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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(财政资金)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9.财政 资金% G: t" q9 q1 ~/ \
[共16 篇]& d$ X/ d' r+ h/ z: P& B7 j) X
1.投资者依赖企业财务报告题verify...predicted on
2 |0 o# y. x7 l' F" T0 \2 _! Q8 z投资者越来越relying on 企业的财务报告来判断投资,企业必须____information, 于是a increment ____development on lengthy reports.* C4 t9 x* }5 \; d$ v) l
【注解】verify:[v]查证,证明,核实increment :[n]增加,盈余,增值
/ W. v* |0 h# u9 K/ b1 o" g2.前后校委员会解决财政问题无效题invalid…surmountable' ?# b) Q) y; H. ~
某principal 对current committee 解决某财政问题的____颇为费解,因为这一问题对于以往的
9 X: v; X9 V3 c+ K+ Y) ?4 F3 gcommittee 都是____.
  u- ?0 H5 w& s【注解】invalid [adj]无效的surmountable:[adj]能克服的principal首要的
0 t  s+ C; [3 S1 R3 n3.财政改革和着迷造成赤字题preoccupation/obsession3 {( [  Q. ]! \% M
(no30).It is not because the aversion of the financial reform改革 of the government make it impossible
6 _9 \6 j( w8 o/ o, ufor sb. to balance budget 困难,on the other hand,it is____造成deficit
5 g4 a8 l; v8 t8 G: Z" a【注解】aversion:[n]厌恶,转变方向budget :[n]预算,包,批deficit:[n]赤字,缺乏preoccupation:[n]抢先占据,全神贯注obsession:[n]着迷,着魔debate:[v]辩论,斗争
" H4 G* j6 H3 J# y8 M' R4.撤销和增加fund 利弊比较题increasing …harmful
3 E% R2 J& H" b4 i3 v  H% T5 OConsidering 可能带来的负面影响of cutting off the fund,propagandist debate if ____its fund will! L& o8 R3 r% p1 q1 H, I  G+ R5 X7 U
be no more____than intercept it. (no4)
: o. Q; O; I  h- R2 w* ^' t: w. S【注解】propagandist :[n]宣传者intercept: [v]拦截,截击,截断. A3 h- \, l% G" k# o
5.财政部长新经济政策和公司利益题4 N* y, m3 I  h) j' p
& t3 p# x6 p# E  e& \1 ^# c关系,但是这个政策没有____公司的利益,也没有____有助于该公司发展的意向.9 C! r+ D3 \5 b. c7 ^: Q. s  ~
key: d. benefit…purposeful故意的 to (基本确认)4 q8 o  \! I: S: C# ^' k7 ~
【版本二】指控官员对telecommunication firm 感兴趣是不合理的,few 条款____ the firm,而3 i7 f) u  c# i  @' Q- @: W% L
且这些条款not ____for the firm.
7 ~0 q, j7 G0 h  f; D8 jkey:benefit…conceived (基本确认)3 f( _" y6 B& J
【注解】thwart:[v]反对,阻挠,穿过designate:[v]标出,标示,指派conceive:[v]构想出,怀有,怀孕,认为4 h* Z6 h0 z* y" {* @1 `; T% t1 u
# G) S$ m( O! n, Q" O' z某政府因为____什么province,要收某税,遭到某人的非议,但是当地的一些学者说一个政府能靠不收税维持正常运作是____的。
- S, M7 ]- h; ^% ]/ ]. ]3 f( K【注解】violate: [v]违反,扰乱,侵犯,亵渎exceed:超越…界限province:职权unwarranted:[adj]无保证的# x& J" A7 T9 ^% u/ t
7.委员会和市长花钱置新地题contravened8 h/ z/ [" ]- K1 G$ D
The committee’s refusal拒绝 to the proposal of buying new lands until the mayor 市长ear## (不认识的词)
2 E- _9 I' V% _& M* Ra proportion of money from a fund 处理the existing parks____the stated 目的of the fund:to" n# y0 {! j* }& \
increase the acreage of public parks. (no4)
# N  l) e7 w2 R! O: ikey: contravened(此题已确认)
8 {9 n$ v# [/ z5 R( }3 Z+ ^# P【大意】委员会拒绝花钱置新地,直到市长违背初衷(拨出)一部分原先说好用在现在的那7 L+ X+ v6 J6 b
9 F" J1 H4 G) m: z8 s6 T【注解】proposal: [n]提出,求婚,提议contravene:[v]违背,与...相抵触acreage:[n]英亩数
6 P: m+ k; R! r; J5 A* F; @" {9.州政府最近的预算问题反常题anomalous ... illuminatin
9 H, x- m, n+ `4 l6 mIf the state government's latest budge problems were ____, it would not be useful to employ them as ____examples in the effort to avoid the inevitable effects of shortsighted fiscal planning in future.
( z4 }0 w' T, H5 `2 C. e7 z分析:如果预算反常,什么有效的方案都没用
1 B8 F) M: M' j4 n6 Y?10.对投资收益性的悲观题
( H! I6 F* A  b  F- h$ w7 Y% fIn the modern industry society, the pessimism about the profitability收益性 of the invested投资 capital ____( m: `7 W# W# q4 g$ `! u$ d* ]
the excessive过度的 individual savings to the ____ of the economic growth of the society as a whole。' W# j2 m( Z4 _4 z& V
( X. O& _, R( A3 ?, e12.国家经济变化与停滞题7 s) w# ~6 @# V* I
Since一个国家的人民喜欢change rather than ____, 这个国家的经济提高了。  q' ]3 m0 K4 ?% R1 {2 l( U
【注解】stasis :[n]静态平衡,停滞, p; T/ o( v7 z/ |2 o2 Q% m9 O
8 L, w1 m# E1 {& d以前法国人们把收税官看作敌人,于是一个人如果____收税官,就会被左邻右舍____.
3 ^5 p6 P. J% D. O  b8 u1 L【注解】saddle:[v] 给...装鞍, 强加
  e2 H! d$ a/ c1 o1 O14.经济学家震惊和经济模型题stunned . . invulnerable$ g. ~/ f8 `1 u# t
The economists were____to find that the theory that they had considered____crumbled when3 Q4 `* ]$ T6 j& ~0 f
【注解】stunned:[adj]目瞪口呆的invulnerable:[adj]不能伤害的crumble:[v]弄碎,碎裂,坍塌,崩溃,摧毁contradict:[v]否认,发生矛盾,反驳9 ?+ q2 L4 J8 L6 [5 }% v* c5 l# R
15.商人交换货物的知识题assumption/posit...comprehendible) C+ @* i. |* Q9 {+ i
某理论家有个___,说all traders have 什么exchange goods 的knowledge , but in fact ,在现实中. R6 d' {7 J' n  r* t& e, V% V
这种____的knowledge 是nonsexist 的(这些知识并不是____实践中所必须的)
; a7 E  x2 Y. n( k8 Z: X: Wkey: assumption/posit...comprehendible(基本确认)8 E4 u& F1 Z4 L, t- a0 h! m) f3 t
16.不好预计某物的价值题calculate…consensus/complexity3 w/ f6 y/ d$ T, I8 u, Z

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