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[GRE阅读] 新GRE考试:阅读难句解读21

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Friedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the “social, legal, and economic subordination” of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of “the whole female sex into public industry”. (3+)  
& M: t; `% l) G) ?* E& F  FE,却预测妇女们将被从家庭的“社会、法律和经济压迫”中解放出来,只是通过使得征召“整个女性阶层进入公共的工业中去”成为可能的技术进步的方式做到的。
; E' b" p6 ?7 n  难句类型:复杂修饰、倒装 www.examw.com
/ c" G  h) g7 v  解释:本句的前半部分简单,后面的宾语从句中的第二个状语by technological developments 后面跟着的定语从句中出现了倒装:the made/possible/the recruitment of the whole female sex into public industry的正常语序应该是that made the recruiment of the whole female sex into public industry/possible/,固定搭配make…possible中的副词possible被倒装到了前面。 ' r6 b6 g5 z5 M3 P# B0 f
  意群训练:Friedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the “social, legal, and economic subordination” of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of “the whole female sex into public industry”.

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