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[职称英语真题] 全真模拟试题卫生类C级(2-1)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一部分:词汇选择(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分)   下面共有15句子,每个句子均有一个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的四个选项中选择一个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 , ^- y  \* f% [( w
  1 There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards.1 V: Z, S8 e7 l% M3 K0 f
  A enjoyment B strength C temper D excitement
* S- W. C0 u+ Z: `3 e9 p& n  2 On Thanksgiving in the United States, families gather and give thanks for the blessing (祝福) of the past year.( V/ S2 P) ]8 _+ d! _0 s1 R
  A pick up B come together C compete D correspond
0 e: v- W! Y; L) o  3. In Tom's eyes, the restaurant at the corner of the street is a very smart one.
$ |! X+ h% A; o$ u2 `1 t- I  A clever B elegant C loyal D brave* r1 B, D' s8 I( @! X) U- f7 d
  4. He was said to have been removed from the position of manager for a recent conflict with an important customer.  z( s1 N4 r. W
  A dismissed B released C picked D exposed
% Z/ S6 x8 G) q+ O( J% S+ z; r  5 I don't feel secure when I am alone in the house.8 |+ J- x; s# J4 J
  A safe B pretty C distant D obvious
  e2 {' {4 T# u: \3 r4 _  6 Swedish is the native language of most Swedes.
  V7 y* T; f; R- n( U9 k1 J0 ?  A natural B home C mother D ancient3 N2 n! M, w2 T
  7 Ms Hawkins handles the company's accounts.
/ G& `1 x1 I% p; z  A deals with B deals in C holds on D holds out
# s# D% c  V9 E6 ?) A  8 I reserve the right to disagree.
- f( X8 L/ I$ T# J. p  A deserve B keep C perceive D notice
! U/ v' k) |5 l% ]0 i3 z& q  9 The solid facts he provided in his speech left a deep impression on his audience.; E. }8 `$ q$ E0 N! p) D
  A strong B entire C reliable D hard, }! L& G* k6 b
  10 We can't take more than 100 guests.
8 ?2 U5 ]# S) {# g: N4 _. Z& e  A hold B set C let D catch
' R  F% c* B3 @* \! i  11 My sister has a talent for music., i% C8 L2 |; Z1 n* z: r
  A interest B limitation C dream D gift+ {& {, m! e  b. ]) G( E+ C$ @
  12 The city was literally destroyed.
4 S- J6 s/ L# P9 ?3 i9 M7 |: n  A word-for-word B eventually C actually D likely
% ?0 c7 t6 S9 Z+ S$ r$ @8 F  13 It is very late; hence you must go to bed.
9 u8 Y. P) \8 I4 x+ p  A from now on B later C elsewhere D thus
7 M' \/ p. H) v  14 This book embraces many subjects.5 w/ n( n' u) {! Z2 x
  A adopts B covers C presses D accepts* O, m0 [( `) b# F9 n& f5 I- h
  15 He is sure of the coming of investment boom after adopting the new investment policies.9 e+ {% X8 o* l4 \# [9 k% o3 ~
  A decrease B increase C influence D preparation
6 E' C  ~) E5 \2 N" P  第二部分:阅读判断(每题1分,共七分)* v  U1 ]) j: B, K  U2 x1 j
  阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了七个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑- `! H5 f7 |" W
  Most Adults in U.S.Have Low Risk of Heart Disease
7 K4 ]+ J0 i3 s/ Y$ C) K7 @$ |  More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than l O-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.Just 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent.0 v; M2 V( B0 K- {
  “I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary heart disease is distributed in the US population.”lead author Dr.Earl S.Ford,from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘in Atlanta, said in a statement.* O$ i+ D/ D/ w
  The findings are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age, who participated in the 1nbjrd National Health and Nutrition Exanimation Survey from 1988 to 1994.; S% j  @) ?4 \. z# J
  Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent, 15 percent had a risk that fell between 1 0 to 20 percent.and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent.( H7 i( k" Q# f0 \6 e- \$ G5 D
  The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.By contrast, race or ethnicity had little effect on risk distributions.
- r/ c: B8 U8 q9 J! s  Although the report suggests that most adults have a low 10一year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have a high or immediate risk,Dr.Daniel S.Berman,from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles,and Dr.Nathan D.Wong,from the University of California at Irvine, note in a related editorial.
" {- v1 q& F5 d8 E  Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed to shift the overall population risk downward,they add.9 s  E' ^  B6 k3 }2 x; E/ E* W% z
4 r7 T! v( W( q$ Q0 `% _  1.The 10-year risk of heart disease is low for most US adults.% E( C, ^" A! H3 r4 o# s4 C
  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned0 D0 f3 P0 M( S. @! W* D
  2. Only 3 percent of US adults have a more than 10 percent 10-year risk of heart disease.
1 A/ ^% E" w* [  r5 Y  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:34 | 显示全部楼层


  3. More than 100thousandpeopleparticipatedinthe survey.
/ g1 x, z* Z* {: C  b) b  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned3 m7 v3 C, B& N( L
  4. There was a greater proportion of men than women in the survey.
4 U# R+ L  D4 V/ k  A Right Wrong C Not mentioned
% F- B! K' v4 p/ f* j9 l0 z  5. The distributions of the risk of heart disease are closely related to race." n4 z3 S: [9 i3 Q4 U9 P: V
  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned, _/ A' B' P, B( @
  6. Elderly people have a higher risk of heart disease than younger people.
* G2 v% D# Q; J  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned( U' h! b5 Y3 m  x
  7. The US government will take measures to reduce the overall population risk." u4 W7 T0 i) H8 U6 v+ t4 S" m
  A Right B Wrong C. Not mentioned4 C  P7 z$ O" ?! l- \+ x7 S/ E7 d
  第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分)5 P) N7 S, m' l
  阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1——4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2——5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5——8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
5 K- V8 w1 L5 J  Many Benefits from Cancer Organization
8 g6 v$ V6 a, Q9 J- F7 m* o9 S  1. Do you know a child who survived leukemia? Do you have a mother,sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram? Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to reduce their risk of lung cancer? Each of these individuals benefited from the American Cancer Society's research program.
2 y* _9 L8 J/ W  2. Each day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take US one step closer to a cure.The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
' v  F- ~7 i% [' ~/ }: @  3. As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States,the American Cancer Society devotes over$100 million each year tO research.Since 1946,they've invested more than$2.4 billion.in research.The investment has paid rich dividends. In 1946,only one in four cancer patients was alive five years after diagnosis;today 60 percent live longer than five years.2 O7 f  Z4 ]3 h/ h+ F2 B
  4. Investigators and health professionals in universities,research institutes and hospitals throughout the country receive grants from the American Cancer Society.Of the more than 1,300 new applications received each year,only 11 percent can be funded. If the American Cancer Society had more money available for research funding,nearly 200 more applications considered outstanding could be funded each year?
7 b$ A& n1 D! v# M2 `, z, c  5. You can help fund more of these applications by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life,a team event to fight cancer.More funding means more cancer breakthroughs and more lives being saved.To learn more,call Donna Hood,chair with the Neosho Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society at 451—4880. '
% M0 \4 F. z/ x# ?" S6 W  leukemia n.白血病) s0 M( D2 {; h& k% t0 ^6 u- |8 ]
  breast n.乳腺 .1 [' S7 ?* I. F5 L  A
  manunogram n.乳腺X光照片1 J! P6 W; ~# M
  relay n.接力
4 {8 {4 o) b  P+ z  nonprofit adj.非营利的 、
4 |; {4 B5 S+ @: J4 p  dividend n.回报,效益
" r3 e" J/ U6 ]; r& Z! v& p: C- `  coworker n.一起工作的人,同事
$ W; i7 M6 h7 o' l  ^% R( @  1.Paragraph 2 ___.: n# ?9 Q) v8 l/ R2 ^4 H5 J) O8 @
  2.Paragraph 3 ___.
) ?! s& X0 e/ E. F% n! S) W  3.Paragraph 4 ___.% _) I& I1 e; D7 {
  4.Paragraph 5 ___.0 P+ n! M: [3 Q' I& j
  A What Could Be Done with More Money) d5 d0 u$ ~" B- r0 s# |. q
  B Establishment of the American Cancer Society
* [* U# u& F0 ~$ V  C Significance of Funded Research
/ v$ _/ [& Q+ H8 f9 t; p  D Other Sources of Funding for Cancer Research' k) b7 R5 P" x: ~+ b. m
  E Benefits Achieved Through Investment4 z6 {0 C# s9 W* a  ?, ]
  F How You Can offer Help& m8 {2 j+ w4 \# _/ L
  5.The American Cancer Society's research program has benefited___.2 ?. Z, t/ l+ L3 W, ?
  6.The survival period for 60% of Cancer patients today is___.
9 S8 U! H. T6 G  7. Many outstanding applications are turned down each year for___.8 a9 `. d' Q5 V& [1 d: C* A
  8. More cancer breakthroughs can be made with___.
1 D# ], ?2 g* S. ^  A. Lack of funding
6 S* W5 N7 Q" o& E* d$ L  B. Many cancer patients
6 v. g% L; M4 S3 m# a+ m  C. More lives being saved
6 X( d$ }6 _- c( ~* l2 L$ O+ v; ]  D. More than five years7 }9 G( Z* [  }' c; K
  E. The ultimate answers
  b! C3 O# x7 E" ]( U+ }  F. More funding
2 w3 U! |3 w7 ~; ]% {* G  第四部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共45分)
9 v' w0 \1 t  a  Y" V  下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。4 Z- n+ j6 b7 t
8 V0 X6 |  a/ ]6 X  A Miracle Cancer cure
0 m" K$ Q9 L3 q( `! ^! v  B  e' O3 d* `4 A! z
  Unless you have gone through the experience yourself, or watched a loved one's struggle, you really have no idea just how desperate cancer can make you. You pray, you rage, you bargain with God, but most of all you clutch at any hope, no matter how remote, of a second chance at life.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:35 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  For a few excited days last week, however, it seemed as if the whole world was a cancer patient and that all humankind had been granted a reprieve. Triggered by a front-page medical news story in the usually reserved New York Times, all anybody was talking about – on the radio, on television, on the Internet, in phone calls to friends and relatives – was the report that a combination of two new drugs could, as the Times put it, cure cancer in two years.8 Y6 {8 F, c- [+ T, S8 q4 E8 `
  In a matter of hours patients had jammed their doctors' phone lines begging for a chance to test the miracle cancer cure. Cancer scientists raced to the phones and fax lines to make sure everyone knew about their research too, generating a new round of headlines.. R% L+ P9 v) @/ X5 _5 D5 j
  The time certainly seemed ripe for a breakthrough in cancer. Only last month scientists at the National Cancer Institute announced that they were halting a clinical trial of a drug called tamoxifen – and offering it to patients getting the placebo – because it had proved so effective at preventing breast cancer (although it also seemed to increase the risk of uterine cancer)。 Two weeks later came the New York Times' report that two new drugs can shrink tumors of every variety without any side effects whatsoever.
" D  q2 {  I- U6 S! j9 V7 B  It all seemed too good to be true, and of course it was. There are no miracle cancer drugs, at least not yet. At this stage all the drug manufacturer can offer is some very interesting molecules, and the only cancers they have cures so far have been in mice. By the middle of last week, even the most breathless TV talk-show hosts had learned what every scientist already knew: that curing a disease in lab animals is not the same as doing it in humans. “The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancers in the mouse,” Dr. Richard Klausner, head of the National Cancer Institute, told the Los Angles Times. “We have cured mice of cancer for decades – and it simply didn't work in people.”
8 B2 N3 X* x* D4 ~2 D) M  1. The first paragraph describes people's ___ after they know they or their loved ones have cancer.
! l  \& `/ M4 A7 @4 I5 P) B  A. complex feelings( A, C0 Q* e$ M1 G
  B. desire to live long$ `4 m. x! e  |9 d2 y6 Y
  C. hatred of God9 Y* {1 d. ?  ^9 t: ?
  D. love of their family9 l$ n5 ^5 o4 ]& z& u
  2. What caused all the people to talk about cancer?
! P2 Q/ e+ v' Q: G4 ?  A. New York Times published a medical news story. d1 q" E0 J0 G% `2 @) |' D% U# A. T
  B. Radio broadcast a medical news story
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