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[GRE阅读] 新GRE考试辅导:快速阅读精选文章二

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When an alcoholic man dressed in dirty clothes and stinking of beer first alleged that an alien had landed in an alley behind a restaurant frequented by the affluent, no one listened to him. Photos from the aftermath filled 10 photo albums.
5 g' x8 [. i. |9 E8 ZIn the begining, as he rushed down the center aisle of the pleasantly air-conditioned room, the alcoholic wasn't able to successfully agitate anybody. It was as if they were only looking at his appearance and not listening to his words. When he did finally find someone agreeable to come outside and see what he said had happened, he was completely alienated to see that the creature was no longer there. Now that he had aggravated so many rich people, he was sure that he would leave the room in agony. His fears were alleviated, however, when the alien broke through a window into the restaurant, somehow knowingly coming to the aide of the alcoholic.
! q' ~% T, |. l% Z, e- U9 \When all the people realized that the alien that the alcoholic had alluded to was really there and composed of an aggregate of unknown alloy not affected by normal bullets, they screamed and ran around leaving no chance for anyone to allot a route of escape. They behaved, in the aggregate, as if no one in the world could relieve them of this alien ailment. And they were right. None of the outside help that came could stop the alien from eating everyone in the restaurant.
' N  G5 c  q1 c) H# e: [$ f: K饥饿的外星人
) @% f* H% W3 F" _  Y- L当一个穿着脏衣服、满口啤酒味的酗酒男人宣称有外星人在一家富人经常光顾的酒店后面的一个胡同里降落时,没有人听他的话。事后的照片装满了10个影集。
; E# N) Y7 c# H; E起初,当他从舒服的空调房间的中心过道冲进去的时候,这位酗酒者没能成功地鼓动起任何人。大家好象只在看他的样子,没有注意听他在说什么。当他终于找到一个人愿意出来看一看时,他完全成了孤家寡人,因为那东西已经不见了。由于激怒了那么多的有钱人,他清楚他不得不痛苦地离开那里。但是,很快他的恐惧得到了缓解,因为这时外星人破窗而入,好象知道要当酗酒者的助手似的。9 V; K  Q5 e8 M( S1 P5 T( v

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