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[GRE阅读] 新GRE考试辅导:阅难难句的攻克(19)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
35.Its subject(to use Maynard Mack’scategories)is “life-as-spectacle,” for readers,diverted by itsvarious incidents,observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without;thetragic Iliad,however,presents “life-as-experience”:readers are asked toidentify with the mind of Achilles,whose motivations render him a notparticularly likable hero.  $ n0 E5 i6 T* j( H8 ~- Y
  其主题〔若借鉴梅纳德。迈克(MaynardMack)的两个分类范畴的话〕是“人生作为外部景象”,因为读者的注意力被作品那形形色色的事件所分散,主要是从外部来观察其主人公奥德修斯(Odyssus)的;然而,富于悲剧色彩的《伊利亚特》所表现的则是“人生作为内心体验”:读者被要求与阿基琉斯(Achilles)的心灵产生共鸣,而其行为动机却致使他变作一个并非特别惹人喜爱的主人公。 9 W4 f" U$ m, l( z
  36.Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adultflatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates,so that inan adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head.
3 U5 F+ R9 Z3 U% h- K2 A' m  在一条成年比目鱼身上显著存在的诸多不对称(asymmetry)特征中,最为吸人注目的是眼睛的摆位:在成年之前,一只眼睛发生移动,因此在成年比目鱼身上,两只眼睛均位于头部的同一侧面。

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