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[GRE阅读] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(16)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 a/ D8 N/ B7 I" Z0 B3 Ebehavior; bearing6 O% B1 D8 ?: d0 ]
demented / x' r( U, V1 I# Z0 g& @* I
insane) r2 R& V6 s2 Q; M3 L3 H
demerit ) X, @$ p6 r3 f  m! b0 m1 W* s$ F
fault; bad quality
. m2 U* q' N8 T( y$ A+ Jdemise
2 m7 y5 N' H, ?4 pdeath
  ]5 a1 R( J" a- O$ Qdemographic
  k; ], I) ?2 W" o: ^7 F: nrelated to population balance; N. demography: statistical study of human population9 T( F. Q4 y/ b% l" d
demolition + s, y$ G) {! G7 u! j# K
destruction; V. demolish
6 S- O5 I) h. r" jdemoniac(demoniacal)
$ ~! k7 u/ m2 ~fiendish; cruel; N. demon: evil supernatural being; devil/ Z4 J$ Y  z% t6 E1 a/ G4 e
demotic ) J0 f/ ~: `. D8 ~0 k, W
of or pertaining to the people
) r, H2 o% x! v  G( Mdemur
8 m/ H/ K, V5 o6 G- Lobject (because of doubts, scruples); raise an objection (showing qualms); hesitate; Ex. demur at the idea of working on Sunday
3 b4 k% D* t# _# X, ^$ rdemure
5 a5 W' }- z2 e, \5 V(of a woman or child) grave; quiet and serious; coy; pretending to be demure
4 T. ?; a" Q8 P* Y, _denigrate 4 Z. Y' v3 K- g8 B
blacken; defame. C( K  c! R8 y) v
denizen . G  w3 p, N4 ^5 p- X  D2 Z
(animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident of a particular place; regular visitor
; j; G1 j* ]: h6 n5 sdenomination
; ~4 U" s( w& t; o& e) ]$ q/ Yreligious group; unit in a system; name or designation; CF. denominator: common trait or characteristic
" p6 @; p- C$ Bdenotation 4 ^0 R1 m) P0 B: `2 V! l
meaning; distinguishing by name; V. denote: indicate; refer to directly; mean; CF. connotation
0 y' G8 t$ i6 h3 x' _* a1 R9 I; `denouement
$ }3 C  ^/ S  ^; vfinal outcome; final development of the plot of a play or other literary work; the end of a story when everything is explained
1 ^# |# E6 ^/ R! T: N( q' Vdenounce 2 z! o  T! {2 D8 ]$ a
condemn; criticize; N. denunciation
4 ]$ X: S6 m. S; }% odepict % ?6 M$ a9 ]- Y5 c
" i! X. V8 A4 Wdeplete 9 A6 Q* W( s# D3 H
reduce; exhaust
& f5 s8 S- q  y  X0 Z( k3 S% qdeplore
, ^+ Y4 x+ q; L$ a" Y+ q5 }: _regret; express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior; ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval; Ex. deplorable living condition
3 P$ B7 X4 ], a6 u4 X+ a) q3 {deploy
1 ?( A) e# P0 n% j& [/ t% Fspread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line; distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically( d+ `' _3 u7 `* m# Y8 a/ o
9 o, J0 s9 _- y  Ssend out of the country; behave; N. deportation, deportment
. x0 D9 K: q5 N, N. O4 Kdepose
& V$ X8 L% A; p* }; G1 q( a# q3 R6 e& Bdethrone; remove from office; give a deposition; testify
4 C* {! O0 q! O! `! y( p' h3 x( xdeposition
3 G- S  q% ]- x7 N" ^9 G6 s) Utestimony under oath; deposing; dethroning& H! X# ?/ @  M5 c8 ~, E
. j# M- a8 z& v9 W' rextreme corruption; wickedness; V. deprave
* M8 {# g9 D2 g' }, m- h+ tdeprecate
: f- t% O5 h4 c2 ^5 X3 fexpress disapproval of; deplore; protest against; belittle; ADJ. deprecatory
7 q% h# t) o1 E" d* Pdepreciate # O$ r) i  U/ c' I8 z% [2 a
lessen in value; belittle; represent as of little value
* P. G" }' U6 `; l, ^: xdepredation % t: l4 k% T( ~$ m# T" d
plundering; destruction8 y6 n5 @# H2 @' P( }
deputize 0 R( i3 y9 w6 H# x& y
work or appoint as a deputy; N. deputy: person who has the power to take charge when the leading person is away
9 t7 @2 i' h# l4 P) Ederanged
7 z6 n# A- u) j" t4 P/ Cinsane, w' D  o  f% q( q" f
derelict 6 W& _0 G' \4 ~! F
negligent; (of someone) neglectful of duty; (of something) deserted by an owner; abandoned; N: abandoned property; homeless or vagrant person3 t: Z2 A  Q7 K8 A& I
; {4 N3 [2 ]$ p4 ~4 }neglect of duty; abandonment
1 I# v! U% @( t& sderide 9 u  p7 d6 u3 u
ridicule; treat with contempt; make fun of; OP. respect8 H, z3 H% J4 _5 u& T6 G- ]
/ g2 ?1 ~; h: Q! iridicule; ADJ. derisive; CF. derisory8 X$ t; y1 `% z. Z
8 b" z6 _, r: P! Y; s# @1 rderiving; origin or source of something; Ex. the derivation of the word
5 S7 Q2 o8 r/ jderivative
; C% b) Z7 q$ \  [8 s9 Gunoriginal; obtained from another source; Ex. derivative prose style; N.. \  K9 p) K% z8 r( [
dermatologist 9 M: i9 [& c4 V, A
one who studies the skin and its diseases7 v9 h4 a$ Z9 w5 P. I. M* b
derogatory + b: u9 w  T6 u2 v; A3 N; t! {
expressing a low opinion; disparaging; V. derogate: detract; disparage
; x" [0 x: _8 Bdescry
0 g  L$ y( z6 Z, Wcatch sight of (something distant): ]) g5 k, ?# L7 Y" \- }
desecrate ! z1 P- n2 n+ |. X+ G. s9 \
profane; violate the sanctity of5 m- ]% z4 {& K3 H
deserts ! D2 T1 l4 G0 z; z- b. M
what someone deserves
' W, e, K' C" _) [* q1 [desiccate
& o6 J! |' |) D" _" adry up
# |4 G& y# j! S$ Jdesolate # {) n6 y  W( ?- m! X
make desolate; forsake; abandon and desert9 Y9 Z$ o4 Z( O! r3 B
desperado $ N+ k1 F* f/ j8 U
reckless, desperate outlaw( u/ J( I% X/ W3 ~6 ~
4 s5 _; x( ^/ {7 p  shaving lost all hope; despairing; reckless and violent because of loss of hope or despair; undertaken as a last resort
7 }9 y# u1 e- m) n; ^; ]% C5 Cdespise
: o+ s7 J% n. d2 alook on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful; ADJ. despicable: contemptible
1 a" a0 X6 a' ]0 cdespoil 4 w! j. A) l+ ^# X! ~" D0 h
plunder; sack; Ex. despoil the village
& c; u4 X( `  P% C# Bdespondent # {  Q8 ^( U5 Y
without hope and courage; depressed; gloomy; N. despondency: loss of hope with gloom; dejection
- s5 D6 g0 m* d6 A& g3 m1 Adespot 5 j" [% }8 W5 d% g- f
tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler; CF. despotism
! O: G* o1 M' P! {; pdestitute 8 C- Z7 d2 b, o" o
extremely poor; lacking means of subsistence; utterly lacking; devoid; Ex. destitute of any experience
1 `: t) v  [$ a' d# c7 @" Z: s' `$ Hdesultory + Q0 b, F" T$ s! D8 v
aimless; haphazard; digressing at random% a$ e) h" ?% r5 O7 q. T
! s/ D' A$ o0 m9 E  v+ i/ [emotionally removed; free from emotional involvement; calm and objective; physically separate; N. detachment; CF. attachment" a. {: Z8 K, s0 X! M
, v; z* S) X" J1 S8 s" i7 Vkeep waiting; prevent from leaving or going; N. detention( q2 I1 E+ x, R" Q; f
! w; q" ~( \+ _7 X0 |! J/ ]having a fixed order of procedure; precisely defined; invariable; fixed; conclusive; final6 P9 r$ i/ f4 W/ P+ F( \
determination 5 Q! `" ]! T/ B: e' E8 H+ u
resolve; firmness of purpose; measurement or calculation; decision
$ r3 @2 j( h: Vdeterrent
9 l$ P& ^! }+ C; zsomething that discourages or deters
. c0 z$ a2 Z+ _/ ?2 s. s  ydetonation
& j( B( r" ~& ~4 Z# I7 bexplosion2 U, i7 S5 Y2 ^+ G/ H4 U
detraction + }+ ~+ f& H( I) B, H
slandering; aspersion; detracting; CF. detractor
& J0 ]; O+ B6 T; C3 Xdetrimental + B  p( X' v' S2 n" Y# V5 R0 R
harmful; damaging; N. detriment! T; _) z4 d- d% Y% k& A9 i
deviate ' P3 M& @- x: o( |
turn away from (a principle, norm); move away from an accepted standard; swerve; depart; diverge; N. deviation; Ex. deviation of the path of light by a prism
2 l" {2 ^; b0 ndevious 9 _4 C! Y$ V! o
roundabout; erratic; deviating from the straight course; not straightforward; not completely honest; Ex. devious route
2 i& U- K6 S6 Adevise " P  i" F+ b+ B+ Y( J
think up; invent; plan; bequeath; N: bequest- i* g$ X: z. t+ T2 b
devoid 6 r4 L) ]$ Y( j. d
empty; lacking" z* J8 t! R0 u7 r
devolve - q! _: I; S: r+ S! t) W7 G+ t
deputize; pass or be passed to others (power, work, or property); Ex. devolve on/upon/to
/ z4 w/ z  r* T, o! o+ pdevotee 6 E  T4 P8 s- N% l/ B9 F$ U  R
enthusiastic follower; enthusiast; Ex. devotee of Bach
7 g0 w3 d) |* [- G- Ddevout 8 v% |' Z3 l' o1 o4 m: B
pious; deeply religious; sincere; earnest; Ex. my devout hope
; S( g. K- l# N$ G* i' l7 Hdexterous 2 u) t6 j2 X, k; H3 C$ l$ ?, |0 f
skillful; skill in using hands or mind; N. dexterity5 q/ e+ q4 Z9 i
) a) G7 b9 d% U) B- E, N& pdiabolic; devilish; fiendish
0 i! H1 {: Z% o/ \  }diadem
" T6 l% v4 F4 R& D0 [9 fcrown
4 L& _  ^2 f: Y+ ]4 {: cdialectical
$ o; `% T0 r. N3 _relating to the art of debate; mutual or reciprocal; Ex. dialectical situation; N. dialectic: art of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments
! d4 _0 ~% I! z) P. {: [* g- idiaphanous
9 v& d( b/ F; P+ ~" Xsheer; transparent
4 o4 V, C! `; O% o; y0 ediatribe
( b. p- @% k/ }! o; Ybitter scolding or denunciation; invective; abuse8 L9 F5 y; K+ u* D  w
dichotomy 7 s8 k: e! R, O7 Z# o9 j9 u/ X
division into two opposite parts; split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones)) ^% ?6 u, a# \# A+ ^. H* \
# |& J: n1 b# k" E: e5 l* Rauthoritative and weighty statement (made by a judge in court); saying; maxim; CF. obiter dictum: incidental, nonbinding remark (something said in passing)
+ E3 [( j. X+ M6 [* X" n: O4 ^didactic 1 R) u" @9 @5 v3 }7 s) Y
(of speech or writing) intended to teach a moral lesson; teaching; instructional; N. didacticism
  ^9 S" t9 `: Z; }1 E9 Pdie , n& r* p1 E* `+ E2 y  n
metal block used for shaping metal or plastic; device for stamping or impressing; mold; CF. dice: _! d' c% ?: d" s/ _
diffidence $ ]: }$ W8 k8 j$ j; O
shyness; lack of self-confidence; timidity; ADJ. diffident8 k5 c: k7 I& n& `
diffuse 1 C. |$ n) s" N& h2 F3 q. r
wordy; verbose; rambling; spread out (like a gas); V: spread out in all directions; disperse; N. diffusion; CF. suffuse5 n, U6 @9 Y5 Q3 Y' \# j
) e) l2 _7 m' C9 X" y5 j% Z+ hperson of high rank or position) U( J6 V' d; ^
digression 0 `. O5 {* R# q: F0 X9 b% i" }
wandering away from the subject; V. digress
. W5 m, a) m' n1 L; B' z# Vdilapidated
6 l& B8 q5 H% ^. A" T! @falling to pieces; in a bad condition; ruined because of neglect; Ex. dilapidated old car/castle; N. dilapidation& ]' s; G: m$ x: O' ~
dilate * d2 O% u0 x7 Y4 S
expand; dilate on/upon: speak or write at length on (a subject)& Q2 K: c/ w7 d4 W8 i$ w) a1 A- \
2 ^3 ^' H8 B( {! J3 gdelaying; tending to delay8 d, P3 M. ^6 \9 q* Y* q/ q
dilemma ) L8 s3 |+ R2 L4 T
situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options; problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives
* |. I( I: {0 ^4 G0 y6 r5 Gdilettante
4 H" D, _1 Q0 }) qaimless follower of an art or a field of knowledge (not taking it seriously); amateur; dabbler; CF. delight

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