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[GRE填空] GRE网络课堂填空笔记:陈圣元主讲1

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. It has been argued that politics as ___, whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.
; c5 ?( V7 k; Q9 L* e  Z6 p(A) a theory# p- M: U. s- V  i1 _$ H& R
(B) an ideal" k! ~- f/ D/ x' p' F
(C) a practice# I# Z2 g' }' X4 {0 |- f
(D) a contest
6 D1 X5 j2 O# |9 ?+ Z1 M(E) an enigma* F8 n% B: w  l: D2 ]
2. Eric was frustrated because, although he was adept at making lies sound ___, when telling the truth, he___ the power to make himself believed.
$ D1 _$ C8 K: ?# L(A) plausible. . lacked+ r: q7 z: S; F' }, X6 N0 o
(B) convincing. held
5 b2 i; z% ?; U(C) honest.. found' [3 J3 E: Z: d0 M7 ]6 l' t
(D) true.. acquired$ _3 `' g' D7 W- E5 d
(E) logical.. claimed+ h- q7 C# P! J
3. The Chinese, who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers ,and because of this ,can claim humanity's longest continuous___ of natural events.) n3 q1 L* M, m' ^2 K8 V
(A) defiance
8 [! x+ r% K: x6 _5 e(B) documentation
& n+ L  o" l1 a" I2 m9 D; T1 D) b(C) maintenance
5 e2 x. ^' d+ M1 g(D) theory4 g! }! A6 x/ S2 t! C' r8 H5 I( \8 T
(E) domination
  X$ H$ N4 B* p4. The transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic era is viewed by most art historians ___because, instead of an increasingly___ pictorial art , we find degeneration.' Z6 H0 |' u* \( U& B, a
(A) milestone. .debased
* p! W3 W$ ~/ P$ n(B) consolidation. .diverse
; H1 |$ M) \$ ?6 f+ l8 T(C) calamity.. aberrant
: L3 Y$ u' t6 y$ K. g(D) regression.. sophisticated$ `) ]7 p% S5 {+ X
(E) continuation. .improved4 E/ `2 A1 ^4 V" q
5. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from___ , relating the ___of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.5 W! p( u, {2 X( F: B
(A) age.. ancestry) J, h7 Q0 M' Y6 ^! U
(B) classification..appearance
4 @; v* E1 y  c0 ?4 q: U/ w(C) size..movement
) g& O& R# j1 _5 c! n/ o' c(D) structure..behavior: u# O% I' N) R; G! g& r1 l
(E) location..habitat
  [# ~& S9 o+ [* m) Y4 g6. The breathing spell provided by the ___arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions.: w# r* N) Q$ e* k
(A) plethora of
2 X- B7 s4 O8 m1 F% \- T" g(B) moratorium on
% W$ y3 R* M! c, r(C) reciprocation of
/ Z. E: Y/ Q4 J0 j4 x) ](D) concentration on
/ |5 b3 P. ?6 G+ G; i(E) development of
, D" A3 B6 c( ]7. Charlotte Salomon's biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ___public events, retain their hold on the___ recording them.
9 i% F+ O7 Z6 p  D( y; \8 W(A) transitory.. culture5 o! Z6 B( t# b" _+ n" u
(B) dramatic.. majority
/ I3 C4 h* R1 \( K2 B(C) overpowering. .individual" y* [1 C! p6 }9 R3 g' M
(D) conventional.. audience
5 E0 c/ |' l# @; H$ ]% d(E) relentless. .institution, z; n5 Y- K( q" t
8. The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary___ that permits very little ___ .: L+ g; Q0 V6 h
(A) text.. clarity  X  k+ D$ |' k1 \7 O. }- i
(B) work.. tradition3 ~( `: Z, Y, ~; k/ d0 q
(C) genre.. deviation
# t' R) w3 G% Z( b; Z) s3 O(D) oration.. grandiloquence
& f5 p, E6 p8 W# i(E) achievement.. rigidity# d7 J7 s3 f$ [1 v  X2 ~
9. In a most impressive demonstration, Pavarotti sailed through Verdi's "Celeste Aida "normally a tenor's___ , with the casual enthusiasm of a fold singer performing one of his favorite___ .2 ]% ^: {% i% B2 V
(A) pitfall.. recitals
. ~# @' c9 }! V! p(B) glory. .chorales; n, k% ~) s* ^7 ^/ b( Q  _
(C) nightmare.. ballads
+ g2 z- J8 [& f! H7 F0 t(D) delight.. chanteys# |7 a! M& v# t' A$ |# a
(E) routine.. composers " S" J$ ]1 d! F% n; D9 [6 x/ A
2 k4 W2 t; u: r$ i- p
10. Although___ , almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong___ publicity and controversy.- h  a1 b5 X+ b) X. D8 h+ z/ T
(A) conventional. .interest in3 y* H& C0 y7 k. L" F' o, C6 Y
(B) monotonous.. reliance on6 x) R1 u$ ^, x- s7 v9 y# v$ |/ ]* D
(C) shy.. aversion toward
+ J2 b6 E, `% e(D) retiring. .penchant for7 ~: \9 P, u7 z8 l4 p
(E) evasive.. impatience with2 G9 k# Z1 Z- N5 [
11. In sharp contrast to the intense___ of the young republic, with its utopian faith in democracy and hopes for eternal human progress , recent developments suggest a mood of almost unrelieved___ .
" p6 A$ Y$ _) X2 K; N* t(A) idealism.. cynicism% z0 O  Y( W+ C6 N1 d+ ]2 B2 }
(B) individualism. escapism" i6 q  Y; f1 m5 y  a+ Y- a- ~6 N
(C) sectarianism.. recklessness. e2 D2 k6 \6 Q' \
(D) assertiveness. .ambition1 t3 p+ F1 ^/ i  |4 H
(E) righteousness.. egalitarianism1 e8 c% O' O3 |* n; \
12. Within the next decade, sophisticated telescopes now orbiting the Earth will determine whether the continents really are moving, ___the incipient___ among geologists about the validity of the theory of continental drift.
2 z# q9 [# E+ s2 f) V(A) obviating.. consensus
  X4 Q! J1 `$ \' X. i- ^(B) forestalling.. rift% r* a* v* X4 w8 p! h$ j
(C) escalating.. debates
1 A5 j" L+ K) J* A3 F  R(D) engendering.. speculation7 q0 r- E  m% S) \* B9 d, D2 W" t
(E) resolving.. rumors, V6 d$ N5 f# @2 ]! U
13. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, ___between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are___ to the maintenance of community.8 k- Z) V0 R1 }! y2 x6 b6 M# k6 ~
(A) a compromise. .inimical- s% h0 N' H7 e9 Q% P' O7 _
(B) an interdependence. .subsidiary3 b% [8 y  J7 D* H$ Q- H* I
(C) a counterpoint.. incidental' A9 J# b8 x# S5 }) w3 N
(D) an equivalence. .prerequisite
, o) f4 W, l  l% ~6 L: {(E) a reciprocity.. conducive& v* Y7 o& s# o
14. For someone as ___ as she, who preferred to speak only when absolutely necessary , his relentless chatter was completely___ .' k5 D2 C5 _; n7 T7 K
(A) ingenuous.. ignorant& C+ H: \' ^8 k3 J* q9 O9 s
(B) curt.. enchanting& l9 {$ \9 ^3 g) }- ~/ K* S
(C) cheerful.. idle8 B8 e! q  X$ M5 \' o/ y2 R
(D) laconic.. maddening& |" h5 I0 G+ {" q- L2 V; n6 E  I  d
(E) forward. .pointless3 W) D! V9 q5 h" y2 N. l6 ?7 F& c
# e5 |- {6 Q( c' }
15. Fashion is partly a search for a new language to discredit the old, a way in which each generation can ___its immediate predecessor and distinguish itself.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


(A) honor" ~& m: E  `/ Z( h
(B) repudiate
- P7 M1 A2 i  q% I1 p' l& {8 a(C) condone
( r) s; Y- K: V( g) m(D) placate3 x" D$ O& k" L8 {
(E) emulate</p>16. During the opera's most famous aria the tempo chosen by the orchestra's conductor seemed___ , without necessary relation to what had gone before.
2 t8 z) q8 k! }) V) n(A) tedious
5 u5 b8 ^5 T6 R! D3 @(B) melodious
& _5 H0 e% u! q+ `' J; _(C) capricious
7 u; G$ ]6 d: \- }/ ?2 `: Q(D) compelling
+ q/ D& c7 `" |+ i7 p(E) cautious$ z* _: i# X: ?: e4 e
17. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in effect, ___evidence when it does not support his argument, tailoring it to his needs./ W1 @% D/ B3 Y  F  S! T; b5 r1 O
(A) addresses
4 {( @  h3 ]+ N2 \" K- \(B) creates
# Y" L6 X' u! E. m6 [( s9 U(C) alters0 o1 T/ c1 _% t6 P) A# _
(D) suppresses/ ], Q6 Q$ X0 M' X
(E) substitutes ; f$ [2 z% v( ^6 |0 D) `  [# s
6 E1 a: q! R2 `1 i
! y$ K: `: Z$ _  j# X1-17: CABDD BCCCD ABEDB CC
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