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[GRE词汇] 2012年新GRE考试词汇积累集锦(20)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  f6 g& ~; k0 D$ M( j* \+ d  1. I can hardly pardon his discarding the hardware and cardboard in the harbour.4 @# ~% I5 U" s
  我简直不能原谅他在港口丢弃五金和硬纸板。; F' x) r) Q1 Y# E1 R' F# V8 Y
  2. The guard guards the guarantee in the garden regardless of the hazard.* I5 p1 q- [) ]
  卫兵不顾危险看守着花园里的抵押品。: l' U. e+ f% ?4 Z# E% w& f3 D
  3. The career carpenter put the cargo on the carbon carpet.考试用书  A  H. P3 I3 D* k
8 t6 n9 a3 f7 \* v0 J7 O  4. The married man carried the scarred car and carriage onto the carrier.4 b, U4 j# z+ b7 S4 l9 ]
  已婚男子把有疤痕的汽车和马车带到了航母上。1 n. G3 \. k. [* E
  5. Apart from that apartment, the departed department leader was partly partial to this one.
6 r1 H, {9 x% n7 x  除了那套公寓外,已故系领导还有点偏爱这一套。

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