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[GRE阅读] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(34)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
incommodious % d9 Y6 u- g: `# D" O3 Z) y
not spacious; inconvenient8 V( ?: a/ i( T7 J  [: K, P
incompatible ' k! F* o. n3 Q! j; F
inharmonious; N. incompatibility
- J/ a3 j% V) \! r: g# Vincongruity
& r2 j' o. n% u1 Plack of harmony; absurdity; ADJ. incongruous: lacking in harmony; inappropriate0 I$ U4 p+ y/ Q' g) m) L0 ~
inconsequential - ]; y1 `1 V/ @% g8 ~
insignificant; unimportant9 I9 r, \8 [' `' Q& `
% d) W. ]5 @0 E8 Fstate of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness; ADJ. inconsistent: displaying a lack of consistency; erratic; contradictory; incompatible
! h2 }3 k6 Y3 J2 T7 Jincontinent
5 K+ z! m0 K3 D( r6 Olacking self-restraint; not continent; licentious
1 t  |9 a0 N  J# v& g- j- q, |incontrovertible
- r& f" D: ]) y3 k1 k0 V2 U& l. L! }indisputable; impossible to dispute; not open to question; unquestionable
/ A3 Q' e/ v5 _  H+ Q& Cincorporate
: Z; ~) _8 D$ S# d& h( ~introduce something into a larger whole; include; embody; give material form to; ADJ.7 f5 f$ y6 l" f, X
incorporeal - N. Y& L. O2 @  i  F. o8 y: w1 N
without a material body; insubstantial8 d( W; z8 N' f% ~5 P
incorrigible : X; `4 y  C2 r. d/ n- ^( n
2 q! Q8 O3 F  \6 L( ^5 C! l4 x, ^incredulity 8 Z; T" J" \& ~! P4 ^
tendency to disbelief7 k  Z5 ?6 R) C5 D. e* e
incredulous 1 Y5 W. W! V9 p$ Y3 G
withholding belief; skeptical; showing disbelief
& ^- H& R$ b/ P" uincrement
& o5 b; O4 t( S6 b3 V7 x8 [* G" Jincrease
, O3 w4 _; K4 f5 Eincriminate ) E: d6 q0 I; M
accuse of or implicate in a crime; serve as evidence against; cause to seem or make guilty of a crime; Ex. incriminating evidence- Y1 a% u4 t+ D) G* I# s5 Q5 ?& J
incrustation - e' P! l& B, C
hard coating or crust; V. incrust: encrust; cover with a crust' o- D( k, A) o$ Z, I" A: u
% u6 ^( X$ g2 F( ~: Z& o3 \8 \; whatch; warm (eggs) with the body to promote hatching; maintain at optimal environment conditions for development; be holding in one's body an infection which is going to develop into a disease; N. incubation; CF. incubation:disease
3 H$ _/ h& T8 U* [) C3 }* V  U6 rincubus 4 v  f; R# y; v% m
burden; very worriying problem; mental care; nightmare; male devil; CF. succubus
9 `2 p+ h! @# U4 K" C8 y4 ^0 Iinculcate   j0 x3 G; q% n. ?. [. Z
teach (ideas or principles); instill  P; s" ]9 }$ L: {
' G4 }/ E% f, xobligatory; imposed as an obligation; currently holding an office; N: person who holds an office0 y) s) M! ]  ^5 S# a
' a7 @3 ?3 d* k7 F7 G: h, Q+ {bring upon oneself
3 B; ]$ x) t7 f3 L( k7 z7 Z0 Fincursion 6 E7 c; L) |$ G) p3 N; Z
temporary invasion; CF. excursion: short journey7 T+ a  |+ K, H5 N. o( f5 Y- n( F% F
7 Q, r% a* l" O" Y, R+ x7 mirresolution; inability to make up one's mind0 d5 n0 e& C2 M+ f$ x+ w, M
/ Y# ~0 u. m! S$ n. E. |) Smarked by indecision; inconclusive; Ex. indecisive battle) o. N! J1 B$ |7 I
indefatigable 9 V$ x  r" T- L" U3 f" g* ?
tireless; untiring; showing no sign of getting tired
) V% j3 `8 K) b; c: Uindelible 7 r; V7 C) {6 k& M
not able to be erased$ |2 O7 u9 U" g, _7 a( X
, E3 G" ]7 J+ U8 U- Y' K5 ~( ^make secure against damage or loss; compensate for damage or loss; CF. make uninjured
4 L! X( t/ {( Z# V+ W: _+ a8 M' nindentation
+ G; }- ^5 [1 d/ Onotch; deep recess; V. indent; CF. tooth
  B* I) Y" w8 P! p8 Q7 y* i0 e2 }indenture 0 w' p$ d( {# k, j) l( U
bind as servant or apprentice to master; bind by indenture; N: contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified time (as between an apprentice and his master)6 \3 K( {7 A+ ~  a" z
& I' h  j4 V; f* [/ huncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite5 {1 ~" }- {2 q, H' L# e( u5 `: s
7 W! l8 f, u6 X( d  N3 f; asuggestive; implying; serving to indicate- R. M: \, i* Y7 r0 O
0 e6 n$ v' B% H. h5 w+ s' Osigns; indications; Ex. indices of a student's potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index
! P( T5 M  o+ y, J; E$ v9 rindict
! S* e" h3 n5 S/ M0 rcharge; N. indictment
# m4 O. c( i. |; f6 gindifferent
: h. p4 q6 w* i9 n9 Uunmoved or unconcerned by; having no interest in; mediocre; neither good nor bad

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