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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题46

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Social scientists have established fairly clearcut---- / y4 C: s1 l1 Z8 p$ s
that describe the appropriate behavior of % \( v1 X1 q6 e1 f6 k
children and adults, but there seems to be---- 0 y& t) b5 f4 |1 B, ^1 k
about what constitutes appropriate behavior for * r2 l5 L9 i; e: u0 A& r  z) t
$ x0 c0 N/ R1 B- ^4 P(A) functions.. rigidity ! S. j9 z9 C& r, d& S+ W2 V
(B) estimates.. indirectness 2 Q/ @$ n4 Y) w$ b  M; g+ n
(C) norms.. confusion
1 _: ?" M* G5 Y' v. R3 \(D) regulations.. certainty
3 {9 |2 Q: V* C8 v6 d' r- n(E) studies.. misapprehension
* `! q5 F( l" |! N2. As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate
, w( _$ O7 M2 Qenough physical power to dominate all others, they 中华考试网
1 p  a0 }* Z* a' `must depend on----.
7 G" k4 G+ `9 X; T' _' r4 x(A) allies (B) resources (C) freedom
( p6 V3 K9 V+ I5 T(D) education (E) self-determination ! g* x" @. E4 V9 c4 [8 o( X  p
! B/ c/ u, [2 M+ Y' l5 r3. We realized that John was still young and
8 a+ ?% O; C) O1 D) Timpressionable, but were nevertheless surprised
1 S; e, S7 `. x4 D4 Y+ ?at his----. , d( ~8 e4 ?1 A$ D+ b6 ]( o! O: F
(A) naivete (B) obstinateness ( @# w0 D( X4 C$ |: V7 |
(C) decisiveness (D) ingeniousness 1 j5 R3 {+ N7 b
(E) resolve 5 c  W, S+ i: v& w& w3 R( x# W
4. Although Mount Saint Helens has been more--- 3 x' P5 a& l# @0 T) ~$ i1 J
-during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in ! G- B0 b1 h$ N. b
the coterminous United States, its long dormancy 6 \8 O' i+ V. i) W
before its recent eruption----its violent nature. 4 I+ x& H/ ^/ k
(A) awe-inspiring.. restrained 4 E* j1 ~+ f- p% K( H% \
(B) gaseous.. confirmed - S8 B4 n( B) H) R$ |
(C) explosive.. belied
8 j) d( f7 f! d9 B& E' D(D) familiar.. moderated
- f! q" L% P1 Q3 g6 W. g" Z* A" E3 e(E) volatile.. suggested
* `3 p3 B6 w0 k; U5 T0 [5. Changes of fashion and public taste are often--- % ]5 C5 y  o" Z3 p
and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the
9 V/ p2 v  ~- D' z5 }" b" gmost----gauges of the state of the public’s collective ' Y! d; }. S& l
consciousness. ' m* d7 B) U& }8 P: S# n
(A) transparent.. useful
- y' q( L8 l: L. f4 O+ S2 X/ d+ c(B) ephemeral.. sensitive
4 p- C) b4 y( X* s# a$ C(C) faddish.. underutilized
; K; S0 o& _: Z7 ](D) arbitrary.. problematic 1 B6 E0 m! z9 F! f9 o; j
(E) permanent.. reliable

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