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[GRE阅读] 新GRE考试辅导:快速阅读精选文章三

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It had been an ambitious plan. The anarchist had tried to rob a bank all by himself, but then he had ran out of ammunition and now he was trapped in a back portion of the bank building with no escape.8 m* R  [! i! c) F  _/ m6 [
  As he stood in silence, hugging his gun and waiting to be found, the anarchist knew that there would be ample anecdotes from newspaper analysts the next day to amend to his obituary. They would certainly refer to the anguish he had undergone as a child. Then they would employ all their analytical abilities to reveal other impacts of his ancestry on his ambiguous life.
; z7 s: K4 k* o* L0 d) l  These thoughts flew from his mind however when an angel suddenly appeared to him. He fell to his knees, sure that the Almighty God was coming to take him home. His fears were only amplified when the angel said in an alluring yet powerful voice, "Fear out, your time is short. Stop your goal to amass a foutune for yourself and turn to God."
0 y3 @& M' r! ]" g- o- F  Not having any analogy to help him know what to say, or any reference for his excellent analytic abilities to think about, the anarchist only kneeled in silence and empty thought.
* N4 l/ Q# K3 Q( w2 u  Then the angel smiled and spoke again in a more amiable voice, "Stand up. The Lord is providing you a chance to lead an alternate life. Leave this place now through the rear buildings annex and you will escape. But remember, God is watching."
( T# J/ x+ y. X  t9 g  When the angel was gone the anarchist stood and ran. He had no idea how to describe this experience by analogy, but he was happy for a second chance./ Y. W9 C6 i0 x, E/ q6 w
4 \1 |' l$ o/ t  这是一个野心勃勃的计划,这名无政府主义者想自己一个人抢劫银行,但后来他没了弹药,被困在银行大楼的后面无处可逃。
+ u, `- I% ~2 s4 s6 i: ?  他静静地站着,紧紧地抱着枪,等着被发现,这时无政府主义者知道,第二天将有足够的报纸分析家撰写的轶事修改他的讣告。他们肯定会提到他小时侯经历的极度痛苦,然后运用他们所有的分析能力揭示他的祖先对他的含糊不清的生活方式的影响。
, k7 `$ h  j* R8 y6 j6 N  当这些想法在他的脑海里闪现,然而这时突然出现了一个天使。他跪下来,心想肯定是万能的上帝要抓他回去。天使的声音具有诱惑力和威慑力,这更增加了他的恐惧。“别害怕,你的时间不多了,别再为自己积累财富了,仰赖上帝吧。”
, _8 m9 S& x5 }9 }/ K  由于没有任何类比可以帮他知道该说什么,也没有任何参考供他优秀的分析能力进行思考,这名无政府主义者只能静静地跪着,脑子一片空白。
/ s' H+ _# T8 k0 P/ f! N  这时天使笑了,并且用更加友好的声音说道:“起来吧!上帝正给你一次机会让你过一种供选择的生活,现在你就穿过后面建筑物的附属建筑,离开这个地方,你会逃走的。但是记住,上帝在看着你。”
  T3 D4 ~  t5 S3 Q0 v6 S  天使消失后,无政府主义者站起来跑掉了。他不知道如何用类推的方法描述这次经历,但是他很高兴能有第二次机会。

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