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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(企业公司)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11.企业 公司
5 P/ s4 b8 a6 [* n) p[共19 篇]3 F2 ]8 B4 h) A1 z
( a0 u3 H9 }: X$ O9 v; ^# R一个负责人____新奇的东东出现,决不是因为他____,而是因为公司强调集体的力量,而不是个人的力量.
7 X1 x# n5 }( c; ~4 A5 p. h$ ~) I【注解】eschew:[v]避免,避开vainglorious:[adj]十分自负的reserve:[adj]保留的,保守的
+ x  A; k) k6 _  M1 s【注解】spotlight:公众注意中心conceit eschew:[v]避免,避开reserve:[adj]保留的,保守的reticent:[adj]沉默寡言的,有节制的
5 A% U# x4 z  v' }2.天才创建与协作创建公司比较题
+ [& X. p8 A5 `# d  u* O% m一个公司founded by a single genius,it is not surprising to find that this practicer is less likely
( A/ V) t9 z; n  @& B6 j1 ~3 w  k' Eto____its founder' s ____participation参与 than the 公司founded by a teamwork..3 }+ i, }4 ^- m/ i
key:C. appreciate...initial(待确认)
3 T7 n6 o) m) w) E. ], v- @3.公司兼并是简单事实题hyperbole* U( S) N; p8 A+ I  K* l/ w6 F
The predominated claims, after merger of一家大公司and另一家大公司, not ____ but rather simple fact. 8 ?# e/ a+ r6 y5 @5 l- f& m. f4 |
【注解】predominate:[v]主宰,占优势merger:[n]合并,吸收substantial:[adj]实在的,牢固的inconclusive: [adj]非决定性的hyperbole :[n]夸张法( T( j7 E7 [# {+ w9 e1 q- {
0 t- K4 y0 X4 `/ U9 K公司情况不景气,有赤字,对此情况某人希望____,甚至____.
' m% P# }! u/ ^- w# w; K【注解】stall: [v] 拖延,支吾,使...熄火; O4 n! N1 g6 @# v5 |  N- O  F
6.两公司对立题, j: G  h+ e, B; ?5 O2 T6 D- f
Although two companies 不相互同意某事,考虑到____cautionary tale regarding....,their____.… ' V2 l' K5 d  X
' q! d" b- ~8 S0 e8 I/ V% x7.董事长对公司的调整题+ |$ ^) I, Y% K$ K1 R
3 `+ T. ^% t0 B* H0 t, dkey:xxx…profitable (待补充和确认)
  ]: D( Y" W' o: o【注解】profitable有利润的
3 r) b) l) }3 |3 I- h4 s8.企业(银行)倒闭破产和政府考虑不周题adequacy
! G; Q) j# N1 [. e# z1 A4 ZNo.3:The declaration of the bankrupt of the little company(银行?) called into questions of the1 s6 W, e, y& a* X& o
____ of oversight of the government's concern of private business which is exercised by
  T% I) v* d0 U) M: p' @government to ensure the health of private company.." j- c4 b( V! U+ d5 M& N5 ?
【注解】bankruptcy:[n]破产,彻底失败call sth.(sb.) into question:[v]对...提出怀疑oversight:[n]疏忽,失察,监督,照管inadequacy: [n]不适当,不足之处shortcoming :[n]缺点shortsightedness :[n]近视perspective :[n]透视,全貌,展望,远景
+ x) @5 @6 P* L: z7 N. M; Z10.公司系统维护题maintenance9 K* }' H* t* X# T3 h' Q
某个SYSTEM 的_____被忽视:工作人员当发现SYSTEM 已经不能再用时,已不能维修了。
, \# ?1 z. A% Z+ N【注解】maintenance: n.维护,保持,生活费用,抚养
) C9 P: ?: z1 x! s7 ^11.商业宣传神秘化世界题unrealistic* E3 o5 a6 O+ g
Commercials mystify us a ____ viewpoint of our world, and this can lead to......  u* O& W- f6 S, E2 g7 r: @
8 e# ~- B5 w, m% A某公司根据预测其某种新产品的销路将是____,though该公司老板不相信这些data,但仍____新产品development投入。- g; t3 q  }; m, ~! p  ?" G
6 h; S9 F0 O4 @2 s. r13.银行发言人说经济状况好转是谎言题claiming…solved
* R' h6 w4 H3 r8 a. k' E8 B) v(NO.1) Outright lie 是存在的:bank officers have been____ that银行经济状况有所好转经济问题已经被____,although the actual profit 到达minimum,报告显示财政状况的decline是明显的.
6 V! }+ c9 |7 J【注解】Outright lie:[n]彻头彻尾的谎言6 U* L1 ?" D9 q" l1 [8 P4 w% U
5 Q( q& u3 n) U$ N) N3 L5 g: \2 wBecause of the power and the authority Board of Trustees hold, so far from intending计划 to___their  Q; Z3 g/ T8 o5 U4 K/ E) L
authority that she just try to___their slope.大概是唤起一点点注意的意思4 a  a" k) {  P* |( T7 ]6 I( F! r
【注解】Board of Trustees :[n] 董事会invalidate :[v]使...无效,证明...无效( d1 r5 R$ l! q# s3 _
17.银行经济业务稳定题steady…modest4 l5 H( m8 k5 M* D2 ^
Unlike its competitors, this bank (or company) has a____, albeit as its manager admitted____; J/ A+ \/ b. j7 ?* D, g
progress in 它的业务。
8 l& t! {: i' G( k: f【注解】albeit:[conj]尽管admitted:[adj]被承认的modest:[adj]适度的,谦虚的,端庄的
/ d' l& I( g% T$ l/ W, C0 T18.顾客抱怨政府的检查放松了题laxity...menace( m/ R0 c4 o" a1 Z3 }' ^; A1 V
Customer 之类的complain that because the ____of 卫生检查the regulate prinple,所以the
3 W) c- D7 t# [, K% l! S- x% Umarket's goods 成为____to customer.
9 c6 V0 z3 S/ H( `$ R【注解】regulate :[v]调整,管理,校准laxity:[n]松弛,疏松,松动menace:[n]威胁

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