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[GRE填空] GRE网络课堂填空笔记:陈圣元主讲2

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part VI.
9 i3 q# H: `) K. M( b2 P' h1. Unlike the easily studied neutral and ionized___ that compose the primary disk of the Milky Way itself, the components of the ___surrounding our galaxy have proved more resistant to study.. O! s( a  G4 \1 c8 R/ T2 F
(A) figments.. envelope
+ m0 n0 a$ L, }$ A1 ~, Y, h(B) essences.. fluctuations% q3 z3 Y: `+ G7 u" x% o
(C) elements. .problems8 v2 {* ^( q7 q) S5 I  Y6 R4 V! k
(D) calculations. .perimeter$ R1 Z- A7 S0 a5 l
(E) materials.. region 2. As Juanita argued, this new code of conduct is laughable; its principles are either ___, offering no wisdom but the obvious, or are so devoid of specific advice as to make almost any action ___.
' J" V9 S, Z+ n(A) irresolute.. unlikely* T; r: [6 ]& ?: u! q8 o( w
(B) corroborative. .redundant
, Y* V/ Y" Q* c# _" `; N3 Z(C) platitudinous.. justifiable( E+ W! a% h% Q2 @+ X( s4 L  D) U) e
(D) homogeneous.. impartial; r- B# O5 `2 o
(E) labyrinthine.. unacceptable( X: V: M. }" [5 ^' ], W
3. The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true appreciation of the music is an ___process closed to the uninitiated listener, however enthusiastic.: S* i9 j4 {! D/ {& k3 C. [
(A) unreliable
3 w8 P' ^7 m' X) w(B) arcane
* L( }4 h; h- Y(C) arrogant* r% D1 C5 p% }3 _( ]
(D) elementary+ S$ `, X4 F$ L/ t6 E( F
(E) intuitive
) u. ~: _* Y7 [% y7 d4. It is strange how words shape our thoughts and trap us at the bottom of deeply ___canyons of thinking, their imprisoning sides carved out by the___ of past usage.
4 m' P& ^: j) W9 a+ K; W) B7 b+ A1 I(A) cleaved.. eruptions
+ |6 \& n& l) @; b(B) rooted.. flood6 a/ y1 d4 B7 K% P+ ^
(C) incised. .river  J# w1 A. c$ u% C/ \9 H4 x$ K
(D) ridged.. ocean# O" M# f' @6 V8 A" m9 r* ?+ e
(E) notched.. mountains
9 k4 X% |- c* ]+ }1 J$ F* @5. Cezanne's delicate watercolor sketches often served as___ of a subject, way of gathering fuller knowledge before the artist's final engagement of the subject in an oil painting.- H: X1 I9 n5 |+ W* D
(A) an abstraction& J; X9 P' k- e0 P! Y# v
(B) an enhancement
0 E0 ?, S# l. C(C) a synthesis
% ~  P& h( Z5 j% Y# a" [. M(D) a reconnaissance4 X5 a9 O: X5 s& p; u9 z1 d; G+ M
(E) a transcription% m, N' }' P/ ^) K. O
6. Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly removed from the _____ of society, the conventionality of academe.3 O0 M/ _# R% x' L. X* Q  c
(A) ethos
: Z: S0 M4 U1 _1 P6 C- v5 O(B) idealism) U5 k7 P/ B, l; q6 E
(C) romance
6 W; |& \, N4 X0 b+ [6 T(D) paradoxes
) j: R+ D0 S9 Y(E) commonplaces
7 F- m( g8 G1 h7. Just as astrology was for centuries _____faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of_____ the professional sciences.* R7 k1 D: z) m# L6 ], \
(A) an individual.. rebellion by
5 @# Y$ F  G+ {, z2 [: G(B) an accepted.. antagonism toward
/ B0 E3 g  J+ V9 u, Q: o6 I(C) an underground.. defiance against
9 B  n2 q4 |. c: b2 C(D) a heretical.. support for" i3 D+ @8 Q6 c7 \
(E) an unknown.. concern about
5 ^! v, Z# S2 k7 L( K/ g8. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on Earth because of the possibility of___ resulting from the carbon atom's ability to form an unending series of different molecules./ P$ b' M) _# t" I& i$ _
(A) deviation% _% h6 p: f0 Z
(B) stability
0 p8 \7 C. t" l7 b7 w(C) reproduction
7 f3 ]5 u: ]" d, ?( D(D) variety1 U; w6 f0 k+ E" U4 x/ b
(E) invigoration   S9 i. [, h; B- U" m+ n

+ r+ Y8 E6 c0 E) A9. Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly___ over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.
0 U/ L, r" N( o' e9 _" h(A) appreciated2 X, I0 @2 R0 ]9 ?6 l4 ]3 S' m$ h
(B) emulated
: d% |2 y# |1 g% P% u(C) criticized
& L" W! @7 s  |* X/ H$ G(D) revised# q3 J3 k; `6 s
(E) reprinted
0 O2 W4 J+ S4 ]; s+ L3 Z! g10. Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not magical___ or a brilliant ___blending Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
/ j. F5 o8 K3 J(A) stratagem.. appropriation
" f* D9 z, I; B6 v7 q$ Q! Z(B) exemplar.. synthesis. N4 N# S9 n) B
(C) conversion.. annexation% C9 U4 B5 c, F0 j7 B! G1 p0 U
(D) paradigm.. construct
# b; t+ O+ K6 O. a(E) apparition. .amalgam

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


11. In the days before the mass marketing of books, censorship was___ source of ___ , which helped the sale of the book and inspired Ralph Waldo Emerson to remark :"Every burned book enlightens the world."
) [8 h6 R% a8 \(A) a respected. .opinion1 `$ X! u9 N( x" q8 P
(B) a constant.. guidance. E* X6 J( D5 E  j5 O9 v+ p% ^5 `& P
(C) a prime. publicity- w+ |, _( a2 E9 B: R
(D) an unnoticed.. opposition
9 r: \- R  z- O8 r(E) an unpromising.. criticism
' C! L1 h7 p* O) u  C12. How could words, confined as they individually are to certain___ meanings specified in a dictionary, eventually come, when combined in groups, to create obscurity an actually to prevent though from being ___ ?
- L6 s/ f% s9 S: f/ j$ @0 W(A) indefinite ..articulated$ D2 J" @# j5 J* V& A: L
(B) conventional.. conceivable
, Z5 |- j) p' @(C) unlikely. .classified( X5 C+ `( i: R9 x  b2 k
(D) archaic.. expressed
  Z& \; U0 B/ Y! K% e(E) precise.. communicable4 s3 S. _: I* l. z- ]
13. Inspired interim responses to hitherto unknown problems, New Deal economic stratagems became___ as a result of bureaucratization, their flexibility and adaptability destroyed by their transformation into rigid policies.5 t6 p" t. _- l0 ~) J
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