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[职称英语真题] 2012年职称英语《理工类C级》真题答案

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  B4 `) Y6 T7 ^6 a. ~
( @4 {7 Y: v! R/ F4 d! D1、 minute——small7 l5 G1 v; _/ q/ M) m0 L5 ]3 b5 y
2、 pure——clean( N* c5 _* h, [# Z( O; F! p
3、 sharply——critically
, H2 K" O9 M7 h. `  _; \4、 wiped out——destroyed) G% u' p' p- [) I* \; X
5、 constant——regular- ~' y' ]: Y( y
6、 contempt——hate8 M; J# z) J; \  B, d
7、 secure——hate
% G- r' ]  V( F' L5 l# t# L8、 detected——discovered
3 ~0 M1 a' j/ W- r/ c) B9、 assembled——gathered
2 w" |$ H. P+ ^; D, _5 g10、 proposal——plan
2 Z" g# _3 X: H0 V11、 severe——serious2 w+ c$ B  a( u/ d  ?
12、 inspired——encouraged4 l. J; s5 ~( l# k& ?6 U
13、 withdraw——draw/ }- d  [' S( {
14、 sole——only
+ L% j3 _/ V& g& ?% E% K' I15、 artificial——false

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:34 | 显示全部楼层


阅读判断</p>" N! X7 T- [4 I, k
1、 Oklahoma is an area often experiencing natural disasters.——Wrong8 Z# T) {2 U( a' Q8 P0 y/ [% T/ U
2、 The earthquake is the most unpredictable natural disaster.——Right; p2 C) R# k1 Z' b  v
3、 Few earthquakes happen without people’s awareness.——Wrong7 Q! E1 ]/ ^% g
4、 Seismometers can identify and locate most of the earthquakes in China.——Not mentioned1 @/ G6 ~: f$ Z; ^
5、 Big earthquakes of a magnitude 8 or higher seldom happen far from the edges of tectonic plates.——Right
. n4 f# |+ V$ l0 ], v% T$ }6、 Whenever tectonic plates move, earthquakes happen.——Wrong
+ H* _& v- @3 V  R7、 The earthquake that hit the eastern half of the United States two centuries ago is the biggest “mid-plate” one in history.——Wrong
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:35 | 显示全部楼层


概括大意 有2项测试任务:(1)短文后有6个段落小标题,要求应试者根据文章的内容为其中指定的4个段落各选择一个正确的小标题;(2)短文后有4个不完整的句子,要求应试者在所提供的6个选项中选择4个正确选项分别完成每个句子</p>阅读理解- y7 [, R% t, k$ j" i1 [% |, g
5 ^3 `  i5 K: Z( z: F$ A9 K
  t$ I/ |& {+ s0 q6 ], V5 t, i! a# \5 Z, L. N* \
第一篇 Archive Gallery: The Best of Bionics
6 x+ }: W& j  G3 P0 V' r1、 “Cats”, “monkeys” and “giraffes” mentioned in paragraph 1 are examples to illustrate
( q8 D) ~% H4 X7 A——animals have skills that humans do not possess.: F  ~7 s& K# x; o' X; ~+ Y
2、 Which of the following can be found in the archive gallery?  u: I; z( l4 [" q& t2 C8 }2 p
——First practical airplanes built in the late 19th century.
% b  J0 B& P5 j, Y1 W3、 What happened after the Wright brothers’ success?" Z( S$ E: v% G, j; ?
——People studied more animals and plants to develop the airplane.
# Y. @' S2 L- R4、 Which of the following is true about the research carried out by the US Army?
" ~4 I* G5 k4 r( k1 B——It has not succeeded yet.
+ A* N2 G6 F- Q- @+ X9 G$ h5、 What does the writer want to tell in the passage?7 J  F, d. |% z5 |! O/ }
——Many inventions get ideas from nature.
( |* Z2 _, g& ^& m第二篇 Puerto Rican cuisine
4 r" w4 V% P1 T& l/ N5 }1、 The Taino people
+ V+ j4 _+ o$ H# w2、 Puerto Rican cuisine
0 |; g2 y: j( g- g5 r, V3、 Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences.
( w% c- ]: E. S4、 It is added to other dished.0 w0 y1 ^% E( `
5、 Sofrito is a type of extremely spicy food.
  P* g# C' g/ U. _# j* ]( _; T第三篇 Graphene’s Superstrength(来自于理工教材C级新增文章)
' _8 o3 l+ c: w# `' L" H1、 Graphene
$ C0 {! L' r- E1 \$ D: {" [% X2、 It is possibly the thinnest material in the word.% C7 b/ C. {) S# g
3、 put# Y1 m- n8 j& r/ ~4 U  n( }
4、 An easy way to find grapheme
% r9 a* b! a# I0 K0 k5、 it can help to make electronic components smaller.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:36 | 显示全部楼层


完型填空</p>完型填空:  文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项,要求应试者根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择l个最佳答案。
" A4 I5 g8 z+ x1 v% g
3 P3 d" {0 g- `1 t6 b( ATraffic in Our Cities
4 K: e4 N. d7 U+ r% i1 T; Y/ x- m  The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk (1) accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to (2) people to change their habits and leave their cars at home.7 R# h5 A* e) b& O. e, L, l+ P
  One possible (3) is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by (4) charges for parking and (5) tougher fines for anyone who (6) the law. In addition, drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system, (7) as "road pricing", is already being introduced in a (8) of cities, using a special electronic card (9) to the windscreen of the car.% s9 Y6 B: H# {- k, G1 t9 x
  Another way of (10) with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the (11) of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the (12) stage of their journey.
0 o1 W* f/ B/ h, R  Of course, the most important (13) is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to (14) the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable, with fares (15) at an acceptable level.
0 ~# I% G/ E; H  c1 r0 j  词汇:
1 H/ k. m9 \3 _6 G8 _% N  lengthy a. 漫长的,冗长的, U5 F" u' _& [
  persuade V. 说服,劝服
/ E" L2 Q* y+ v# Z* k4 D% `# b  approach n.方法,途径
: Y: O8 P6 O. |% s" r  windscreen n. 汽车挡风玻璃# g1 J) Z1 W5 f( M# j
  outskirt n. 郊区,市郊
+ |3 a: Z0 }0 C4 L, n/ e  reliable a. 可靠的,可信赖的3 N, {- U2 S3 q: O$ h- e* u* [
) l" O* o5 J9 I' Z7 A/ @  1. ... strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre:… 严格控制进入城市中心的 车辆数量
3 r0 \/ p- |+ x/ |2 D  r  2. ... public transport must be felt to be...: ……公共交通必须要让人感觉到……# R" T- U& G# i* L6 q6 n5 {
/ X/ h0 w9 W# L! |9 k  1. A) of B) for C) about D)by) J; _& l0 G& ?! v! S, O( {: A
  2. A) make B) arrange C) suggest D)persuade9 T3 p9 @$ s" L- e. G8 J* S1 K5 z
  3. A) approach B) manner C) custom D)style. T. G# z+ C* Y! Z+ F
  4. A) enlarging B) increasing C) growing D)developing) x5 f( e; A+ p' D& D. I( D) {
  5. A) carrying down B) putting off C) bringing in D)taking away  D8 C# W0 [# Z, n! V1 A
  6. A) crosses B) refuses C) breaks D)cracks
# ?: ^$ F9 D3 S" W  A5 z! F7 z  7. A) named B) seen C) ca lled D)known
7 [  L# c6 }# U. `1 L  8. A) quantity B) number C) total D)sum6 [; {/ V& h8 m. S3 u! p% U/ A
  9. A) fixed B) joined C) built D)placed
: T3 I# o3 B1 _% e# E  10. A) doing B) handling C) dealing D)solving
1 ^4 _: @- n; R! q: a  11 . A) outskirts B) border C) outside D)limit
: u; Z; R  \3 ^* ]3 k- o. f" R" [# g  12. A) late B) end C) complete D)final
1 z) W7 j. v! j7 D  13. A) thought B) thing C) work D)event* z8 F2 ?. C# U4 q
  14. A) pass on B) throw away C) give up D)leave out- n8 T! e& W9 h
  15. A) taken B) kept C) given D)stood
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:37 | 显示全部楼层


参考答案:1 t4 u# ]: k$ U4 ~+ E2 u: s+ e
% q+ l" U* G3 Q8 k         1. A 固定搭配 the risk of ,表示“……的风险”,所以 of 为正确答案。 其他三项均不合适。
! C2 T+ {9 Q8 O6 K  2. D根据句意和动词后的介词 to ,排除选项 A 和 C,而 arrange 表示“安排,整理”,意思与作 者要表达的“说服人们改变他们的生活习惯”不符,所以 persuade 为正确答案。/ k% D0 [5 q3 N  I: a# r
  3. A 联系上下文,可知这里提出的是一个解决问题的方法,approach 表示"方法,途径",符合句意,为正确答案。manner 表示“方式,风俗”,custom 表示“制定的,风俗”,style 表示“风
2 e4 t$ m1 T" l3 A0 E8 s/ d  格,样式”,均不符合句意。
1 z+ b; K4 a: ?) e. W/ T$ X  Y  m  4. B 根据句意,这里是说要“增加停车收费”,increase 表示“增加”,符合句意,为正确答案。 enlarge 表示“扩大,增大”,grow 表示“发展”,develop 表示“发展,开发,生长”,均不符合句意。* \$ v( O2 O& g8 ?5 O  ~! [
  5. C 根据句意,对那些违章的人的要加强收款,bringin 表示“作为……的收益”,为正确答案。 carry down 表示“搬下,结账,把……传下来”,put off 表示“推迟,脱掉”,take away 表示“带 走,取走”,均不符合句意。4 p$ J8 B$ ^% U5 h
  6. C根据句意,违规的人将会被加大惩罚方度,break 表示“打破”符合句意。cross 表示“交 叉”,refuse 表示“拒绝”, crack 表示“破裂”,均不符合题意。! Q) a- G) z0 J5 I+ r
  7. D 固定搭配 known as ... ,表示“以……为(人们)所熟知”。8 |% Y$ l  c0 n* P8 P. p" }6 H
  8. B根据句意,“道路收费”的系统已经被一些城市所引用,a number of 表示“一些”,符合句 意,为正确答案。quantity 表示“大量”,total 表示“总数”,sum 表示“合计,总数”,均不符合句意。: D# k1 E9 b3 c
  9. A fixed to ...表示“固定在……上”,文中是说“固定在汽车的挡风玻璃上”,所以选 A。其他三项都不符合句意。) s7 {& j; e7 u4 e4 {
  10. C 根据句意,要求表达另一种处理这个问题的方法,deal with problem 表示“处理问题”, 为正确答案。.
2 ~5 c7 ~( `/ T& S8 W. D$ t2 [) e  11. A 联系上下文,作者后边提到“城市中心”,再根据句意,可得出前面说“郊区”,只有7 |, r3 @, h. X' c; J3 _5 t4 t
  outskirt 是正确答案。
+ P, s  c- B1 |  12. D final 表示“最后的”,根据句子可知这里表示旅程的最后一段,为正确答案。late 表示“晚的,最近的”,不符合句意; end 不可用在名词前作修饰;complete 表示“完整的”,也不符合句意。1 `% @4 i$ X; D$ ?
  13. B“the most important thing”为惯用语,表示“最重要的事是……”,根据句意,作者要表达
1 _3 Z! Q$ y- ]8 Y9 M  [& ~9 U; x2 W  的是“最重要的事情还是提供良好的公共交通”,因此 thing 为正确答案,其他三项均不合适。- |' T/ e4 @! {( m. M' k6 `3 R9 D
  14. C pass on 表“传递,继续”,throw away 表示“扔掉,丢弃”,leave out 表示“遗漏,省去”,give up 表示“放弃”。根据句意,舍弃汽车的舒适,give up 最为恰当,所以选 C。
" I- x4 u5 z2 ?: N' L& G  15. B 固定搭配 keep at an acceptable level 表示保持在一个可接受的水平。其他三项均不正确。( e5 O9 m' G( z- z2 x! Y
0 [* h. L4 U' {+ V       译文: 城市的交通0 [; l9 l0 d+ b& n% |# `7 _
  当今世界,许多城市的交通量在不断扩大。这导致了许多问题,包括严重的空气污染、长时间拥堵,以及交通事故发生概率的增大。显而易见,我们必须要有所行动,但往往说服人们改变他们的生活习惯,使他们把车留在家里是很困难的。' [! @; ?% c, |: V
& |; {: i9 N8 I9 S; j7 l  另一种处理这个问题的方法是在城市的郊区提供廉价的停车场,并严格控制进入城市中心的车辆数量。司机和乘客乘坐特殊巴士完成他们最后的旅程。, _0 n3 V) o9 N( A
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