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[GRE阅读] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(10)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
cavalcade / k' g( d6 P& I- [$ f8 z, e) k' G
procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages; parade; CF. cavalry# e8 a6 N: ?3 |
" d# j! W6 Q! y$ [' k' T3 U$ j8 Acasual and offhand; arrogant; N: knight
5 m6 ~6 @7 U) v8 B* A( ncavil
9 S' E. w4 G% ^quibble; make frivolous objections; find fault unnecessarily
% w) U+ r! n8 E7 ^1 ^1 Xcede ) z# U/ N5 f5 U" k
yield (title or territory) to (esp. after losing a war); surrender formally; N. cession% @5 v& k! ?- v
celerity 1 d6 ^' L5 ^2 _# l4 O
speed; rapidity
* s1 f* g* Q3 H0 rcelestial
! u% N' K6 ]2 Zheavenly9 d" Q6 ^1 e3 |9 o" H
( @6 p2 t( Z- r& k. fabstaining from sexual intercourse; unmarried; N. celibacy
" s  S2 s0 q" W5 ecemetery 8 z. o. }( b( }) ?
place for burying the dead
! V0 D# ?! f, _/ i* ~censor
1 c4 j& r0 E- M0 N/ C(in ancient Rome) overseer of morals (also taking the census); person who eliminates inappropriate matter; V.  o. q6 Y9 F; T4 ?1 S* ?+ S& U- n, S: O
$ }# D* h# n% y! j9 L; sseverely critical
5 d6 c, x( i/ B: i% qcensure % L2 h0 a' f/ e8 D$ D) O
blame; criticize; express strong disapproval; N: severe criticism; strong disapproval
% s$ c( D$ O  wcentaur " X( I% m: }' L: r
mythical figure, half man and half horse& ]9 x9 z* K8 i5 v; B$ B6 k
centigrade & _( s% J% W( k- P8 b0 j9 y3 ]0 n
denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius)
$ K0 O1 Q: \( X0 O! Ecentrifugal
1 l5 p+ n& y6 `$ _radiating; departing from the center
) y" \, O! v6 S& ]centrifuge # y2 S* B% e. j
machine that separates substances by whirling them, O5 G- ~$ ]4 i4 e- E
centripetal # e4 W/ G; d  A
tending toward the center
' z1 w6 @, h5 {9 pcenturion
* C/ V, ~  ^* o9 E: u/ ?Roman army officer (commanding a company of about 100 soldiers)$ F. X2 y1 v/ T" ~: o) a3 w( J9 x5 J5 K
cerebral ' U% x/ @) N8 G9 f4 l
pertaining to the brain or intellect; intellectual rather than emotional; CF. cerebrum( g1 T' l' C: {' [
6 y1 @, c' K4 j* ^2 L, N& Q( `thought; working of the brain
/ p" C: I* R" nceremonious + I2 F1 m# @2 d% ^0 t
marked by formality; extremely formal and polite; CF. ceremony: conventional social courtesy- Y' g; c( G  X
certitude $ ^# e' k5 ~( r  l# Z
certainty0 Z* D/ K, c! s( w2 ^4 \  j" K
  w) L7 L) D; U  T" Nstoppage4 _# U3 Y9 V3 t. L9 ~
" t  m( T" |( s3 j" D# O% C! Ayielding to another; ceding0 C# ?# Z. w) h7 f, i1 K: w
2 K" F3 {- ^# Z0 ~0 Lwarm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing; N.5 A9 e! {3 {" o; b! m7 q, F
chaff 3 b& g9 p7 M+ b1 U. i+ s
worthless products of an endeavor; husk(outer seed cover) separated from grain; Ex. separate the wheat from the chaff: ?" O: q) ~9 `# x
chaffing 5 q8 \$ r5 T% ]: s
bantering; joking; a1 j- T2 [+ U# c, g( n
chagrin 6 @" M! L( w, u* U% I/ }
annoyance and disappointment; vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride)
9 }9 l8 W. G/ u8 Q4 S; Lchalice
- z+ K! |# H' s5 u/ s2 tgoblet; consecrated cup
* i: m8 q+ W' ^; u8 ~: x: ~chameleon
3 I  _3 L0 \9 Zlizard that changes color in different situations$ T3 S: `4 V+ @+ Q7 r9 y1 }
champion $ A& q& @% S4 h7 @+ d, w4 Z
support militantly; fight for; N: person who fights for or supports strongly (a principle, movement, person, etc.)/ L# f$ f$ i9 s; y3 h
: @3 g  u% o2 [* eposition of champion; defense or support; competition held to determine a champion! ^# k4 i* y% h. v7 A
chancellor / Y' W# z3 f+ C. ?$ B4 X
legal official of high rank; CF. chancellery(chancellory): position of a chancellor
- F0 G- S. }: u; @) ]% |8 rchant 6 L+ O5 M5 _: K3 B0 H, s  U. d% ~
tune(melody) in which a number of words are sung on the same note; V: sing (a chant); utter (a slogan) in the manner of a chant
- B: Q! j: A2 x7 Q7 A9 zchaotic / [7 ~* k* @' w
in utter disorder
  }2 Z( _+ U( I/ f  Ichapel ! ]+ c% Z% p7 f' q' C2 [/ J
small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)( W# N. N0 [( q- ^0 x% I1 r7 [! u  M
chaperon   p* C: |' ~' W9 B0 r4 x+ \
older person who accompanies and supervises a young unmarried woman- `6 m/ K4 _+ [+ M9 r% J# s
% N4 w# g/ E" Z/ P9 }& a7 ?clergyman attached to a chapel2 X% d; |4 r' \) Z
char " v" ]* d8 W$ n. `: t. Z5 j2 i8 H8 N
make or become black by burning; reduce or be reduced to carbon or charcoal(black substance made by burning wood) by incomplete combustion+ R: n; ?) x1 c6 q7 D
: v4 Y+ v, B8 ]/ jdivine gift; great popular charm or appeal; magnetism* `$ N4 e1 k* F- v, Y
: G/ N$ w0 _3 ?& `& n6 W: P" a; uquack; pretender to knowledge (esp. in medicine)
) S, C' r/ \! h: m& `9 m2 N: _8 Wcharm
1 V/ P: B5 K3 J+ J( Z* Cquality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a spell on; bewitch- ?1 m- k1 y+ R* u5 U
/ F* |6 x$ l' ^; d& Hcautious; unwilling to take risks; sparing or restrained about giving; OP. bold; v: d1 G3 h( g$ v/ H$ {
& T; s, i. v3 Sornament a metal surface by indenting; follow rapidly to catch$ b2 g7 D. `. c) c4 s. |
chasm 6 W* j) c" f' r( U$ @, q
abyss; very deep crack
9 D" s2 a, \& k2 F; H+ \chassis * q! ~: e! U' G6 c. |
framework and working parts of an automobile; framework to which components are attached- K5 o) `7 n/ s  `
- }4 j  P8 y0 K2 Cmorally pure; virginal; abstaining from illicit sexual acts; modest; simple (of a style of writing); not highly decorated; austere
! ]3 b: ~( Z1 ~1 T; S/ Gchasten " d. h$ K1 C8 i. m
discipline; punish in order to correct; CF. castigate" s7 l5 j" {* W6 [1 W$ D! @
, Q* @* z$ o; ^! A+ E8 m5 p- |% g, rpunish as by beating; criticize severely
: m4 i" O) |% \* u! p4 W: t. hchauvinist
* h% T  w/ E( g0 H' o! q- Pblindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group, cause, or sex; ADJ. chauvinistic; CF. chauvinism; Nicolas Chauvin( p' s+ C* W* `# a7 `' }
* W9 }  h/ g7 r' `stop motion; curb or restrain$ ?6 V' f4 z. J
checkered(chequered)# B% i% O" t" e! K3 R: {# W" L
marked by great changes in fortune; with many changes of fortuene; CF. checked: having a pattern of squares
) h& I- G$ ?  g- x0 G; @8 ycherubic
7 p$ I6 {. d7 N" l7 x9 y; t. ]angelic; innocent-looking; N. cherub; CF. seraph: winged angel of the highest order4 z8 M4 c7 ]6 ?4 W% |6 A- B
chicanery , N' x1 r. ^; O
trickery; deception( C8 p# w  g8 S6 J; Y$ N- f
chide ' E5 \, _2 P& @+ v) o+ Z
scold; rebuke (someone who has done wrong): e0 d4 x$ r! Q  T- p6 r/ z
chimerical 3 i! x6 O2 s" T; h5 x
fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; N. chimera: unreal fancy; fire-breathing female creature
$ _* M& H/ z2 g; }7 N' Schip
% E& R; l) u& w- d# ilose a small piece from the surface or edge; N: small piece broken off something; CF. French fry; Potato chip/crisp
8 L# i# ]8 }: D" A7 u( O. Wchisel % S( ^6 v6 b5 h" Q
swindle or cheat; N: wedgelike tool for cutting
/ N( w" |+ Y0 ^7 d: w3 Z/ l( tchivalrous . J, G5 w& b3 ?: ~0 e- ?1 }
courteous; faithful; brave; N. chivalry
( x# i$ G1 ~$ I1 o, @+ y& l) @choice
0 w5 I/ c4 ~( wdelicate; of very fine quality
6 t  A0 w" _! B# fchoir
( W4 S( S  x+ M% D( \1 J7 F* Ugroup of people who sing together (esp. during religious services); place for choir
: r6 p4 b- F# Pcholeric 7 C* R+ B% V" k# F
hot-tempered; bad-tempered; irritable; easily angered; CF. cholera
4 k- U8 Y/ A$ mchore
2 |3 Z1 l+ i% }/ ^* [9 udaily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping); unpleasant task
- L( @. e0 g7 q$ achoreography + o4 M8 _' R+ B: s. J) k# f
art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances
" Y  t% c3 K" G1 z" Zchortle
7 J, Q" ^" ]6 j+ n4 |" o% wchuckle with delight; N.& r7 k5 ?. x- q9 d8 s: K; z
2 W) |- r% G+ O; x- i8 ?phrase repeated throughout a song or poem) E; z( A6 `; ~' p# r
( N8 C" a  P% l7 dlong established as a disease2 K3 L; E1 Y. o' W
chronicle - k. E: V1 y' a
report; record (in chronological order)- Z! S5 T; \4 m6 \* T; H& B
3 L" `; V/ e& h0 xlaugh quietly& P4 E2 k! u( R
churlish 1 T- k: V8 U8 X  \
boorish; rude; N. churl: boor; yahoo5 N2 Q* Y" r$ M& X3 E! `
ciliated 7 d! w! d; j# i6 k1 N, U1 P
having minute hairs; CF. cilium; CF. cilia: eyelash
& H5 L& w& t4 Y; K4 `cipher
# {! z! b' ~7 Cnonentity; worthless person or thing; zero; secret code; V.! m. }+ R# @" A$ ^; ^
circlet / Q9 ^: N( O7 s* m( S1 B
small ring; band of gold, silver, jewel, etc. (worn on the head, arms, or neck as decoration): A+ G7 p0 \" f2 e9 {
& t, o& l& ?2 j0 Dclosed circular line around an area; circumference; regularly repeated journey from place to place
8 @$ _! d% |, w1 G  q# {circuitous
- Z8 \* i, j" o2 ]8 S6 O4 s. e  Eroundabout2 S+ x8 a/ Y3 u/ K- c) Q1 L
circumlocution ; N. D- i  {; r
indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)
- Q& ~3 _  k% g+ vcircumscribe
  U7 D1 B/ ?! e- [4 O" Ilimit; confine; draw a line around
  I  e- _- e0 o2 `5 F6 \5 Q* mcircumspect ( E8 t# l  ]; x6 z
prudent; cautious; acting after careful thought
5 b. `" Z( Y3 H6 O% pcircumvent
3 U& T9 k3 E( y/ a) J9 ~! Toutwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around
, d/ @: V* S: S* x' q8 u4 M: v2 wcistern
3 j, l0 Y" t4 a3 O8 j3 S. creservoir or water tank
0 E, j* N7 }7 ]) L# K, vcitadel
6 h8 F, {; O- s1 ^fortress
2 M, M$ J% @* Rcite
* r/ ]* G; s: t. b/ y* I( ~quote; commend; Ex. cited for bravery in an official record2 E; ]/ H" z1 m
' `& k) i: r. Y9 ~+ T$ ehaving to do with citizens; not military or religious; courteous and polite; Ex. married in a civil ceremony; Ex. civil strife/disorder/law; N. civility; CF. civic
! i, b$ q0 E/ @/ j) xclairvoyant ! G7 O, v' |1 |1 r
having foresight; fortuneteller; N. clairvoyance
0 g% r6 }5 U1 C. ^% j7 hclamber , I3 s: L1 t% ~6 H6 O
climb by crawling with difficulties; scramble/ M2 o. L* I8 e8 K  A/ l! d
clamor ' c6 o: W& ?4 j% k
loud continous noise; continuous demand or complaint made by a large number of people; V: make a clamor; express (a demand) continually and loudly; ADJ. clamorous

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