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[GRE填空] GRE网络课堂填空笔记-梁宏才主讲[3]

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Created to serve as perfectly as possible their workaday----, the wooden storage boxes made in America's Shaker communities are now----for
/ J" L. o/ K0 i$ k' Ztheir beauty.
- ?& [7 R4 V  \4 L& J" y; p(A) environment.. accepted; z/ e# @1 s2 }* s% D. i
(B) owners.. employed: V, h- b: f6 F: U, X7 j6 G9 Z6 P
(C) function.. valued4 J6 f) M# t3 _) }. T* V
(D) reality.. transformed$ Q+ v! t6 s" ~# i- [* x
(E) image.. seen
- j* s& A0 p, m- ~& `) M2. In order to----her theory that the reactions are ----, the scientist conducted many experiments, all of which showed that the heat of the first reaction is more than twice that of the second.
) i& R  {5 i: b$ z(A) support.. different
* M/ j: @8 P0 F' j/ ^# K6 k(B) comprehend.. constant, M# u" m, A( E0 L. {, v
(C) evaluate.. concentrated
" F/ c9 J/ g) y, c% m  t0 l(D) capture.. valuable
2 z2 C1 I2 J9 G8 a$ G2 B(E) demonstrate.. problematic
% s" K# o8 i: \' @7 F3. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to----accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.) s$ S3 S1 O! z7 ~' u, E2 c. @- z
(A) insular
3 L* X: r) G/ _* d9 [, s3 K9 g7 @' M(B) investigative
3 ^+ Y# z; m$ \0 P1 G2 r(C) synoptic, u( |! I+ O# z3 @/ I) C
(D) subjective
$ x' I8 ^7 x# g# _. T# x' j8 d5 _9 K(E) sensational
" q( U; p' j, z, J5 N1 d8 ^4. William James lacked the usual----death; writing to his dying father, he spoke without----about the old man's impending death.
0 y2 {, Q( H; H2 C9 b% T& B(A) longing for.. regret ) S1 t% Y# x  S" _; a5 j
(B) awe of.. inhibition
& {  P+ Q) H) @4 L7 \& A& B  D(C) curiosity about.. rancor! l$ b+ z8 X* i# G2 `( V5 `
(D) apprehension of.. eloquence" m: F- w: X0 n9 ~2 s% V
(E) anticipation of.. commiseration5 L6 Z0 u0 N( |) Q& b
5. Current data suggest that, although----states between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression are as distinct physiologically as they are psychologically.9 F8 r% T& b3 Z4 L+ G
(A) simultaneous
4 M6 X# G; V. v$ l) `8 h(B) serious- ^9 s' a3 c4 ~
(C) exceptional9 p, i: q( t! Y* `# i1 @
(D) partial0 }; z) g3 n: u( u% Q
(E) transitional2 r: x$ ^$ S2 Z; H0 d' X
6. Famous among job seekers for its----, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such----as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.2 Z  c0 u+ V. L4 Y4 R% S5 Y
(A) magnanimity.. reparations9 B0 P% H; j" ^
(B) inventiveness.. benefits2 A3 \- O+ E5 J! L+ V2 n2 h. \- m0 Q
(C) largesse.. perquisites1 d: o. I; i& X# H
(D) discernment.. prerogatives) A0 D4 U+ B& N1 v# o
(E) altruism.. credits
) F% o/ ?2 E3 @0 Y7. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is----other forms.
9 M, L$ [) ]: n9 L(A) segregated from
& t* x9 n8 }, P6 E(B) parallel to2 N7 Q& }, l! I+ w% H" X) a
(C) dependent on ; v/ c) [" ]) d5 s
(D) overshadowed by! r# x$ U: F1 l: V5 C, D% n
(E) mimicked by
6 N! Y) X# l8 W8. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of----for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to----its own continental coastline.3 T3 |5 @( q" x$ c1 S% w
(A) negligence.. fortify # ^# e0 R- k# Z% H' i4 T
(B) custom.. maintain
0 e: D5 H# U* Q; W(C) convenience.. stabilize
/ z* P* l& O( o8 U2 K" f(D) expediency.. defend, h8 j0 c2 l. [5 v* H) ^% b+ j. ]" _
(E) exigency.. reinforce" z2 z( G, F) N
9. While not completely nonplussed by the usually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly----by their lively criticism.
# y5 u- I, d- ]; v- x0 w1 i+ G(A) humiliated
# f. a' K9 U, U! m(B) discomfited
( Y2 F' q* C7 O" x1 a. T$ e$ [. @(C) deluded
5 ]' C1 x& c9 Y4 ^+ b: U(D) disgraced
! }( v8 A# T" q$ k: u(E) tantalized
' f1 l$ f  ~! D1 q
: ^/ s# K5 w2 i10. In eighth-century Japan, people who---- wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of----fields.2 b# ]# f/ q% Q7 O6 m  t
(A) conserved.. forested
/ p' `5 I0 A5 B6 k(B) reclaimed.. arable
! \" J& d" {+ l! Q! r(C) cultivated.. domestic. h% j+ b- ~% l1 j4 Q
(D) irrigated.. accessible
; B" n9 E& T& F* a: u0 t(E) located.. desirable

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


11. If duty is the natural----of one's ----the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
! C( ?: h, j2 H(A) correlate.. understanding of6 R' Z# n9 {' W0 u& i. @' c
(B) outgrowth-control over' X" w) C# a' e5 F" V
(C) determinant.. involvement in  g! Y' X. N4 Q
(D) mitigant.. preoccupation with4 s1 B' S2 L* ~& J3 q4 U  c0 F
(E) arbiter.. responsibility for
5 U( H' P  a) L" c  c0 H  s2 u6 D9 c12. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king----the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.
4 y- M1 ~+ d# B(A) merited
* U7 K7 U/ ?" O$ ]! v/ |(B) forfeited   Q2 U5 Q. W% x
(C) debased
3 d2 C; f" A- x' M4 T6 e(D) concealed
* L( ~, e0 _4 Y" N(E) extended
" g8 V: R3 d  C: ^- _13. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from----, relating the----of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
/ s8 {4 ^6 x" \& _(A) age.. ancestry
* J6 O3 ]! ~# C5 c( a3 S9 h(B) classification.. appearance3 w& H$ [: O7 m" U7 _; C* W
(C) size.. movement 6 ]1 \* z  y- o
(D) structure.. behavior9 F0 F( X# |" e/ Z
(E) location.. habitat; s; h5 k  `3 A3 _7 a- l5 Y
14. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was----by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.+ m0 e1 D( M2 @! h( s3 \
(A) banal
) s  M7 q6 |) K) N" P(B) heretical
% S2 d7 D+ L0 e/ R% n: N2 n(C) unproven. t+ }  Z/ z* `7 z
(D) complex
; G. B* L. ]9 o9 M" n(E) superficial
" }4 J* \* G3 e2 ?15. Industrialists seized economic power only after industry had----agriculture as the preeminent form of production; previously such power had ----land ownership.- g8 q3 s2 m$ s7 s4 _5 P$ J
(A) sabotaged.. threatened
0 h# T9 I$ R7 B$ o2 \6 P4 O(B) overtaken.. produced
3 W8 L5 ^5 O- F(C) toppled.. culminated in
1 Z8 S8 [# T! m9 I(D) joined.. relied on
6 r# E2 F2 B( Q+ i+ b. u/ u(E) supplanted.. resided in7 L, ]+ c' i1 S  C- @- ?! w
16. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed, until they become accepted as fact even among people not known for their----.
+ K- r0 K9 {6 B* n(A) insight
6 x3 R' b: t4 ]7 E: b/ a(B) obstinacy) U4 f' t8 p; l# B+ ~. B+ Y
(C) introspection
" U7 D& f7 v* U, V(D) tolerance
7 c# |: m1 \+ e1 O(E) credulity, B1 N% b/ T# U+ w; J0 z9 g
17. No longer----by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual----for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
; N# Y1 F+ l. L: F# X; ]4 X(A) satisfied.. reasons
! j1 q( a# x5 T4 ^' ?+ o2 {(B) sustained.. substitutes
% _$ h0 v! A4 s: K. u0 s! ?(C) reassured.. justifications, N* h, V3 Q* t3 z3 `' _, m  V
(D) hampered.. equivalents
1 O7 e4 C. x; |- j(E) restricted.. parallels. p+ |$ [( `! S9 I0 Y2 B  m; E
18. People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be----; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of----.
' X$ M( r5 _' G5 R- j: s(A) depraved.. hesitation, a* L" E0 T2 V9 }
(B) cruel.. effortlessness$ Y4 \9 ^4 l. p4 B9 D& P: |% d
(C) wicked.. indolence
7 ]  ]- g9 f5 R(D) unjust.. boredom
) w$ n# |, {0 @- X. D) ?(E) iniquitous.. impiety
/ q/ o- \2 J  _; _, w3 ~" o
& r% d% t8 |2 ~19. Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to----them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.
3 z! e/ N# [  X3 a(A) recognize, Q* `5 D" Z( e9 X0 w* ]' T5 v
(B) hoard
/ F3 B# I, V; `8 p8 K( u2 G4 L(C) trample1 Y3 V% L0 ^+ o2 }$ C9 x
(D) retrieve
, q) @, r4 w5 n  ]# x& r) h(E) approach
. Q" @2 r+ U  W/ K' o; y, {20. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only----government records to see----evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
+ H  A3 u1 L0 T& `: k! d(A) inspect.. questionable " E: c1 X$ j3 F2 k
(B) retain.. circumstantial
/ }1 _+ V. W; A8 q(C) distribute.. possible
& Q$ o% X4 ^" F( p1 d6 d(D) consult.. strong
$ K, n5 Q$ K$ G( _& c8 T' q/ e(E) evaluate.. problematic
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:35 | 显示全部楼层


21. In scientific inquiry it becomes a matter of duty to expose a ----hypothesis to every possible kind of----.
9 ~* {& x0 i/ ~% {% z(A) tentative.. examination % ^+ T# n8 |7 A3 C
(B) debatable.. approximation0 _' N! f  f7 h0 a
(C) well-established.. rationalization
; s" g1 o) W% w% f2 t(D) logical.. elaboration( B! W/ u- M9 M  _7 s
(E) suspect.. correlation
6 A3 {/ Z- Q, N4 k! C22. Charlotte Salomon's biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ----public events, retain their hold on the----recording them./ z3 @% c' l  u0 V
(A) transitory.. culture . Y0 Q9 j6 m8 I; E) Q* F) J
(B) dramatic.. majority5 a( C7 V% k0 F6 d; Y
(C) overpowering.. individual
7 M+ y* @! |8 e- D# `( f# A(D) conventional.. audience& ?" e# p+ ~" P8 y$ x) ]! K
(E) relentless.. institution) ^4 S. Y& x3 a2 o% P
23. Philosophical problems arise when people ask questions that, though very----, have certain characteristics in common.' r1 s1 w* H+ m9 F' t
(A) relevant2 h& k7 r+ x3 j* ?+ [
(B) elementary $ \1 u1 V$ k: }
(C) abstract 3 I  m7 u5 `2 p- W) R
(D) diverse 7 G& o3 a* n' }. H
(E) controversial
9 j0 t; |5 X! z24. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the effect of depth in a picture work simultaneously, the picture's illusion of----three-dimensional appearance must therefore result from the viewer's integration of various indicators perceived----.( E' I9 h' p* z. b# R
(A) imitative.. coincidentally
, `6 `' v7 N# T7 ~% E' D(B) uniform.. successively
/ l" v0 k. K0 |. m) r(C) temporary.. comprehensively' f8 |/ j# T5 l5 ~
(D) expressive.. sympathetically
% u7 ?: e) I  o- ?$ A(E) schematic.. passively
% U: j+ [/ V4 s2 ]+ e3 D) S. ~答案:CACBE CCDBB BBDBE EBCAD ACDB
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