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[GRE填空] 2011年GRE新填空样题解答(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Text Completion Questions 段落完成问题(段落完型填空). N2 t3 Z  z+ S. m8 \
Text Completion questions include a passage composed of one to five sentences with one to three blanks. There are three answer choices per blank, or five answer choices if there is a single blank. There is a single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank. The examinee receives no credit for partially correct answers.! ]4 [) C* t9 ~4 o. b* S
段落完型部分包括一个段落含有1至 5个句子,每个句子有1至3个空格。每个空格(空格数量在两个以上)有3个备选答案,而对于只有一个空格者则有5个备选答案。每空只有一个正确答案。考生只有将所有答案做对该题才得分,即:空格在两个以上者不分开计分。
5 Z# p1 Q2 {& i1 V& n( dSample Text Completion Questions 段落完型样题
/ A8 _7 l: B( Q. g4 r- o: {, }9 H1 HDirections: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.$ u; o. t4 ]8 @) i2 K
2 S, G/ c9 ?9 |  }1. It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (2)__________ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (3)__________, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet.
& ]% o  z/ v5 [, ]
4 ^0 C+ t6 @# G6 BAnswer: overshadowed, obscure, and superficiality of our theories
* M. J9 T5 W/ n% o; t第一空线索:  i1 e0 i! f; X0 Q* X
读某本书能带来refreshing效果,则表明这本书作者写作的效果就是有让我们refreshing的效果或者预期。所以,他“does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics”不会让政治“politics”对这本书作什么作用呢?当然是不会让政治使其破坏这本书“refreshing”的特点。则,第一空从正负就可以将illuminated排除。具体选择“overshadowed”“invalidated”还要参看第二空。
4 K8 O0 T- ~* N. z( g1 w5 i# p# A第二空线索:- g  ?0 @- p, F7 ~( Q0 k7 p$ n, q' l
第二空线索说作者不允许them怎样。往前寻找them 指代,很容易发现:them就是politics。这样一来,马上可以看到这样的重复:7 j1 |' U, ^3 f$ a  [* q- r
an author who does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics
& C* _' l6 v- i) j= this author does not permit them to (2)__________3 }' ?# y- C9 ^
都是说作者不允许政治对书做怎样的动作。则两空是同义重复。又由于第一空推出动作是负面的。故两空都是负面的。则第二空是obscure, 而第一空也就只能是overshadow。# F0 l8 E1 K& d* E7 J0 y9 X0 r
第三空线索:7 p. e% w7 ]% k$ K
实际上是三个并列重复,同时和一个分词构成手段和目的重复。. Y& V5 m9 W: J" P5 ~- a
He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (3)__________, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood
5 p2 ?' f0 N- U7 w即:8 q4 H! ~" l0 O7 @7 j/ ?8 g
the enormous gaps in our knowledge,# k$ A' G6 a7 N6 l7 z3 G1 l2 Q8 o
=the sparseness of our observations,: c! S# f/ p6 Z4 y4 {) C! a/ g4 o
=(and) the (3)__________,
  C8 J0 B) O# ~6 J0 U5 `=calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood
0 ~& x& d2 X' r% y可以推断空格应该填写一个负面评价。

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