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[职称英语真题] 2011年职称英语考试试题_理工类A级_真题(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 _: {; s+ p# V  下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。
- A3 A' b/ ~0 h7 [% ?' y* Z  Skin Cancer! K; Q5 `2 C  G8 A& j
  Melanoma (黑素瘤), the deadliest kind of skin cancer is now the most common cancer in________(51) British women, the country's leading cancer organization said Wednesday. Skin cancer has_______(52) cervical (子宫颈的) cancer as the top cancer striking women in their 20s, according to the latest data from Cancer Research United Kingdom.) _# v$ j. O2 ?
  The trend is particularly _______(53) since younger people are not generally those most susceptible(易患的)to melanoma. Rates of skin cancer are _______(54)highest in people over age75.
  h# P: U- t- n& j" u- s% ~% ]  But experts worry that increasing numbers of younger people being diagnosed with skin cancer could be the _______(55) of a dangerous trend. Women in their 20s make _______(56) a small percentage of all patients diagnosed with melanoma in Britain, but nearly a third of all cases occur in people younger than 50.
0 M! T: G) P3 `; b/ L! n  Based on current numbers Cancer Research UK predicts that melanoma will become the fourth_______(57) common cancer for men and women of all ages by 2024, and that cases will jump from about 9,0000 cases a year to more than 15,500.  o( g$ v/ t) }5 E3 L$ J3 X
  Cancer experts _______(58) the rising number of skin cancer cases largely to the surge in people using tanning salons. "Spending time on sun beds is just as _______(59)as staying out too long in the sun," said Caroline Cerny of Cancer Research UK. The organization is starting a SunSmart _______(60) to warn Britons of the dangers of being too bronzed.6 U  C8 T: M; o- S
  "The intensity of ultraviolet rays in some sun beds can be more than 10_______(61) stronger than the midday sun," Cerny said.
# m! ~7 @' i8 \7 a  In the United States, several states require parental approval _______(62) minors can use tanning salons. Wisconsin bans people 16 and _______(63) from using tanning beds, and others ban children under 14. At least 29 states have regulations governing minors use of tanning salons.! t5 b. \+ z( |# X" b% V5 i" C( |
  In the UK, Scottish politicians passed legislation banning these under 18 from using tanning beds, though it hasn't yet been implemented. There are no plans for _______(64) in the rest of the UK.来源:考试大的美女编辑们0 v! f  X) W+ [2 [2 ~
  The world Health Organization has previously recommended that tanning beds be regulated because of their potential to damage DNA in the skin.
/ n7 ?; x, c, p1 j3 ?& y# |  Experts said most deadly skin cancers could be ______(65) if people took the proper precautions when in the sun and avoided tanning beds.: x% v' B5 \# y2 Z' w
  51. A. young B. married C. middle-aged D. elderly8 l& C6 E1 S! ~3 k8 i8 [
  52. A. overtaken B. overseen C. overlooked D. overwhelmed9 S* l% w8 t9 t6 R; M9 i0 u/ R( h  O
  53. A. encouraging B. misleading C. worrying D. booming
( j) h% w2 z- z2 Q/ ]  54. A. occasionally B. hopefully C. surprisingly D. typically
& }/ a, k2 u2 l# Q; s  55. A. line B. point C. turn D. start
8 M% V( P* F* d; Y  56. A. up B. on C. off D. to
( |6 q1 z% w! k! b% |, m' D; [3 g  57. A. most B. more C. very D. much
4 f! o* @8 s$ B& G# Z  58. A. allocate B. associate C. contribute D. attribute
4 C1 m9 r  [: g, s  59. A. ineffective B. dangerous C. exhausting D. comfortable* T% x5 `! ~( D* W- I
  60. A. execution B. campaign C. reaction D. conquest( s0 X9 D9 o$ h+ v$ K" |+ i
  61. A. degrees B. ranks C. times D. steps+ g/ a2 F+ D) [; b9 R+ s
  62. A. until B. while C. before D. although
+ v0 `2 T. m' l- U$ w: n7 C- c% L  63. A. less B. beneath C. lower D. under) e( n5 c2 G9 n( E/ p; W
  64. A. debate B. caution C. legislation D. approval8 A# n) Y: J, p; ]6 v
  65. A. avoided B. diagnosed C. predicted D. treated

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