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[GRE阅读] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(18)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
distort ' L$ H! M  r) J$ x
twist out of shape; give a false account of; misrepresent; N. distortion' ?2 n; g4 N' W3 A2 j
distract . o# e. l$ P* P
take (one's attention) off something; upset emotionally; make anxious; ADJ. distracted
' y! @0 s$ H6 x$ C% y0 b2 t+ Adistrait ' X) T& `4 d5 T8 L
absentminded; distracted# |+ r7 _! Z9 m
* E9 n7 u' n- |2 [# \upset; distracted by anxiety; very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness; Ex. distraught with grief/worry  d# x8 i( O: O; x3 P8 S
  T) d% M# o8 Q; E* L5 L% m- K# [daily; occurring during the daytime
+ i6 x& h3 e. W9 Q6 I5 m; Ydiva
  R/ L5 \% S( ^0 D; roperatic singer; prima donna( j1 m$ n9 i( P( H* g" ], i
# _% ?: m7 ~9 Y4 zvary; go in different directions from the same point; ADJ. divergent: differing; deviating5 p- l% I  W/ f& t6 h- W
diverse   C9 t9 n" P" y+ n% |, p
differing in some characteristics (from each other); various; N. diversity: | variety; dissimilitude; lack of resemblance8 m7 u& c! \; q  S# L! q
diversion ) M6 P; o$ L2 s" P) t, r
act of turning aside; pastime; V. divert: turn aside from a course; distract; amuse/ X2 A/ u0 {4 g, |, {
divest $ x8 C) _4 ?2 v1 z# I
strip (as of clothes); deprive (as of rights); dispossess; N. divestiture(divestment)
' }1 q/ g9 H' z2 k2 ~divine : K2 S7 ?1 A1 |; O- u
perceive intuitively (by or as if by magic); foresee the future; foretell; dowse; ADJ. N. divination
  w" F2 X4 R( R5 @/ p  m, x7 D4 n' kdivulge : ?/ J) t' F6 H9 V0 E5 c
9 [! }! n: N7 b# r* I+ ?docile
. z* F; l0 ~' ~9 S: b; ]  Dobedient; easily managed; submissive
/ `5 k  E1 n( v# \/ Rdocket $ c( g7 S0 f3 y  ^
program as for trial; book where such entries are made; list of things to be done; agenda; label fixed to a package listing contents or directions; V: describe in a docket
9 H$ \1 m, U9 A4 B  L+ g; ^doctrinaire ) k2 M; M  }9 m! e8 d. f; n) o5 |
unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding; marked by inflexible attachment to a doctrine without regard to its practical difficulties
3 m1 o) M6 w' g- w. Jdoctrine 5 c& [+ q1 v1 i& b
teachings in general; particular principle (religious, legal, etc.) taught; dogma; tenet; ADJ. doctrinal1 H5 ^& F% e$ h8 [& _& K+ `; y
document 6 L1 [6 _! m9 m1 o2 Z) {1 m
provide written evidence (for a claim); record with documents; N.
/ y" `0 ]/ a% L8 Ndoddering ) b: K; ^# n; o  O0 ]
shaky; infirm from old age; V. dodder) g) X  `2 o  O; Q! K2 B9 Q% m0 ~; Y
9 v2 Q! z# u$ e" R4 K7 D. H/ otake off; OP. don  L( @1 ~- ]0 \
dogged 7 V; T$ ?- ]; t. x- p, V7 p4 n1 M
determined; stubborn; stubbornly persevering; tenacious; Ex. Inspector Javert's dogged pursuit of Jean Valjean, r% m9 C& Q% F0 j2 r
1 \# |6 H1 Q3 d& U. i9 X7 R9 u! Y- ~poor verse$ w5 E0 ^7 C2 k
6 r' S" d0 V9 Q5 q3 xopinionated; holding stubbornly to one's opinion; arbitrary; doctrinal
# D' T. x% @* c: b; ndoldrums
5 T) F# l) `4 Y! z1 c# qblues; listlessness(lack of spirit or energy); slack(inactive) period; period of stagnation; ocean area near the equator where ships cannot move because there is no wind; Ex. in the doldrums! {0 y. Z* s0 S* G, p1 v, F
3 a+ T/ t3 W1 l' x5 Ysorrowful; N. dolor; F& J0 N- l: ?# E( @9 P
4 [$ R/ f9 b0 [- Q/ Q: s, U! Tslow-thinking stupid person; CF. dull
& n' N$ D' n' t! |" Z0 _: Udomicile
- |2 B5 J6 g: S! ?4 O5 e! @6 Shome; V. ADJ. domiciled: having one's domicile; Ex. He is domiciled in Britain.
$ O2 v% \& o' P9 J; _; Qdominant # ^" C, N: l# \' K) N' O3 r
exercising the most influence; high and easily seen; stronger than the other part of a system; not recessive
* u. w9 j; Z! V! Edominate ; {: z9 H) Q6 }" j) `) ^1 j
control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in; overlook from a height; 郴妨促焊促
  E% b' F+ D7 edomineer
3 s2 p* a/ q9 k" M; b- ~rule over tyrannically
9 ~* p/ u- ]* q: L5 q7 \# c; A* vdon 5 V& G- r; L% Q0 f6 W
put on; OP. doff
5 ~9 _+ u6 s* P  ]$ h9 Jdoom & l+ I0 [$ p' A( |) r0 }+ y+ o% n- v# x$ n
condemnation to a severe penalty; ruin; fate (esp. a tragic or ruinous one); V.
% t% H8 A' n. d# h6 Z/ Bdormant ; O: Z8 h7 h2 _5 d
sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent1 I. g( f# s6 l5 U( J- S
. s- ^; p2 D1 L+ r. Kwindow projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping room
' ~8 |: U) r  y2 |dorsal
: x) C9 N5 `: L8 K: \relating to the back of an animal; Ex. dorsal fin
! R1 k8 [% D5 V/ Xdossier & {" Y* P" \) A- r" L& |
file of documents on a subject or person; file; CF. bundle of papers labeled on the back. y+ \( F4 j8 o* c$ T' V
' F& f9 ?9 I" S" zsenility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In one's dotage
* ]% L( e! w' \; Xdote
7 k- z2 V4 c9 l7 a$ a; Ybe excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline
7 n' ?% `" X, u1 Z- G: Rdour 7 s* e, `' D* B
sullen; gloomy; stubborn
  m; A. @7 Y6 ^: d" g) y' G) C4 pdouse , G- f% E" ?& i
plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse; drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over; dowse
1 a- n: ]0 ]  U$ Zdowdy
  E3 o' K+ A/ c# Y# funtidy (of a woman or clothes); slovenly; dressed in an unattractive way; shabby; CF. unattractive woman
1 @5 m/ T9 |" e: N* ?9 l% ~5 Edowncast 3 q. B0 c1 W" W* S) q: t* h
disheartened; dejected; sad; directed downward
" Z# F& b. O! z2 gdowry ) `/ B/ l: E9 g; n; G( ^
money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage
; h9 n0 o& b" m4 h7 m" ndowse 8 D/ i/ m; s  _% S% J5 s
use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals
: b" V7 K. m% E1 D! T# l: Zdoze
, [9 j% j: O; ~# h& Vsleep lightly; nap
% Z5 t7 Y) p4 cdrab * O8 c1 g7 F' }/ ^# O
dull; lacking color; cheerless ; Ex. drab coat/life. N" t3 I0 X4 f; \4 j+ Z
draconian   o9 b+ Q- K8 l: l
extremely severe; Ex. draconian punishment; CF. Draco: Athenian politician
, ]& K1 R; `3 @# B8 e+ P4 A4 Odraft
$ _, ?" Q' r1 d/ l. m6 kfirst rough form; conscription; draught; V: make a draft of; conscript
; @5 O8 l" q- Q  |drama 3 J  Q" s' J+ h- i- D- v
prose or verse composition to be performed by actors; play; exciting and unusual situation! T( k$ L2 G- Q1 D% {
) D" ?- f: D7 X9 xstrong; violent and severe; Ex. drastic changes/measures
  ^8 R  H. d2 T! C" Udraught - ~/ s" H$ D/ r, e& |& \
current of air (through a room or to a fire); act of pulling roads; act of swallowing liquid or amount of liquid swallowed at a time# W/ }3 P6 }; a& s0 @$ Q
draw 6 b! V! [# N7 w4 z
choosing of a lot or card+ ]) x$ N. j4 \6 p
/ R7 ~5 }+ ?0 B' k& O- N6 Zsediment in a liquid; lees; worthless residue
0 v7 v5 E- U: m9 m& adribble & G+ h. K4 T: k2 c7 z. z
flow or fall in drops; let saliva flow out slowly from the mouth; move a ball; N.
1 T. ^3 X) I) l) Tdrip ' T& ~: H, v4 q$ S2 P* O
fall or let fall in drops; shed drops; N: action or sound of falling in drops; liquid that falls in drops# K  ~4 J1 j- E
: r2 T! h6 a" N3 E4 m& {& Snonsense; foolishness; V: talk nonsense
6 }5 ?1 @5 Q9 |' l. G0 U3 Bdroll
+ |7 p) B+ ?, x# }2 h) f' Rqueer and amusing
1 c& m$ V! }' B( ^0 adrone
) H4 {# \/ x1 s1 l) m* wtalk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee; N.7 w' [1 E+ q0 I
+ V! S: D; }$ _bend or hang downward; become weakened; Ex. His shoulders drooped with tiredness; N.
8 o: ~& k8 I* vdross
5 b7 A0 i" S8 e: Qwaste matter; worthless impurities
1 @% g$ A) t( D1 s, h& f, Ddrudge $ K1 f5 ~2 e4 o
do drudgery; N: person who drudges
/ K9 B+ f* u% R; O% V( o; }drudgery
! X& k5 ?- W3 |* Ehard unpleasant work; menial work6 T6 h* D' O9 A$ g2 S( T
( o& Z$ s& a4 L! z% bquestionable; (of something) causing doubt; (of someone) filled with doubt; N. dubiety+ h! n& \4 c* p, c. d/ d
' n+ l# c6 C) }% p4 u" Qmalleable; pliable; (of metals) easily pulled into shape; flexible; (of someone) easily influenced or controlled4 A5 b/ q: h' R/ h' @
dulcet & B6 e( V: `: P" J
sweet sounding; pleasing to the ear; melodious
1 o% R' a! `, [0 D  K/ F6 H: edull   b* \6 O9 T3 Z3 ^( i
(of colors or surfaces) not bright; cloudy; overcast; boring; (of edge or sound) not sharp; not rapid; sluggish; slow in thinking and understanding; stupid; V.4 {* z* v! |. V# |0 w1 r
! n) O$ `  m2 A( j1 Castonish (making dumb); ADJ. dumbfounded, dumfounded, dumbstruck  f% D0 g: @3 f! y* x
dummy 8 t2 Y' r  L( E% I6 s* Z3 H# F
imitation of a real object used as a substitute; effigy
, F9 j; V: c3 ~: ~dupe ( i7 L$ O, m- D( r7 x4 K7 x# w
someone easily fooled or deceived; V: deceive. i+ p6 M$ V, G9 w! A9 ^5 }
8 @% M7 q+ l; t& v" Xdouble-dealing; hypocrisy; being dishonest and deceitful; ADJ. duplicitous! r, [3 u) S& Z% V1 ~9 S# f6 F' u
2 e: ~, H! e+ `$ R: B2 K5 @length of time something lasts
3 v' `, |. g7 d  f8 Z5 fduress
4 f2 e0 e' X3 H, D  `% ]- x  Xforcible restraint, especially unlawfully; coercion by threat; illegal coercion; Ex. a promise made under duress2 e' |4 W3 X* p! L; U$ t! W
dutiful(duteous)4 X3 g! {) b  b6 N
(of people or their behavior) respectful; obedient (filled with a sense of duty)
. Q1 A; L/ Z4 t1 \dwindle ) Q5 @. V) X+ ]; C6 ], n
shrink; reduce gradually
; m$ |# X: s$ R, T. ~dynamic
7 o; L; f$ Z0 O% W" ?- H8 qenergetic; vigorously active
, F+ ?) L! v4 H' Sdynamo
$ b, t9 G8 T7 Hgenerator for producing electricity; energetic person3 u+ S5 B* R0 M) N
dys- 9 O9 H$ a  Z3 v0 Q4 q& C
abnormal; impaired; J5 o( ?+ W2 ^- d2 s. M
dysentery 8 z5 r2 `& T/ x5 Q& c# o4 ~- \
inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract/ z! V8 b4 @0 ^* }) [& U! {9 C
dyslexia " P9 H, D' ]$ m, J2 C0 k
word blindness; learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to read
- H0 ]8 T; e2 I% A0 |dyspeptic 0 D3 B' }4 w* P' I" @" w- C
suffering from indigestion; N. dyspepsia: indigestion; difficulty in digesting food

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