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[GRE词汇] GRE出国考试阅读辅导:GRE难句解读十四

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
59.While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct,the one papyrus fragment raises the specter that another may be unearthed,showing,for instance,that it was a posthumous production of the Danaid tetralogy which bested Sophocles,and throwing the date once  more into utter confusion.   数据资料已被统计出来,或被重新统计出来,以便证明在文体学这方面,《乞援衰女》实际上确实在《波斯人》和《七雄攻忒拜》(后两者现在则变成了“原始”的剧作)之后以及在轴残片却唤起了一种幽灵似的疑虑,即另一块残片有可能再度被挖掘出来,并证明,比如说,《乞援衰女》是作者藉以击败索福克勒斯的《达那特四部曲》的一部死后出版之作,从而将创作年代再度置于极度的混乱之中。
" a/ {; J& u. Y- Z$ |. K" N  60.The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential.4 U! j, {" m) Z# u1 q
: q: ]4 a4 [0 S4 L. W# _  61.Because the potential hazards pollen grains are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous,windpollinated plants have,in the view above,compensated for the  ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects.* D" x0 O0 R: E  {5 c) @1 N) }
+ t6 |, Q9 J/ E# G  62.For example,the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones,where the female reproductive organs of conifers are located,is important to the production of airflow patterns that spiral over the cone's surfaces,thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next.' n$ `# }/ W3 n' Q6 B4 T3 ]) {( K

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