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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:长难句实例分析44

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  以下是gre阅读长难句实例分析。gre长难句一直都是考生比较头疼的一个问题,不是因为gre考试专门考察这部分,而是在gre阅读中需要明白这些长难句才能理解整篇文章的意思。; J+ J% O; d/ O/ ^! j* l
  An impact (on the Mars) capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximity to Earth. (5)
: J$ U- g7 h# b' t9 ]+ l6 Q& \  一个能够把活性表面的碎片射入地球交叉轨道的碰撞发生的可能性甚至小于这种事件在月亮上发生的可能性,考虑到月亮更小的尺寸及其与地球接近的程度。7 V: B/ H" N; v2 {5 o
2 R! T9 {( r$ g' t  解释:in view of的意思是考虑到、由于,等于because of,本句粗看上去十分简单,可是你看完之后会发现本句十分难懂。这句话的意思很容易被理解成:如果考虑到月亮的尺寸和与地球的距离的话,火星碎片被撞击所发射到地球的几率,要小于发射到月亮上的几率,有点常识的人就会知道这是不可能的:月亮比地球小得多,而且与火星的距离也与地球类似,碎片射到月亮上的几率怎么会反而高呢?这里的关键在于such an event在文章中指什么,如果是指把火星碎片射到月亮上,那么本句的意思当然是荒谬的;可是如果是指把月亮的碎片发射到地球上,那么本句的意思就对了,实际上句首的An impact之后被省略了一个on mars,所以原文的such an event on moon,指的是An impact on moon capable of ejecting a fragment of the lunar surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit.因此如果把原文补全,则句子就变成了下面的样子:An impact capable of ejecting a fragment of the martian surface into an Earth-ibntersecting orbit is even less probable than an impact on moon capable of ejecting a fragment of the lunar surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit, in view of the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximiy to Earth.
0 Y6 D* {4 j4 e, F- o5 u/ B# i  意群训练:An impact (on the Mars) capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximity to Earth.' V; L: y5 S2 O

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