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[职称英语真题] 2005年职称英语理工类B级考试真题(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分)+ m& g; q# ]9 R' W0 u, x+ \
4 m& }) v- c% n. R  第一篇7 ?; R3 d5 p7 {7 o! Y
  Almost Human?
# R# A% x2 ?" ?9 C  Scientists are racing to build the world’s first thinking robot.This is not science fiction:some
. `7 i9 v0 A" `7 g  say they will have made it by the year 2020 Carol Packer reports) `3 R/ r7 C& g
  Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name of an
3 z! I% r  _7 J3 j3 d( }% L  android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).
1 [! F  o3 F; G' h  Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it Can show human emotions.Its eyes,ears' j7 J0 P1 O4 q, C' o
  and lips move to show when it feels happy. sad or bored.Kismet is one of the first of a new
' p& \& I. z1 L9 V: A  generation of androids——robots that look like human beings——which Can imitate human. E) C$ v3 T. j
  feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a mother.However,
% M. R* y* S8 ~8 p  scientists admit that So far Cog has the mental ability of a two—year—old.
( {) d/ v4 j4 N  x  The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids(机0 U# Y; ~4 g4 j1 p
  器人)with brains similar to those of all adult human being.These robots will be designed to look8 [, D# |; y! ^( ^2 ]4 H' |8 T
  like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the public.What kind of jobs will6 p: F" C% @; C
  they do? In the future,robots like Robonaut,a humanoid invented by NASA,will be doing0 v+ t% z/ ?7 N4 d2 j
  dangerous jobs,like repairing space stations.They will also be doing more and mom of the" |+ d1 G3 e  @$ A7 v+ V
  household work for us In Japan,scientists are designing androids that will entertain us by: q5 L4 [' U8 s( {! E
  dancing and playing the piano.
. P1 D" }% \/ y% X  Some people worry about what the future holds:will robots become monsters(怪物)?Will
1 ^* v& r/ K; |5 r- M# w1 i  people themselves become increasingly like robots? Experts predict that more and more people
3 h; |8 o4 S* `2 S  ~; C  will be wearing micro—computers,connected to the Internet,in the future.People will have
2 Z6 \/ K$ |1 C7 C# v' W- n  micro—chips in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets
  X2 J  [! ~) i) x  (小装置).Perhaps we should not exaggerate(夸大)the importance of technology,but one+ G6 O; L% h. b/ I5 n; i
  wonders whether,in years to come,we will still be falling in love,and whether we will still feel% O- w- x2 w$ j9 r4 W
  pain.Who knows?
9 V% N) L$ S' `5 U3 t2 S. P) C  31 Kismet is different from traditional robots because
, m0 x2 T; `0 F$ k: X$ H8 s) O  A it thinks for itself4 [9 s- ?$ h% C- Z# C" S/ q* m; O. c
  B It is not like science fiction* Z" j% _  h8 k4 Q6 K7 ?
  C it can look after two—year-old.3 A% m# y; |. W6 ?" T. |
  D it seems to have human feelings.
+ i$ z/ J2 a) N) r: s2 u  32 What makes Cog special?  o6 F8 L6 l* d( F! ]; c
  A It looks like a mother.
& l( x/ [5 M4 x) y; _% S0 j  B It behaves like a child.- L. C! X7 k+ n
  C It can imitate the behavior of a mother.
& o; \1 h: [6 {7 l7 ^& M. k5 `7 N  D It has a huge brain.
5 O( {1 p1 P/ J- g3 \3 s5 h3 @  In about 15 years’ time from now,robots
' }; R& W6 B4 w: k  A will become space designers.
8 Y6 ]+ c2 _1 f7 z! H: p8 U3 c. l! A  B will look like monsters.2 _/ J" r4 e' h$ m6 J# G- \" `  y
  C will behave like animals.
" v" ~" R1 O- C& L2 J% r5 {  p3 W  D will think like humans.9 f6 F6 H0 _: @3 w! b9 x  h3 o/ K4 G! _
  34 In the future robots will also7 F- z, p) \7 |
  A explore space.: V8 q# X4 c7 g
  B entertain people.) y+ O, p& O8 D6 X1 g& t3 ~' b
  C move much faster.
# M* d3 i9 Q' e8 e: B  D do a11 of the housework.* b1 |1 w0 P! |: x2 Q& E. _$ V( v( a
  35 What is the writer’s attitude to robots in the future?% o  u$ t& D, S% Y7 m5 e' w
  A Critical.
; F7 C. h0 |9 n  ~: C  B Hostile.
5 n& V) b. m# e# @0 }1 B* s2 X1 h' r/ m  C Objective.9 b' h8 J' J$ d) P6 c3 ?% |
  D Enthusiastic

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