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[GRE填空] GRE网络课堂填空笔记-梁宏才主讲[1]

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or ----signs of adolescent anxiety.
- M% D) B6 Q6 @$ z3 x1 X(A) prophetic
9 M. s; p& `' o" V8 f: h+ l. z(B) normal / v7 o+ J- u1 x* M) P
(C) monotonous
- z, ]. L  N9 p(D) virtual
8 i0 \* f. j' ?* A) S, a# J(E) typical
2 \) f" h6 c* u' V; E2.The spellings of many Old English words have been----in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.
( e% F- @2 y( G- E  M(A) preserved + a$ w7 p" @6 A5 ^
(B) shortened 5 Q& O/ j# ^+ @- M% s
(C) preempted
( W: F/ g3 \* c! x* V  p(D) revised ! k- {/ m/ h, J) v* h0 u
(E) improved
0 K5 n# W& ]# {* G  n" N3. Although Johnson ____great enthusiasm for his employees' project, in reality his interest in the project was so ____as to be almost nonexistent.
2 D: i6 \3 C, K6 b- Q. ?6 M6 K$ @(A)generated…redundant
$ S- N9 }" l1 G. u(B)displayed…preemptive; `6 [) D4 q1 O" d/ G8 l
(C) expected…indiscriminate
4 @& y! m& F5 p: h% P$ \8 C$ b2 w(D)feigned…perfunctory ( Q7 c& h) c- _- l
(E)demanded…dispassionate( R  ]. x- L- p% H5 Y
4. However _____ they might be, Roman poets were bound to have some favorite earlier author whom they would ___.
6 I" q! c. _% ~% Y(A)subservient…imitate 0 F3 a9 U" J4 W
1 V; o) Q! T5 X(C) original…emulate
% e1 x* H' |' O1 M; N- ^3 n7 p/ c(D)creative…admire
! l4 S1 B2 M; t! L(E) talented…neglect& h! p. g( x2 h+ b
5. The "imposter syndrome" often afflicts those who fear that true self-disclosure will lower them in others' esteem; rightly handled, however, _____may actually _____one's standing.' C" V4 H& l' G( {" V. P+ T
(A) willfulness…consolidate / P1 J- ?. U& |
(B) imposture…undermine 8 P6 y, R9 H0 f+ A
(C)affectation…jeopardize : ~/ E: `, H/ V7 O0 o7 G
(D) candor…enhance 1 [3 Q  D* ^* m4 k2 C9 V
(E) mimicry…efface: n# j& ]$ c, [' N
6. The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and----such illnesses.
: c% L  [7 @# n) c5 D* D(A)disguise
3 B! b$ ^0 ]7 g; X(B)impede
, Y+ n5 T) |& K( ^: _: u) Y: U6 S(C)constrain; C8 N6 R8 o% b  a
. O: A. f& w4 v2 y3 h& `# Y(E)consummate
+ ^8 X. N* |( o$ Z) i1 _1 L7. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as----, even as a sign of madness.) C( J  D' }; x) X6 D! X( ?9 Y
(A) adventurous
  ~2 m& e# ^6 D% ](B) frivolous ; k) |# M" h8 ]: D; R# ]4 B. ]9 L7 g
(C) willful * k9 |% V8 n, Q7 u% k2 v
(D) impermissible ' [2 ^2 ]2 A& R
(E) irrational& M- `- s3 Z6 u3 U
8. Literature is inevitably a ------ rather than -------medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.' j, A. B0 O1 ~( R9 w" R
(A)distorting.. a neutral' n1 U# b- }. I) W" ^) Y
(B)transparent.. an opaque
2 Q8 r8 Q0 d# ~4 {4 @3 {(C)colorful.. a drab   ^. ?9 \) |& _. I- T
(D)flawless. .an inexact / E" c0 v# k$ w9 }) [5 w
(E)flexible. a rigid' O- t8 _% @3 A; D
9. The proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to----federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.
7 b4 }1 @( O4 }- R. |# s; a(A) protest
. M+ @6 `& W5 T(B)institute " Z2 S6 T+ V) G! @) m. F3 s
( w) m! y5 d: ~1 d6 I' f(D) encourage
$ H# v  \' W! ~. b4 Z) y(E)disregard 4 w# h- _: s* m
( |: ^# ?/ n$ _& m. M" k( @
10. Because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still -----on land, where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet to become a------1 j, P. U* P8 y
3 l  c9 b, Z: z, K# |5 ?(A)scarce. . common ' o/ J9 i) p2 E6 `1 P5 T' h% S7 N
(B)accessible.. marginal 3 Y5 G+ W" H' |2 I( f7 Z# I: [* h2 ~- \
(C)unidentified.. subsidized
+ G! H- Y7 M+ E3 Y7 s! A(D)conserved . . public+ N: l1 f/ `% n$ [- {- h) E% r! r
(E)plentiful.. profitable0 U7 T* Y2 G$ Q& E
11. Clearly refuting skeptic, researchers have----not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what theory----it should do.
/ K  h& L, a- _(A) doubted.. warranted - Q& U/ C+ ?- l9 L
(B) estimated.. accepted
2 i* T: T! x) D. H3 y" l(C) demonstrated.. predicted 6 ~0 a2 U; a* `+ j2 g. X
(D) assumed.. deduced
" a- }# N% w1 f  Y! g(E) supposed.. asserted
1 ?/ t2 }$ q) H, g  j5 G1 f( p- T+ o12. During a period of protracted illness, the sick can become infirm, _____ both the strength to work and many of the specific skills they once possessed.
0 o* z# v3 {) t(A) regaining % R; S7 q- L+ h( f- p9 X& J/ k3 ~" m0 t
(B) denying
. l2 W6 G( q7 O" \(C) pursuing
  \+ O! R* J8 L% H/ ~$ g(D) insuring 9 J( M5 c8 `. [& O0 O, J, J( D
(E) losing
6 ^! Q8 |1 M  d13.It is to the novelist's credit that all of the episodes in her novel are presented realistically, without any ______ or playful super-natural tricks./ ?8 P3 k. c5 K+ b
(A) elucidation
  _' i& F" `# N- U' H(B)discrimination 9 ~, T2 `1 L9 h6 Q' f% m
(C) artlessness % }: t1 e) h0 F; ]; a: W: b: d
(D) authenticity
0 v! e8 h8 L/ ^2 v+ Z6 m- i& W7 H  C(E) whimsy
. K  |* ?) ~' b" d5 [( y答案:AADCD DEADE CEE

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