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[GRE阅读] GRE阅读辅导:长难句实例分析79

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 @* Z, d4 E6 ?9 N0 @% d  None of these translations to screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchy at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee,which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan’s three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century,where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements. (4)9 g9 O5 v/ h3 t
  然则,在所有这些被搬上银幕和舞台的改编作品中,没有任何一部作品能生动地再现《康乃涅克州的美国佬》结尾处的无政府状态。而在原作结尾处所描述的情节是,摩根历时三年之久苦心经营的进步事业被暴力推翻,他又重返于十九世纪,在由于他的那些有关吊桥和城垛的语无伦次的唠叨而被列为疯子之后,显然自杀身亡。6 D: W& T( N1 j9 Q- X2 t
5 W, w" q. P! Y6 Z' k  解释:本句是典型的层层修饰的例子,主句的宾语anarchy被修饰得不像话,以至于笔者用光了三层修饰符号也没有把所有的层次标全(anarchy)与at the conclusion of 之间未做标记,是后者修饰前者),其实这种句子无它,惟长而已,多练即可。
. g: y" U- q- H) ]  意群训练:None of these translations to screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchy at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee,which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan’s three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century,where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements.
; A4 U- K) j/ _3 e  gre阅读长难句的并不是一天两天就能解决的,需要考生的坚持和日常的积累。

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