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[GRE填空] GRE网络课堂填空笔记-梁宏才主讲[2]

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly----source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.
5 _2 u7 [* L+ |0 w' M$ r; B(A)Exploited
! t' Q* ~/ M3 y: L0 X(B)quantifiable . ?1 j4 B5 X1 Q, D
: `6 b; M" h: x, j! j(D)inexhaustible 1 [& N9 [6 J4 V
(E)remarkable1 e" P9 z, g/ u2 z0 |
2 A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist's subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling _____ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.
: E5 D) Q) V- D+ _, k( A& s+ |(A) facilitates " Y+ }2 D7 T  g1 Z# u8 G
(B) averts " Z9 `4 _+ X# U1 v+ o: L
(C) neutralize
" h' C% E5 V& H(D) implies 4 ^9 e3 X4 }$ K2 O& K
(E) represses
5 _+ \+ f& h% A8 W4 g" z3 It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to which he was forever----others, in the end, all his----has only worked against him.
% A0 M0 i# S, `' |; f3 U3 _(A) dedicating.. self-procession
  ]0 N. i% o9 N, h(B) leading.. self-righteousness
6 g( v1 r& O  F+ ~" |(C) consigning.. self-adulation % i6 q5 _6 q, i
(D) relegating.. self-sacrifice
1 D' j2 f4 t* r. c! X7 x(E) condemning.. self-analysis" d* J! e, L. f/ ~. p! y2 ~/ T
4 The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a----system; its strata remain----and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.
$ G+ F$ o; e$ |7 o! e3 l(A) health.. skilled
9 f+ q5 ]# S7 K. u# ]- v(B) delivery.. basic
) z$ H9 a' [7 s9 \! P- U(C) regimental.. flexible
/ T# W: }- E# T7 W, `" [(D) training.. inferior
  \' K( a) X1 s$ p) D7 A(E) cast.. intact) X  R  V' b% C* G: r& F
5 Although ancient tools were----preserved, enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally----progress through prehistory.
' h7 ]/ m. U4 }9 U. X/ I( Y- ^(A) partially.. noticeable
0 @; k. t* @7 \8 i, D5 a/ ~. p( Z(B) superficially.. necessary3 Y+ G2 ?% }& U  Y
(C) unwittingly.. documented
  F- s2 S  H- g0 n3 Y" s! _(D) rarely.. continual % b5 z+ y4 S, s* D5 E8 I
(E) needlessly.. incessant * G# S1 |  i! [3 R
2 O- K1 H  @" \* X0 E1 V! i
6 It is puzzling to observe that Jones's novel has recently been criticized for its______structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious_______is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework..
: F  v! N3 m+ L(A) attention to.. preoccupation
: I  d/ ]; s" _" X(B) speculation about.. characteristic# a; b( Z% f3 Y: I0 O* b% f* p5 C
(C) parody of.. disparity 0 X. x: X: Q$ o6 Y/ O( o5 ]
(D) violation of.. contradiction * ~4 k7 F0 W" Z$ A! z
(E) lack of.. flaw8 p( M6 x  Y  ]2 n6 ?% a* U+ L3 e( t
7 Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater----their efforts to build a progressive party than the----of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
' K$ \- }* T& \9 S- {& ]& m2 v/ W(A) support for.. advocacy
5 D3 F5 U. p' ?  K(B) threat to.. promise
; E- P% ~  x' b% [(C) benefit from.. success 9 l( ]1 D1 B# c( @4 j! h! k
(D) obstacle to.. resistance
7 r* t( K7 E2 L6 r2 A% I4 L  R% Q' Z(E) praise for.. reputation
) o) y2 n% _# R& T$ T8 During the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread----it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose----was both imminent and welcome.- t" t5 H, c' P! x/ v& I
(A) flight from.. restitution % f2 z+ E7 N5 S; K
(B) fascination with.. corruption1 C5 I+ e" O: e# ]+ S
(C) rejection of.. vogue ) Y! L' Q) l8 W) N- ^
(D) censure of.. dissolution $ v; [4 b% N( g+ _% Y
(E) relinquishment of.. ascent
! q. C" w# K+ f" j" M0 t& S9 Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable----the possibility that increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 can cause long-term warming effects.! T& l% J7 [; J3 a$ V5 D
(A) interest in
4 J7 U! L9 I- b" ^(B) uncertainty about
  H* B4 _, e" v5 u(C) enthusiasm for
& N$ _/ t& N2 {( K: x$ p(D) worry about 1 m- l2 ~# i6 M% G
(E) experimentation on2 v6 t; \7 D9 H$ U
10 The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval -------natural settings had been ----- and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.
; W7 Y; T& l+ j& }(A)fear of.. exorcised
" s- f- L: M! w3 i+ F8 x(B)concerns about..regained; e% t# g) q4 n' y0 D
(C)affection for.. surmounted
* _& j  y1 n, I& G$ p# |' m4 N(D)disinterest in.. alleviated
  J% o2 o4 X' y9 x(E)enthusiasm for.. confronted5 E, q" [3 d8 M& `. q0 ?1 k
11 Although the discovery of antibiotics led to great advances in clinical practice, it did not represent a----- bacterial illness, for there are some bacteria that cannot be ------- treated with antibiotics.: y3 G( J$ c9 m* N! P+ R0 H9 b
(A)breakthrough in.. consistently
6 ]3 y6 S, E' e8 X& ?+ \* E7 D9 f(B)panacea for.. effectively
, y" Z' n# o( R* T9 [, P(C)neglect of.. efficiently
  S9 {# ?+ d5 U% ^3 O6 N4 p(D)reexamination of.. conventionally) f5 @) S; ~. M% n1 s8 W) {; M& t
(E)resurgence of.. entirely# m+ M& G) g7 A2 D8 k7 W! Z
12 Eric was frustrated because, although he was adept at making lies sound ----- when telling the truth, he ----- the power to make himself believed.! A. D2 \: \5 s2 K) G) w% C* r* D
(A) plausible.. lacked
! D6 i& l4 J1 {( l$ s7 c- a9 X3 C(B) convincing.. held
7 Z. N* ?* a7 R; V: k! b  ](C) honest.. found
) c  N0 b5 z* f( ?, o) {(D) true.. acquired + M; V8 w( f8 q- i
(E) logical.. claimed
. z$ s  o# d/ y$ ^: d6 F; k  g0 e. G, G
  t$ ~2 m2 `  Z8 _0 n# V9 O
13 As the first streamlined car. the Airflow represented a ------- in automotive development, and although its sales were -------, it had an immense influence on automobile design.
& f5 F  T4 v6 E. Y0 k& n(A)milestone.. disappointing
2 u  R4 l% m  P6 }# f(B)breakthrough.. significant
5 n8 K6 B# N7 H% f& D(C)regression.. unimportant
( ~7 C, D* `4 L, G8 `: t% @8 ?$ n(D)misjudgment..calculable

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


(E)revolution. tolerable</p>14 The characterization of historical analysis as a form of fiction is not likely to be received----by either historians or literary critics, who agree that history and fiction deal with----orders of experience.
. c# l% m( C3 @6 F(A) quietly.. significant + L: n4 M: w  n' G7 P% c
(B) enthusiastically.. shifting 7 n2 F/ H7 c7 ?
(C) passively.. unusual8 [% k* ~5 X# N/ Z$ \
(D) sympathetically.. distinct
0 P# `! U$ X6 @! D(E) contentiously.. realistic
, r: C* p+ |( G, u! F
" q- O9 N& v- e6 r) u
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