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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(电影电视)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
电影 电视0 J3 o$ \7 [- E! `
[共22 篇]7 D: r* \1 B7 j* w. N( B
1.电影制造者对旧讽刺电影喜或哀题bemoan...current( y; B% l! M+ L+ |. K
这些电影制造者不知道该whether rejoice the satire老电影 that still striking audience,or____老电影依然____。( No.1 )) N2 _0 R. o) s: y1 t$ h' N+ E
【注解】rejoice:[v]因...而喜悦satire:[n]讽刺作品strike :[n] 罢工,打击,吸引bemoan:[v]哀悼,悲叹current [n] 潮流,电流,趋势,流行' h/ S7 h/ H6 [& [# V
2.电影小说影响乡村气息题diminish/ challenge...contrary7 q; B3 q3 A9 D# V$ X4 S$ V8 V1 i
: C' O# U; N$ H+ ~5 H  E【注解】earthliness: 世俗leisurely:悠然的
9 ]5 z* i% X+ S* c8 `4 ]- J?3.最终未完成的电影题9 [( ?  I( W; B
The title of the final and unfinished film of E##, is ____: indeed when he was shooting it, he was
- d! e+ B  v  I. r4 Zpreoccupied of thoughts of desertion.
! `8 B: T1 T# t【注解】inept:[adj]不合适的,笨拙的,不理智的inconsequential:[adj]不重要的,不连贯的uncharacteristic:[adj]不典型的shoot:[v]拍摄preoccupied:[adj]全神贯注的,有心事的desertion :[n]抛弃,擅离职守
+ d$ y$ D* d6 ~+ H- k5 @+ A' `4.制片人所不可预料的东西题unpredictable...modify/alter0 o, R5 Z$ R, k3 ]% X
对于the film producer来讲,____ element是though the actor 有necessary的应付一天到晚的工作安排和剧情需要的virtuosity,演员还是会对本来expectable人物personality,剧本等作一些____.7 S. z) ^5 p* U# Y$ e
【注解】virtuosity:[n]精湛技巧0 |) x% J/ B# V) z: e% i* [
+ E% c/ i4 }& L! qThe curiosity of the movie is its lack of____:it does not give the audience the isolated
8 [1 h% x7 R9 O0 \, q" k, mimplausibilities but a stream of them.5 g; T, J6 d$ W$ V8 r
【注解】isolated:[adj]隔离的mplausibility:[n]难以置信stream:[n]河流,光线, u+ v+ S- j: ?* s+ A
6.电影的相关附属产业利润题accessorial2 z- D( n5 u% |8 t3 N9 x6 x) e/ J4 a
电影的相关产业已经有比电影本身更多的利润。所以现在的电影商都更注意这些以前____的东西。 1 `! C+ Y6 {' k% f. O3 H6 Z
/ n% o1 c: {$ F6 S7.电影和其预告片比它本身更诱人题mirror...tantalizing/ n; _! n% P, w3 ?1 T
The reviewer of the film think the preview of the film____the film itself, though somewhat brevity , but it is more ____than the film itself.0 D% o  G& ~& W% l4 s- [) N. J
【注解】preview: [n]预告片mirror :[v]反射,映出,反映tantalizing:[adj]逗引性的,诱人的
9 s0 m2 Z- N$ o; S* Z2 T( Z8.电影工业和市场观众口味题catering/ dedicate/indicative...inspires/ reflect0 s" P& ~3 d1 e0 h& G
电影工业不会去____ its market and观众的口味,因为一开始它就completely垄断了行业,it never need to study its market: it produce as much demand as it ____.
& O' I( _3 ^% g8 D; X【注解】cater:[v]迎合inspire:[v]鼓舞,激起,驱使monopoly :[n]垄断indicator:[n]指示者,指针dedicate: [v]以...奉献, 把...献给% S% `; C) Z- M, f: Q3 f
9 S* Y  n9 D" n8 F6 a& q8 A  `& p某人的电影虽然很好,但是没有____,缺乏____.+ ]3 a! P; O4 r; j# @/ q9 U
2 x" ]* H9 {1 {. m, A* O2 Q; u% R一部电影很好,很有provocative和什么特点,以至于那些high school学生看了会产生nostalgia.1 B7 Y, A- `1 N7 a1 T- h, p& q
【注解】provocative:[adj]诱人,挑衅的nostalgia:[n]思家病,恋旧2 P" _% C1 ~) z! }
11.电影批评家习惯平庸题inured...credence$ G, D( g3 @, K
Movie critics of television are so ____ mediocrity that they are eager to find something at least4 m0 c. P! Q0 x5 L
marginally worthwhile,so even their glowing reviews are not ____.
  g. X; o  O& S7 z+ H/ j% G. }) [【注解】mediocrity:[n]平庸marginally:[adv]页边地,一点点地worthwhile:[adj]值得的glowing review:洋溢的评论oblivious: [adj]忘却的,不注意的
0 P3 J1 Z/ f/ r6 ?1 x/ q) j12.电影故事片和电视的暴力描绘题graphic
4 |' p  f1 r; n, K+ _( k" hMany featured films are criticized for their____content, even though television news is more often the medium that depicts violent events in the excessive detail. # U6 y, L% `7 w& T: ?0 J
【注解】featured film:故事片depict:描绘discretionary:自由决定的graphic:生动的
3 U# I) z# |0 e* B! C$ m  t13.新电影的销售策略题important...perception' G) X3 z9 N5 H' U
When a new movie is marketed ,the initial sales are less____ than the attention drawn to the
" D1 W5 p7 @* e. F' V; o" h& A: }advertisement implying that the movie’s already enjoyed great popularity .So in the marketing0 Y+ z$ R- p* W- G- ^% O' u
process , the ____ of popularity is of crucial concern.1 e  `: X) Q% ~% G
【注解】drawn to:对…有好感enjoyed great popularity 孚众望perception:认识$ n* `1 l; I- i7 T  B2 }, ?- o
15.有线电视是否免费题erroneous: O: R2 y( G; i& n% I! |2 i$ Y. z
The notion that 有线电视免费是____: 因为会播放大量的commercials, 观众必须支付。
& ?% W# Q' M$ M" F  z4 Q) |【注解】erroneous :[adj]错误的,游荡的
+ Y9 W' Z$ s7 _! P4 N16.编导的电影让观众一缓一惊题soporific...sensational
9 \, |2 [* v) K0 n1 Q+ x一个编导总喜欢在自己的电影里一会儿____一会儿____,让观众一缓一惊的。7 H( a7 ~5 \+ N( E/ m
【注解】soporific:[adj]引起睡眠的sensational: [adj] 轰动性的; ~4 [4 D$ b: S& E/ f9 d) s
17.电影被政府禁锢有些人很温柔但仍然没有指望题unpromising...reprisal' q3 ^# p; i3 H+ B4 A
一些电影人由于直接攻击政府被government imprison,因为他们产生了坏影响;又有一些电影尽管采取了一种modest的方式,也同样是____,但却没有遭到____.
+ v) F& B: d/ O3 B【注解】unpromising:[adj]无指望的reprisal :[n]报复,赔偿
& I1 Z* c6 L1 W) Q+ o7 {! E0 r18.电视节目激发观众的感情题incontinuous...incompatible
+ {" \$ ]- d' V8 C3 }Television dramatical is ____,for 尽管它向人们提供practical 历史事实in a way 激起人们兴趣

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


. R8 s1 K, `8 D+ U19.录像机普及影响传媒工业发展题opposition...subvert5 ~9 s: L# h5 x( _
刚开始video recorder 的普及inspired the ____ of media industries,who are fearful that the new machine should ____the laws and regulations protecting them,影响他们事业的发展. (No1,2400)
1 B3 k, s. C# |【注解】subvert:[v]颠覆,推翻,搅乱+ c6 Q" }8 I$ y8 j7 T3 l
20.电视转播改变法官和陪审团判决题prove ...unware8 N: O6 g' W6 I$ u0 {% u& ]+ \
Although I cannot____that 电视转播 will change judges and jury的判断,it seems unconceivable to me that the judge and jury will be ____ the观众的瞩目. 6 s- O- Z$ G. }. y! H9 o
21.好莱坞电影题8 [0 E  ~( k# a
好莱坞的documentary film has ____大众的taste...Hollywood film long before not achieved......
6 _1 z) W  k- G; w; c4 z" Q/ O其自身创作是____.
; B% U1 B6 G8 e1 E& X9 y6 f4 Lkey: fill...void (大意,待补充和确认)  V  T* T2 B6 D7 Y7 {
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