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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(学校教育师生学者)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
35.学校 教育 师生 学者+ E; n+ K+ X5 x. ^
[共30 篇]. P& }* E3 ~& n& h
3.教授重写书挽回声誉题censure...served& a# O5 Z! G" S1 I9 E
A writer was motivated to write a criticism by redeeming the relationship with his friend by savaging a political establishment who had____him for have____it." M0 [0 N. Y2 d9 ]
【大意】一个作家被要恢复与朋友的友谊的情感所触动,要写一篇批判文章,来抨击现有的政治体制。那些朋友曾谴责他为这个制度效过力。" Y! E" s% ?" a  ]+ W8 R
( ~- I/ V) Z1 M+ l4.房屋大小对学生的影响题4 ~  Q0 `( K, O+ |; Y) ]. M
调查房屋大小对学生的影响,结果发现the effect of class room size, itself and it, is____, student in small size class room not more____than other student.
+ I8 K; Q6 o5 ], j& D, {; q+ Xkey:negligible...impressive(基本确认)
5 E3 E+ V9 v7 g# u$ ^( e1 _【注解】negligible 可以忽略的,不予重视的impressive 给人深刻印象的, 感人的) c  c+ D3 T  d
+ L+ ?* P! g, `0 l8 a" h5 ^; `一些学者为了____什么理论success,而不惜dehumanize 自己的东西,结果反而____了自己理论的基础。, W, x) D9 A* Y  J7 \" ~
  Z) W# @2 V. P% l+ KThe professor's thesis, hardly new, but rarely____by the faculty of his distinction, is that..2 G1 {% _& c" i/ I. A5 Y
key:espoused (v740). A9 F) r% [) D
key:ignored (有争议)5 J) G* Y; T  e( ?
【注解】faculty: [n] 才能, 官能, 教员, 系subvert: [v] 颠覆, 推翻, 搅乱discount: [n] 折扣, 打折扣
: o: d1 V  R/ b. s- O& F( V¥10.美国初等教育权宜之计题expediency
2 d. C1 N  J, N( a  V4 S5 ]0 I8 M讲美国primary education junior schools 的development 是____的, 而不是从pedagogic 的角: S: l! l6 ^+ {0 N; C
度出发的,given the evidence that it only concerns the efficiency and 减少narrowness.6 d. b* C$ _& z$ C
inexpensive way to avoid of overcrowding of high shcools.) m3 X# v  M3 z$ V9 x8 ^+ O4 d8 c
" v9 x# H$ g6 w$ B12.学校中哲学题significance...echo2 s+ u* `! f: \1 n* h& p' r
The____现在学校中关于梦的哲学研究., ____以前prevail 的哲学, which is widely spread.(no1)% b9 ?0 z8 @- A/ Z, X
9 R; ?8 s/ Q: I' ]8 M是广为传播的。非转折关系# [; f  {5 Q- O3 b* R4 x
***——13.学校学知识不是做人道理题6 X9 {# S% z6 r5 [% v" l9 ~8 _
(NO.30)At present, the education is more cherished, as it is more____,____对 vogue (分为两个子句,用:隔开)$ M/ v3 V4 A  m
key:traditional...vogue (待确认)
, L8 Q% ^: U3 a  S2 B5 G3 q14.家长抗议学校拖拉题faulted … dilatoriness
3 w6 w) R$ L, D- q8 OThe school board is ____for not able to quickly and effectively .It is under the parents' protest against its ____ .- r1 x" i, Q1 S9 `$ S% G4 M* D& O
【注解】dilatoriness: [n] 迟误0 J+ e" G8 F% z
¥15.教育背景不深但是改革被教授采纳题unimpressive...dismiss- j3 U( r. Q- m! ?" D1 K
#Though she have____education background,professor not necessarily____her candidate,because she didn't reveal the reform of 教育的schedule。 + x; p0 u5 u! h
9 e# o: z1 |* V( x$ h' k¥18.两位学者地位风格饶舌题resigned to...embrace$ T# A6 C7 _5 }  J" ^/ |8 H
The two scholars of the works seemingly ____ their scholar status, ____ a causal chatty style.. t1 C/ x& V" C1 j7 q5 p
4 W9 w2 w  y( b20.教授要学生不偏见题impartial...unbiase
9 G% P- b9 a; [) A教授坚持认为他的学生对于古代的东西比later 要____,因此对于眼前的事要far from____,* X0 Q6 U4 \7 d. R9 ?! z1 _; h
8 t1 K* Q' {% y3 e2 a21.教学环境对两地学生影响题paramount...laudable
& X/ V7 a" y( k4 G5 V/ o. Q研究者研究两地教学环境对两地学生的影响,发现环境因素是____,a地的学生成绩no more____than b地.
+ b  b7 J/ s" h! v【注解】paramount: [adj]至高无上的) y% ]) L6 F4 {6 n3 U% t+ C- Q
22.某女主张"自由教育"题opposed...similar* G$ ^, b1 }5 p6 A
某女主张"自由教育",although it may well be ____by conservatives保守的, it is ____to their own ideas.
! b( y/ t' v8 {8 T, P& Q23.新老教育工作者对教育制度争论题agree...consistent with
0 u; ~& {3 L) c  K9 w& Z* d: c/ {许多年轻人认为教育制度应该更加自由,老教育工作者____他们的观点,因为一直以来他们都是____这一观点。6 [* v+ G  x: C/ V" {1 P
25.老师和学生看法公正题$ g; e' ~% d2 F' N  |  @
: o9 p) d! R: W! g. p3 [key:过去...objective(答案待补充完整)3 @% y# [* Z- e3 O0 A; f( {
28.学生与老师文章题subsume…aspiration- U- g% s& _0 @7 j2 r# Z5 c
Although 公认some disciples 的文章surpass their precursors teachers,但他们的早期作品因
" f/ S4 ~" k% ]1 m为受到了前辈文章较大影响,所以仍有不少____,不过在后来they become creative for their____。
8 c  T  Y3 F" c% ?【注解】disciple:[n]信徒,追随者subsume: [v] 把...归入, 包含aspiration :[n]强烈的愿望
( F7 Z+ S2 s& n9 @29.图书馆馆长放书规则题group...be detached
9 |; g4 A7 N3 p图书馆馆长curator 放书,说他放书按discrete 的方式,not____根据history context, 是____按3 A0 j9 D# u/ x" v2 ?& f% S
history context 的方式。% I, R' k/ P3 [/ q2 v' n; G% M# K
【注解】sacrosanct: [adj]极其神圣的

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