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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题05

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Dreams are----in and of themselves, but," {8 g# Q; L! s( `
when combined with other data, they can tell us9 p/ j7 O" _* Y2 X4 q2 A
much about the dreamer.
& n2 Z6 u0 h& w9 R1 x9 \. A(A) uninformative (B) startling
9 W9 {3 ~; R. e4 Y. L(C) harmless (D) unregulated
2 A+ D3 i6 x% E$ t/ X  A(E) uncontrollable
  P6 w/ |# X0 i8 B7 H1 X2. The Muses are----deities: they avenge themselves
% W6 ^: y$ x( M6 P5 pwithout mercy on those who weary of+ r4 T6 U' W$ f% O7 M
their charms., L# s, [8 k( s. W8 i7 ^8 e
(A) rueful (B) ingenuous (C) solicitous
4 G+ n6 |+ i% S2 O, e: X217
; l& G' f  E. v5 V& N# w6 N(D) vindictive (E) dispassionate. _4 t! ]# I8 ]" W  G6 g# Q
3. Without the psychiatrist’s promise of* h7 k( L2 W6 W
confidentiality, trust is----and the patient’s
6 f8 o. S3 @2 \& B$ e. ecommunication limited; even though confidentiality
$ w! K4 {5 a& Z6 S) Y. A. Ycan thus be seen to be precious
- g6 ^1 \2 e5 V7 {in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes
1 @9 G% v# l! s- q3 U3 Brequires a willingness to----it.
1 e/ ^/ V; t8 R) |( ?/ L) F' N(A) implicit.. extend
( z+ N% c8 h; B2 c6 J; i- z* Q(B) ambiguous.. apply
$ O2 r( n* T  q" r6 s$ P. g(C) prevented.. uphold
2 f% t; }. h8 S7 R" a  \- J* m# ](D) assumed.. examine
$ a2 w7 T8 y6 I! ~4 A: s; R/ Z(E) impaired.. sacrifice# Z1 Y* B0 ~; k1 I7 l3 {0 M1 N
4. Having fully embraced the belief that% V3 j) r( G$ _7 T0 t4 L
government by persuasion is preferable to
! W) D. \$ K- m3 Z9 K) W0 fgovernment by----, the leaders of the movement
7 Q2 n# I9 Y, f, C( Y' X" J2 r8 m; Ihave recently----most of their previous1 ~+ E6 g8 V4 P6 e
statements supporting totalitarianism.
& L* W, I5 d- c- O! F/ w(A) intimidation.. issued
, `( [8 z7 }. P# i4 t5 q(B) participation.. moderated
- }/ ^, Y$ @3 z2 U% P% W( ](C) proclamation.. codified外语学习网
% o7 @6 r4 q6 R& o(D) demonstration.. deliberated5 T; a* ~  y" R3 C8 l
(E) coercion.. repudiated
8 |9 w* Y  d0 ]' e( Z/ o6 _0 m5. The powers and satisfactions of primeval people,4 a6 m  z7 `7 F8 ?
though few and meager, were----- their few and
( m# y/ I  ^/ {- a7 Vsimple desires.% V* v: o; ^0 Z8 Q1 d$ b8 _
(A) simultaneous with6 J0 W8 N  p9 ]! V
(B) commensurate with; X$ h3 Y8 r5 a, o; r
(C) substantiated by (D) circumscribed by
+ }6 j( b% `) g2 t1 G6 Y- m% y(E) ruined by

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