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[GRE词汇] 2012年新GRE考试:轻松口语学单词(59)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 d$ U7 J1 {9 a9 j  1. The frank man put the first-rank blank blanket into the tan tank.* c* H7 c. T5 m6 D: _0 w
  直率的男子将一流空白毛毯放进黝黑的大容器。+ _- l/ P4 h; e. E3 L# S7 i
  2. Thanks to the bankrupt banker, my ankle avoided an injury.
* G, e9 |8 z: Z$ T; `# x  多亏那位破产的银行家,我的脚踝免受伤害。
3 S1 N- Z7 Z3 i9 G6 Z- C) Q0 Q3. The sailor was nailed on the rail for he failed to trail the mail.! Q' }8 y: [0 i& S
9 g  k) g6 h3 a+ T, N  B  4. After a shot the foot began to root and shoot in the boot.! n8 @" ~) V( p9 S
  打了一针后,脚开始在靴子里生根发芽。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]& p9 K: m5 Z; r. S2 l
  5. The academic topic is why the blade of the spade is still sharp after decades' decay.
7 V* H9 ]( }. M学术话题是为什么萎缩透明妥贴铁锨刃口经过几十年的腐烂之后仍然锋利

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