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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题07

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias,
  F% ]* Z: t( p/ Q6 b3 C7 X+ Ywere favorites with collectors in the eighteenth century,  h& E% A/ Y/ F
when----was valued much more highly
0 Z  n2 ]$ R. l  n# f4 p7 \! rthan it is today.( d0 w0 U% S! m( k+ W1 m
(A) scent (B) beauty (C) elegance
% Y  g, s2 l+ Y# `, Q# h, y(D) color (E) variety
" x" r# ^* d! [$ T; C) s2. In a most impressive demonstration, Pavarotti( ]8 _# J6 o3 Z3 q& w
sailed through Verdi’s “Celeste Aida,” normally a
. Z/ S3 f8 y) T5 k. \. y! B4 Ctenor’s----, with the casual enthusiasm of a folk
( i9 q) X$ \% g- T; t% Y" Nsinger performing one of his favorite----.
; ~: I  v6 K$ y. J, g: j$ M6 X(A) pitfall.. recitals (B) glory.. chorales0 J9 P% L- c  K" Y6 V( @
(C) nightmare.. ballads8 j+ S) d: P9 Q' d* A: I4 x* o
(D) delight.. chanteys
: E$ y% i' ?8 C+ l(E) routine.. composers
& U) B$ A+ J: J: i; v) a! n2 E$ G# c3. Dependence on foreign sources of heavy metals,
; R+ Z+ d' f; [+ ^6 @1 ~+ rthough----, remains----for United States foreign
' Z# j% |9 E" dpolicy.
7 m8 ^2 `4 g3 c. T  w# G(A) deepening.. a challenge
0 }) F$ E+ O" e(B) diminishing.. a problem7 B! y, i3 ^5 F5 A7 |, t
(C) excessive.. a dilemma$ v, w) ]; N$ @- T/ g# q
(D) debilitating.. an embarrassmentwww.ExamW.CoM* |, W, A- Z: y
(E) unavoidable.. a precedent" b& }' r2 o. L
4. Cynics believe that people who----compliments+ f: \' S$ z' f) q! E0 x5 n! `/ a
do so in order to be praised twice.
4 E8 y& G- K* C8 d' }(A) bask in (B) give out (C) despair of: j0 _) P, i$ v
(D) gloat over (E) shrug off
+ Y% ~4 V3 l2 p0 G6 I238  D3 ^+ x/ Q0 q! A, x
5. Although nothing could be further from the truth,
" q! G. m! D- _( |freight railroads have been----of----the
4 w5 Q0 e, Z  Y8 E$ snation’s shift from oil to coal by charging exorbitant) q# Z5 ?4 _/ m" v7 V4 q
fees to transport coal.
1 q7 m8 R1 ^3 J$ Q) N/ ?: t4 Z# b(A) accused.. impeding
0 k7 Q9 D; e: _  D8 x2 \: c9 D0 ^(B) proud.. accelerating
8 z& g, \8 Q& c5 W3 g4 a4 I(C) guilty.. delaying
9 i) w4 J! R0 g5 d& P* N2 i, G(D) conscious.. contributing to
+ G# s& V" j2 z3 m1 Y% r2 N(E) wary. . interfering with

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