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[职称英语真题] 2005年职称英语理工类A级考试真题(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 j/ I9 m( N/ e: Q  E3 i  The Exploding Lakes of Cameroon/ G! ?" `' M3 I9 `% O/ W0 w0 Z
  What comes to mind when you think of a lake? You probably imagine a pretty scene with* Q5 c" c8 U& \9 l
  blue water,birds,and fish.For the people in the northwestern Cameroon,however, the image is; [& Z4 k4 X% H4 ~3 C
  very different. For them,lakes may mean terrible disasters. In 1984,poisonous gases exploded( o, X) K, G7 w0 P/ t6 b/ I8 a6 L
  out of Lake Monoun and came down into the nearby villages,killing thirty—seven people.Two9 ]% V/ l. D# a2 y) s
  years later,Lake Nyos erupted A cloud of gases rolled down the hills and into the valleys and
- c% w. P7 p) c3 t6 N5 X* b  killed 1,700 people.
( g& Q# Y  t; _2 a6 K  Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are crater(火山口)lakes They were formed when water& b% @, p" [! M9 T
  collected in the craters of old volcanoes The volcanoes under Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are) @1 [( `& |9 i* M
  not active anymore. However, poisonous gases from the center of the earth continue to flow up
: q; r( \$ `. x# m" }' T  through cracks in the bottom of the lake. This is normal in a crater lake. In most crater lakes,these
" t3 F0 p* E1 N- n9 W, ]  gases are released often because the water‘turns over’regularly.That is,the water from the+ U: T  H8 N/ N6 j- E! l0 X7 V$ s
  bottom of the lake rises and mixes with the water at the top,allowing the gases to escape slowly.
8 W8 Y# |$ f% U7 B% Z; e* K& w  However,in Lakes Nyos and Monoun,there is no regular turning over.No one knows the
- v! }7 A. C# E& {6 m: F# e  reason for this fact,but as a result,these lakes have more gases tapped at the bottom than other
( y" T9 P8 @9 n, }; x  crater lakes. In fact,scientists who have studied Lakes Nyos and Monoun have found 16,0004 n6 a" X$ |- e4 k$ ?. C. P; `+ J6 F8 r
  times more gases.When a strong wind,cool weather a storm,or a landslide(滑坡)causes the
/ h* U/ O& p) c% F  water to turn over suddenly,the gases escape in a violent explosion.
, ]" B; j3 Z: B# q8 q  In the past,no one knew when the gases might explode,so there was no way for the villagers4 Y* [5 Y0 F+ ^0 i3 S' J% B
  to escape disaster. Now scientists from the United States,France,and Cameroon have found a) U3 z3 J$ |9 J
  way to reduce the gas pressure at the bottom of Lake Nyos.They stood a 672-foot plastic pipe in% W9 V/ @0 P* y" }: {7 W
  the middle of the lake,with one end of the pipe near the bottom and the other end in the air.Near' h1 c/ D% O# \+ \
  the top of the pipe,the team put several holes that could be opened or closed by a computer.Now,, w, F: z; M2 H  e3 d5 B3 v* V5 g
  when the gas pressure gets too high,the holes are opened and some of the gas-filled water shoots
5 O8 j) p0 W9 U; [' o  up through the pipe into the air like a fountain.With less pressure,a disastrous explosion is much* R3 ^6 N5 R; @
  less likely.However, the scientists are not sure that one pipe will be enough to prevent explosions.They hope to put in others soon and they plan to install a similar pipe and a computer system at Lake Monoun as well.8 Z  i2 t5 g+ W5 @# x9 t
  To protect people nearby until all of the pipes are in place.the scientists have installed early
- Q" z* V' K9 U$ I& S3 o8 R  warning systems at both lakes. If the gas pressure rises to a dangerous level,computers will set% Y% [+ {6 C0 E: ?& v9 N; a
  off loud sirens(警报)and bright lights to warn the people in the villages.That way, they will
% }% o  s4 J4 @, X2 S  have time to escape from the dangerous gases./ u( I/ m! C" X0 o
  41 What will happen when Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun explode?
, v6 ^" d; {$ d( O0 f1 W  A Water will flow down the hills
6 R6 V2 [+ p0 |6 {  B  B Poisonous gases will be released suddenly.
- {- _# p6 u( C* d0 v  C A strong wind will rise from the lakes
- Z. ^) {0 V+ X' o7 L  D The volcanoes will come to life.
( c2 g8 g$ U6 t7 ~& a5 ~; m' f  42 Which of the following statements about Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun is true?
. o8 v" n' W/ ~' n5 I  A They were formed in 1984." |& D" ]. U, J) V9 t& t% U
  B They are at the top of two active volcanoes.( A# P# T8 u! A5 g+ R
  C They are not like most other crater lakes.
1 m& ?; y+ i/ j, c* a  D Water in them turns over regularly.
: b: \* E: E7 V  43 Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun explode because
0 N8 O. D4 z+ }  A the gases rise to the top and mix with air.5 D$ D4 {- N0 L+ w
  B people from the villages turn over the water.
, |9 a, t! W1 G. O7 {  C scientists have put in a computer system.
4 Y2 K/ {  v! c" O  D they have more gases trapped at the bottom than other crater lakes
* q8 I  {6 j4 G  44 A team of scientists has
1 l, \! G, }/ f5 w  A erected a pressure-releasing pipe in the lake7 q& {: H( P+ I9 T. L" I& B
  B identified the gases at the bottom of the lake2 `# {( K& _: F" l: Y
  C built a beautiful fountain near the lakes
7 w( {( y2 e4 c9 e- j  D removed all dangerous gases from the lakes' d( O! M4 U" C7 y
  45 What do we learn from the last paragraph?9 t" f- L# P  ]+ D2 [( q
  A Scientists are planning to install pipes in all crater lakes.7 O0 U$ x. A8 b) `4 Y* H) F
  B Scientists still do not know how to prevent gas explosions
" y5 Q0 |3 J* m5 B# ]  C Explosion disasters could be avoided in the future
) }) e5 r! v5 X9 {2 ~0 N  D Warning systems have been set up in the villages nearby.

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