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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(戏剧)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7.戏剧1 s  t2 ?5 \2 F9 A
[共14 篇]% S$ ~6 l6 h* z( Z3 O+ Q
& x# r4 V/ s, u3 r! y) K& hThe absence of____ in performance of the actor reflect the director's intention to a psychological
5 F" ?7 G# m0 V- v# p  n# k* j. Inuance drama focus。
) O# a! i6 j, Q2 t; |* p选项( D, G; `1 _! l/ U
% E0 m: K5 A* |. u- c) vkey:naturalism(经典重考,争议集中在两个选项上,待确认)# Z* F" p6 n& w2 a* c
【注解】psychological nuance:心理上的细微差别tension:紧张gravity:严肃caricature: [n]漫画,讽刺画naturalism: [n]自然论,自然主义
  B" N1 w9 @5 E$ |0 j2.剧院里服装题sumptuous...investment' p- i# }0 j) C6 y# x, q
The actresses wore____costumes in the Elizabethan theatres,only second to the____of the expense of the theatre itself. 2 F% f9 _. A6 o2 K: w/ f8 {
【注解】anachronous:[adj]时代错误的anomaly:[n]不按常规sumptuous:[adj]奢侈的investment:[n]投资3 X' W$ ?1 l9 M$ f0 Y8 C
3.戏剧中人物引起观众嘲笑题% d, }% ~- X1 r8 \' ]  X
在某戏剧中某人flit valiant,观众对此如何反应,然后此人prowess和____引起大家的laughter。   A- U2 N, z0 u( Z; y* r6 B& k1 E( D
【注解】flit[v]迁移,飞,掠过,移居valiant:[n]勇敢的人prowess:[n]英勇self-assertive:[adj]倾向于自作主张的bravado: [n]虚张声势,蛮干心理
7 h$ R/ G2 K. B! b3 q4.某部戏不像批评家批评的那般差题excoriation...objectionable
/ I; v  @; R: ]: b  F( K, FDespite some critic's ____ of the play, it is not that ____ ;although there are some fault in the script, the actors perform well of the play. (no1)
( R/ y1 s! L0 a+ B  `% w% @【注解】excoriation: [n&v]严厉指责objectionable: [adj]会引起反对的
/ T1 c5 a/ V2 y; ]9 F/ s$ D* v5 e# I5.古代戏剧打动人心题key:stilted... sincere(待确定)
3 G. v* y+ w6 d4 Q* ]( nAlthough the miming scenes of the classical drama of the nineteenth century is____,if there is8 T# B* v) i7 g) r4 r3 i) u
more ____ added to the mining scenes ,it will be more dramatic 打动人心。
- W; A/ z" z0 t$ H  }& X+ f! X1 L【注解】miming scenes:哑剧模仿剧场景stilted:[adj]踩高跷的artful:[adj]狡猾的innovative:[adj]革新的lyric:[adj]抒情的
- p: p# v) s0 m6.肥皂剧题nadir ... realized
& i) \. ~) n& w# ~2 hFar from being a kind of____as a art form ,as most people think of it, actually soap opera ____the television’s potential as a representation of television artistic medium.
0 Z! E+ S: G. k% n" p【注解】rejection:[n]拒绝,废弃物nadir:[n]天底,最低点soap opera:肥皂剧1 g/ P) L# ]6 C
4 {* @4 T$ Q# I; y! ~. f+ k一个女演员影星似乎是故意delight in____观众对她持续表演滑稽剧的期望,考虑到在每次表演中即使在negative 的press面前,她总是特意____严肃的部分。   o5 w+ ^3 a+ a& \% `9 L
( |- h$ O) K% B4 |  w" g# L" Y) J, S4 i或impair…undertook(句意都通顺,基本确认undertake). t, {7 s2 x% [
【注解】flout:[v]藐视undertake:[v] 负责,承担underplay:[n]不充分的表演: U1 X* S  t4 v+ u% f
8.戏剧中令人深思的角色题contemplative... popularized
3 f) N7 t3 T2 p/ C! G6 Y; ?- fHe is the only____characters in the play, which otherwise will be ____the characters that are$ G7 o. [& [; U. f/ W2 T$ @+ |' {
anything but introspective.1 }: E! K" W  Z' ^- c2 ^
【注解】speculative:[adj]推测的devoid of:没有dismiss:[v]解散,离开,解雇contemplative:[adj]沉思的popularize [v]使...大众化,宣传anything but :恰恰不是introspective:[adj]内省的
! m+ d6 v' H0 y1 l' P( M8 B9.剧团上座率剧团保守题(同舞蹈第一题) conservative... avantgarde( ^$ T$ J5 B0 d4 V  t, _
某剧团总上座率下降,但剧团没有认识到他们的____,虽然其中几部____的戏上座率高。 " a+ B2 V7 ]1 L; I3 @5 h0 ~
' Y# [& b' z7 j% z9 l, |+ K: }【注解】iconoclastic:[adj] 反对崇拜偶像者的bohemian: n.吉普赛人
% }; _; s- K& o- D5 S9 u6 f# w10.剧本有缺陷批评家们没有得逞题9 h) p& Z$ G$ g! k& D% H( \
6 l* W5 {4 C2 R5 {* a4 r6 Y: N1 x12.剧作家和舞台题startling...jettison' Y& F! D$ p: v5 K9 ]1 l% f
某playwright 的作品非常的____的,many people in that 他____以往舞台上使用的normal* P+ D2 M" F& R4 @; i
methord of creating theatrical 情节background
: n, _: O' F) ^4 [key: startling...jettison(此题已确认)0 `3 C1 R: T( x) O# v+ f, O$ }" }( J
【注解】startling:[adj]令人吃惊的jettison:[v]投弃,抛弃: i& P. g0 {9 f: {+ E4 d% F
# Y( i4 D2 [( p) |3 H5 S1 ]一个人因为____theatrical imagination,所以观众struck by 他作品的____.. S- P3 a2 T  n& S4 R2 o
key: suspicious of...colorless (基本确认)) y5 m; v. v: z( \5 ^7 s8 u' l
- ^0 G  ^# A- e  I+ w因为某剧院____有限(limitation),较适合表演受限制(confinement). 2 U) U, W& e, @* j# f9 g
【注解】acoustic:[adj]听觉的, 声学的, 音响的historical : [adj] 历史的spatial: [adj]空间的

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