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[GRE阅读] 2011GRE考试阅读辅导:长难句实例分析40

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton. (4), _3 f. T( E! W2 H" p& F& _
* c8 Q% [9 e1 e7 [  I' l  难句类型:复杂修饰8 q0 s9 D! w$ h, C$ p; i1 o
  解释:GRE和GMAT考试中比较有特色的一个语言现象是that (those) of的频繁出现。That(those) of的作用是省略掉与前面一样的名词性成分,从而起到简化句子的结构、缩短句子的长度的作用。然而对于初学GRE和GMAT的人来说,由于以前较少遇到这种结构,而且即使遇到也是在比较简单的句子中间遇到的,所以在复杂句式中一旦遇到,往往一下子搞不清楚这个that(或those)指的是前面众多名词性成分中间的哪一个。解决这个问题的办法,就是多读、反复读这样的句子,熟能生巧。9 M' ~/ y7 R  `5 o% y& w
  意群训练:A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.
5 O9 r' K/ ]' M# s, F  v. Z  gre阅读长难句的并不是一天两天就能解决的,需要考生的坚持和日常的积累。

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