @: L5 Y6 p% t1 V  d% P% S/ [0 yand privileges, the Muslim laity and the rankand- / L0 ]% _7 P  o+ I4 x
file clergy still have little----to practice
, r3 Q, f( i0 r* x4 m. L0 atheir religion. 1 i  I7 E) V' n+ W! {
(A) practitioners among.. opportunity
. l2 w/ m9 H& Z1 f5 ^0 g(B) dissidents within.. obligation - t$ C7 n2 V0 S7 a. q
(C) adversaries of.. inclination ' h  N* M3 I$ `
(D) leaders of.. latitude * p6 ^% x5 Y7 N+ [8 I
(E) traditionalists among.. incentive 3 O! ]$ M& t: r3 u! v. ]
4. The proponents of recombinant DNA research
5 n% i6 O' V7 phave decided to----federal regulation of their ) M' i7 f7 [' v2 f2 ~; M( a
work; they hope that by making this compro $ ~6 n' w% z3 s4 L7 l5 G, e  c
mise they can forestall proposed state and local & V+ t3 X; a1 k$ p8 Y
controls that might be even stiffer.
- x2 T8 P- l3 _* a+ t$ U(A) protest (B) institute (C) deny 6 `% s: ?( G' K
(D) encourage (E) disregard
& a" v" q- m) \; q/ Z" J  a5. It is to the novelist’s credit that all of the
/ Q0 c6 x$ {& B- Xepisodes in her novel are presented realistically,
3 W  w: o% O3 z3 Nwithout any----or playful supernatural tricks. ' t. v3 K) @6 ^1 U: g% T) \( s) W
(A) elucidation (B) discrimination
6 g: q0 p6 C7 c" q6 R+ e: Q(C) artlessness (D) authenticity # g7 K; `, V( l+ o
(E) whimsy

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